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Old 11-28-2002, 05:28 AM   #31
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Originally posted by excreationist:

The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil allowed people to have knowledge - knowledge about what is good and evil (like nakedness) - but it was forbidden.
The Tree of Life, which is also in God's city in Revelation, allows those who eat of its fruit to live forever. Adam and Eve were prevented from eating from it. The Tree of Life wasn't used to create anything.</strong>
The "nakedness with shame" is to be juxtaposed with "naked without shame" in Gen.2. The difference between shame and no shame is the creation of the ego (here called Adam) upon the Tree of Knowledge. So from this time forward we have two identities, first man and second our ego. Because of this dual identity we are banned from the TOL and must be redeemed before we can return to Eden and eat from the TOL. When we do Revelation will have come to pass and we will be eternal and therefore live forever. To be eternal means to take up residence in our eternal mind (which is the TOL) and reside there until the second death do us part.

So nakedness itself is not evil but the shame it brings is evidence of our dual identity behind which we can hide and that is the evil part.
Old 11-28-2002, 06:02 AM   #32
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Talking! so the bible is all symbolism? so other religions that preach much the same message are ALSO from your God? wow!

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Old 11-28-2002, 06:09 AM   #33
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Originally posted by happyboy:
<strong>! so the bible is all symbolism? so other religions that preach much the same message are ALSO from your God? wow!

Ours is the greatest because we created him that way.

By this I mean to employ the parable of the talents but this is not the place to do it (God forbid I would make believers out of you heathens).

[ November 28, 2002: Message edited by: Amos ]</p>
Old 11-28-2002, 06:25 AM   #34
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Ours is the greatest because we created him that way.

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Old 11-28-2002, 11:09 AM   #35
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Originally posted by Duvenoy:


Show me a greater one. Just look at the beautiful inspirations he left behind or are they just freaks of nature.
Old 11-28-2002, 01:15 PM   #36
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Originally posted by Amos:
<strong>...So nakedness itself is not evil but the shame it brings is evidence of our dual identity behind which we can hide and that is the evil part.</strong>
Maybe... but just remember that it is not called the "Tree of Knowledge" in Genesis - it is called the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil".
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Old 11-28-2002, 01:29 PM   #37
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Originally posted by Amos:

...something about stones on the beach, natural selection, and thanking god stones don't have thier own purpose...

What? LOL Amos, what sort of nefarious purpose would those stones have, if they were to have a purpose, that we should be thanking god they do not have?

Classic, Amos, classic. You, my friend, are now my personal favorite theist of all time, if we can actually call you a theist.
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Old 11-28-2002, 03:12 PM   #38
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Your proposition sounds like the height of ignorance because in the end each one of us has the ability to be God.
Well, the burden is upon you to demonstrate that this position is rationally tenable.


All we need to do is know who we really are to be God. In case you wonder, we need noetic vision to know who we are and once we have noetic vision we will be omniscient and don't have to believe anything anymore.
Ahh, gnosticism yes?

When I look in on myself I discover... me! I've no reason to accept that it is anything more or anything less.


Fear not and just let me prove you wrong. First of all, my "dummy" comment was a response in kind and not a blanket statement to you intellectuals.
Oh, I don't count myself as an intellectual.


Dawkins is right in that nature has no mind and no purpose because nature has no existence to be of purpose. Nature is our description of the environment and its effect upon creation.
Well, in science, nature is the term applied to all that exists, including all organisms, which include, of course, human beings. The totality of all that can be examined via the scientific method. Of course it has other more colloquial meanings too.


Without a mind nature does not select and just is. It has no plan for the future and therefore has no reason to select. Nature just is. So the phrase "natural selection" is an oxymoron at best.
I agree that the term 'selection' seems synominous with conscious choice or informed decision. However, this doesn't make the term, 'natural selection' an oxymoron but rather an example of an anthropomorphism. Where a human characterisitc is being placed on something non-human.

If it is any easier we can replace the term 'selection' with 'sieving'. Natural sieving. This is essentially what Dawkins means by 'natural selection' and goes on to give examples of unconscious sieving in The Blind Watchmaker.


I would say that nature is the negative stand against which the various forms of life make selections.
Here you are separating 'life forms' from 'nature'. Are you suggesting that life forms are unnatural? Surely they are a part of nature?


These forms of life do have a purpose (according to Dawkins) and are therefore the positive stand (if they have a purpose) in the rout of creation which is translated by Dawkins into the "apparent purpose" to make evolution known.
Well firstly, that's a big if!

According to Dawkins living organisms are driven by their genes to survive and nothing more. They have no ultimate purpose and merely impress us with the 'illusion' of design and planning.


You will agree, of course, that two stands are needed in a rout and that one must be negative and the other positive. So with nature being the negative stand (lucky for mother earth that we called her mother), all forms of life that interact with her must be intelligent enough to have intercourse with her and allow us to reproduce the offspring we desire to generate.
No, I don't agree. Once again you are separating 'life forms' from 'nature'. If life forms are not a part of nature then they are not natural and are therefore unnatural.

Are you asking us to believe that life is unnatural?


Oh it does, but to me an atheist is just an impoverished believer with too much unstructured space upstairs.
Yes, but to you life forms are not a part of nature (which is negative) and are therefore unnatural which doesn't give me a great deal of confidence about anything you are saying.


No. Purely natural forces will "arrange" stones on a beach according to size simply because of the natural forces at work. No intelligence is involved though.
Yes, I know. This is the point I was making. You're simply repeating it back to me. BTW, aren't things produced as a result of intelligence also the result of natural forces at work?


Of course the placement of stones on a beach is natural selection. Lets just thank God that they don't have a purpose of their own.
So now you're agreeing that unconscious sorting of stones is natural selection. Earlier you described it as an oxymoron. I'm saying that it is an anthropomorphism that can be replaced with 'natural sieving'.


Agreed. We'll just call it a misnomer by the founder of Evolution.
Well, I won't call it that. I'll call it an anthropomorphism, the definition of which is, "Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena."


A cameleon can change its colors on demand and through the subconscious mind all sentient beings can influence their own genetic make-up to make adaptation possible. You would call this mutations because you look at them after the fact. The theory of creation looks at the effective cause for these changes. I should add here that in my view essence precedes existence which means that procreation follows a predetermined pattern which is created or just ied by the incarnate mind. In animals this would be the soul or subconscious mind.
Firstly, this is a fallacious arguement because when a chameleon changes its colours it is not changing its genetic make-up. It's genetic make-up allows it to change colour on demand.

Secondly, you can only say this on the basis of observing organisms whose 'design' is favourable under a given set of conditions. What about those whose 'design' is not favourable? Why have large numbers of species become extinct if changes are always to favour adaption to suit circumstances?


The answer to the creation-evolution debate is to recognize the creator within the species. If religion is wrong in their explanation of God it is much better to attack religion and not the intelligent design found within creation.
If there is an (intelligent) creator within the species then why are large numbers of species simply wiped out?

How do you explain cancer for example? The sign of the intelligent creator at work within the species? What does this say about the creator?

[ November 28, 2002: Message edited by: E_muse ]</p>
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Old 11-28-2002, 04:28 PM   #39
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Show me a greater one. Just look at the beautiful inspirations he left behind or are they just freaks of nature.
There is no such thing as a 'freak of nature.' Two headed animals don't last long and have no impact upon the species as a whole. On the other hand, some genetic varitions are beneficial to the species. Our large brains are an example (although it has yet to be proven that big thinking has any long-term, evolutionary value).

Methinks that man created God in his owm image, not t'other way 'round. Of course, some gods were given images that were much more interesting. Quetzacoatl, the Aztec Feathered Serpent comes to mind. But, for the most part, they were just like us. Indeed, they is us. Bummer.

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Old 11-28-2002, 04:40 PM   #40
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Originally posted by excreationist:
Maybe... but just remember that it is not called the "Tree of Knowledge" in Genesis - it is called the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil".</strong>
Sure either way. TOL and TOK. Bcause we are conscious in the TOK we know that we will die. This does not mean that without the TOK we would not die but only suggests that because of the TOK we will be consciously aware of death. The implied message here is that without the TOK we are eternal and so eternal life is when we place the TOK subservient to the TOL.

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