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Old 09-25-2002, 05:38 PM   #111
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Originally posted by Primal:
<strong>Good points on breast feeding being healthy but it can still be done in the restroom they aren't that grimy. The mom I imagine can get to the restroom before the baby starts crying, if there is a way for her to tell when it's hungry before it cries. In regards to my eating in the restroom vs an infant, yes, there is a difference I eat from surfaces, the little runts do not. And yes, I dislike infants, they drool, are loud and smell bad. They are also very ignorant and very irrational at times. I liked the idea of public sex rooms a lot btw. Sounds logical.

Also evolution gave us the urge to screw whenever we are excited, does that mean I hump anyone I find attractive? Nope, there's more to it then that. Same with breast feeding and motherhood. I really don't see motherhood as that big a deal, certainly its no more "sacred" then many other core biological drives.</strong>
I don't think of motherhood as sacred either. I do think that regardless of how society feels about sex in public you should check with said attractive women before humping them. Most of us enjoy spontanaeity but that's a little too much of a surprise.

Restrooms are nasty. I don't know how much experience you have with women's restrooms but let me give you the scoop. They stink! Usually the plumbing is not adequately maintained and there are usually not enough people employed to keep them clean. There is usually trash on the floor. I don't know why women can't seem to find the trash cans these days but it seems to be getting worse. There are no chairs or couches. A nursing mother would have to stand. Even if she sat on a toilet, she would occupying a stall required by other patrons who have to pee. The floor is often wet. I have never had the desire to find out with what. Contrary to popular belief the wmones restroom is usually dirtier than the men's because they get used more. So, it's not a place one should go unless absolutely necessary.

Public sex rooms is good though. Think what it would mean for teens with no place to go.

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Old 09-26-2002, 03:06 PM   #112
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Public sex rooms is good though. Think what it would mean for teens with no place to go.
Hell yeah Glory. The only problem I see is that the religious right would probably riot. But hopefully they will fade into the dust bins of history.
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Old 09-26-2002, 03:14 PM   #113
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Originally posted by Primal:

Hell yeah Glory. The only problem I see is that the religious right would probably riot. But hopefully they will fade into the dust bins of history. </strong>
They'd riot 'cause it would their kids and spouses using them.

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Old 09-27-2002, 04:46 AM   #114
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A practical thought on legal public nudity:

I'd hate to sit my bare ass on a vinal restaraunt booth seet after x-hundred other bare asses have sat there.

Furthermore, knowing the "leaky faucet" effect that I tend to have after using the restroom, I'd hate to have nude people tracking in and out of the public bathrooms.

Generally speaking, it's probably not a bad idea from a health perpsective to have people at least keep their nether regions covered - or more accurately, CONTAINED. It could be transparent garments for all I care. Just keep all those microscopic nasties out of general circulation.

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Old 09-27-2002, 07:21 AM   #115
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Digression and rant:

Lately it seems like there are more people in the world who have a problem with other people. This whole "breastfeeding bothers me" discussion reminds me of people who complain about restaraunts singing to people on their birthdays. "It's so annoying. They shouldn't do that. It interrupts my meal." Boo-hoo.

You know, if other people are that bothersome, don't go out in public. Go live as a hermit.

To quote Dave Barry:
"Nobody is normal... No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously."

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Old 09-27-2002, 09:18 AM   #116
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Originally posted by Primal:
<strong>Also I'm asking, if a baby can suck on breasts in public why can't an adult?</strong>
That will be next and maybe some of us will be allowed to act like Bonobos in public.

[ September 27, 2002: Message edited by: Amos ]</p>
Old 09-27-2002, 10:58 AM   #117
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A baby needs to suck on its mothers breast for nourishment, and you don't.

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Old 10-02-2002, 11:01 AM   #118
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Well, and hell, what about toplessness? Fat guys look exactly the same as fat women without their shirts on, but one is allowed to go topless and the other not? What's the point?
Hey! Here in NY it is LEGAL for women to go topless in public! Although, I've yet to see any women exercising that right.
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Old 10-02-2002, 11:15 AM   #119
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Originally posted by Glory:
<strong>Lastly, GET OVER THE BOOBS! There is no good reason to object to a bare chest on a women in situations which do not require a shirt on a man. As for breast feeding, GROW UP! I breast fed my daughter in public everyday for a year. The only comments I got from strangers were complements on my beautiful....

People in Sonoma have evolved that much at least.
(Yes, haven't we all )

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Old 10-08-2002, 02:40 PM   #120
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You know, if other people are that bothersome, don't go out in public. Go live as a hermit.
So your prefernces are absolute law and anyone who questions them should go "be a hermit". It is all preference friend and if another disagrees with your preferences then you should expect them to criticize.

I bet even you have certain standards against people being obnoxiously loud for example i.e. people screaming at the top of their lungs during a movie "this sux ass!" throughout the entire flick. Or someone preaching in the middle of your neighborhood using a loud microphone and boom box.Now you might say "that's different.....that's noise pollution....harassment...etc."

But to a person at a restuarant people eating singing "happy birthday" may constitute noise pollution and harassment.
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