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Old 06-04-2003, 08:40 PM   #1
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Angry Attention: Women Abusers Abound

Hey people, I don't know if this would pertain to this forum for discussion, so mods, feel free to move it.

I was listening to the radio the other day and they had a bit on this report:

Just wondering what people thought of it.
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Old 06-04-2003, 10:15 PM   #2
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Default Re: Attention: Women Abusers Abound

Originally posted by southbound69us
Hey people, I don't know if this would pertain to this forum for discussion, so mods, feel free to move it.

I was listening to the radio the other day and they had a bit on this report:

Just wondering what people thought of it.
I don't know about the statistics they cite, but the pattern doesn't surprise me.
There's a big hole in it, though--it's distorting the picture.

1. Women are three times more likely than men to use weapons in spousal violence.

Because they need them.

2. Women initiate most incidents of spousal violence.

Define "initiate". Did they throw the first blow, or did they start the fight verbally?

3. Women commit most child abuse and most elder abuse.

Whose the primary caregiver usually?

4. Women hit their male children more frequently and more severely than they hit their female children.

I'm not surprised.

5. Women commit most child murders and 64% of their victims are male children.

Again, I'm not surprised.

6. When women murder adults the majority of their victims are men.

Of course--when a woman murders it's probably domestic. A disproportionate number of other adults in the household are men.

7. Women commit 52% of spousal killings and are convicted of 41% of spousal murders.

In other words, lots of the time when they kill their spouse it's ruled justifyable.

8. Eighty two percent of the general population had their first experience of violence at the hands of women.

Does this include:

1) Spanking?

2) Getting slapped for an inappropriate touch or even statement?
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Old 06-05-2003, 12:29 AM   #3
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We think it is important to note that there have been the same kind of studies done in many countries. There is cross-cultural verification that women are more violent than men in family settings. When behavior has cross-cultural verification it means that it is part of human nature rather than a result of cultural conditioning. Females are most often the perpetrators in spousal violence in most cultures that have been studied to date.
I would be interested in seeing statistics to back these claims up. I can think of numerous countries off the top of my head where it would be accurate to say all spousal violence is at the hands of men.

Power is smething both sexes can fall in love with in any setting. Domestic and spousal abuse has been unfairly portrayed within the western media but the responses some are taking to this are just as extreme. It's becoming a battle of the sexes rather than about facts on both sides of the equation.
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Old 06-05-2003, 03:10 AM   #4
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I freely admit I took to my ex-husband once armed with a broom and that he needed medical treatment as a result. He had had an operation on his arm and it was in plaster and I aimed straight for that.

However, I was pregnant and he backhanded me first. I totally lost control. The arsehole had hit me several times during the pregnancy and had given me a severe beating once. None of those times had I received medical treatment (though I should have) because my ex-husband wouldn't let me.

So he probaly comes up as a statistic and I don't.

Did I initiate these beatings. He would say so. I had accidently got pregnant and refused to have an abortion when he wanted me to have one. Other reasons he hit me for included a) I spent 'his' money on a pair of stockings for myself b) I broke a cup c) my son did something naughty and I, as his mother, was to blame.

My ex-husband is much bigger than me. He is 5 ft 11in and I am 5ft 3in. The only chance I had against him was to arm myself (and I only did it this the once). If his arm hadn't a;ready been so sore he could have easily disarmed me.

However in his parents relationship it was his mother who was violent towards her husband and her sons.

Likewise I do know a man who is regularly the victim of domestic violence. His wife is much bigger than him. Her mother (now dead) used to laugh at it all and yet that woman was a victim of domestic violence during her 2nd marriage.
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Old 06-05-2003, 08:58 AM   #5
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Wow Kuu what a story, I"m glad you are ok.

Ok I"m doubtful of these statistics because of the following reasons:
1) No report of how they were collected
2) No discussion of who these statistics gatherers even ARE
3) They make statements like this:

Some wives call police because they are frightened by a minor incident. Perhaps she thought calling the police was a "trump card" in an argument. These women do not realize that with one phone call they have invited the government and feminism into their home.
No legitimate scientific organization would make such a statement in a simple stats report.

Here's a slightly more scientific study, which explains a little bit about how he collected his data. It's not a very good study. Furthermore, he assumes that if a man reports abuse against a "partner," that the partner is always a female - in other words, no control for gay partner abuse.

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Old 06-05-2003, 09:20 AM   #6
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I am very skeptical about this report and it's statistics. It sounds more like a spousal abuse apologetic site. The first tip off was the statistic about most women initiate the abuse!

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Old 06-05-2003, 09:29 AM   #7
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Ok I found a great article about this issue that is 31 pages long.

Click Here for a PDF.

Domestic Violence: By Michael Kimmel, Professor of Sociology, SUNY

Here are some highlights:
Even some police departments are surprised by the recent percentages of women who are charged with assault of their partners. In Concord, NH, 35% of domestic assult arrests are of women, an increase from23% in1993. In Boulder, CO, 25% of those charged in domestic assaults were women.
A 1997 review of the literature by psychologist Martin Fiebert found 79 empirical studies and 16 reviews of literature that demonstrated gender symmetry among couples…The questions they raise are troubling, but the questions they, themselves ask are far from clear. For example, does gender symmetry mean that women hit women as often as men hit women? Or does that it mean that an equal number of men and women hit each other? Or does it refer to men’s and women’s motivations for such violence, or does it mean that the consequences of it are symmemtrical? These questions are often lumped together in reviews of literature and “meta-analyses.”
Apparently some of Fieberts studies are suspect for being good information.
2 were based on people’s perceptions of violence, but offered no data about violence itself, while another was based on reports of witnessing violence that contained no useful data…One was a study of young people that had no comparisons by gender, and one was based on violence in American comic strips in 1950! (emphasis scigirl’s)
Gonzalez’s unpublished Masters thesis (1997),written apparently under Fiebert’s supervision, is the sole survey that purports to find gender symmetry. While it may be of interest that most of the women said their violence was a “spontaneous reaction to frustration,” Gonzales did not survey males nor administer to a sample of males the same questionnaire. Unfortunately, one can make no inferences whatever about gender symmetry when one surveys only one gender.
Those who insist on gender symmetry must also account for two statistical anomalies. First, there is the dramatic disproportion of women in shelters and hospital emergeny care facilities. Why is it that when we begin at the end of the domestic violence experience – when we examine the serious injuries that often are its consequence – the rates are so dramatically asymmetrical? Second, claims of gender symmetry in marital violence must be squared with the empirical certainty that in every single other arena of social life, men are far more disproportionately likely to use violence than women. Why are women so much more violent in the home that their rates approach, or even exceed, those of men, while in every other non-domestic arena men’s rates of violence are about nine times those of women?
Anyway this article goes into great detail, and I printed it out to read later (just great happy bedtime reading I tell ya!) One thing I get from just skimming the survey:

1) Women do indeed abuse men at a fairly high rate – it’s not 99.9% men, .1% women, as a critic of Fiebert had said.

2) Men still abuse women more – especially if you look at world statistics, in terms of amount, and severity.

3) Fiebert is full of shit!

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Old 06-06-2003, 09:44 PM   #8
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I'm betting you'll see the number of women charged with domestic violence continue to increase. Laws in many states now require someone to be arrested and charged when police are called for domestic disturbance. Just being charged can have life altering consequences, regardless the outcome in court.

In many situations, when both are fighting, though no one is beating the other, the male may feel the woman is about to call the police. If he is aware of such a law in his state, he may beat her to the phone, and thus, she is charged with domestic violence.

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Old 06-07-2003, 10:06 AM   #9
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Those statistics are bullshit and lack any credible source to substantiate them. Another thing they seem to ignore, the hormone testesterone is certainly a factor in the more aggressive nature of men. Men will always be more potentially violent than women, even though women are capable of violent acts.

Look at our primate cousins, the chimps. Is it the females that badger and dominate the males? While female chimps have been known to murder their infants, by and large it's the males that are violent, have alpha fights, start chimp wars and murder infants. It's the males that are often abusive to the females. We're not all that different than our chimp cousins when it comes to male dominance. It's a matter of biology to some extent. Is it women that start wars? Are most of the violent criminals in prisons, women?

If we women are so tough, how come we're not ruling the world. It's men that rule the world and make laws that subjugate women. Look at the the mideast for examples of the brutality of men against women. Where are all the cultures where the reverse is true?

The type of mentality portrayed in that site is just another way of trying to victimize and betray women. Yeah, right. We're the bad guys.
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Old 06-07-2003, 03:45 PM   #10
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Originally posted by southernhybrid
Those statistics are bullshit and lack any credible source to substantiate them. Another thing they seem to ignore, the hormone testesterone is certainly a factor in the more aggressive nature of men. Men will always be more potentially violent than women, even though women are capable of violent acts.
I think those stats are a prime example of how to lie with statistics. Note my rebuttal post--I suspect the stats are accurate but they don't mean what they appear to mean.
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