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Old 07-06-2003, 01:19 AM   #1
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Default Navy Chaplains have problems behaving

Your tax dollars at work.

Navy details high rate of misconduct in chaplain corps

"Navy chaplains, in fact, create a disproportionate number of problem cases," Navy Chaplain Corps official Bradford Ableson wrote in a 1999 memo that is among several documents obtained by The Associated Press.

The previously undisclosed records describe offenses including adultery, spousal assault and sexual harassment that were so pervasive that in 1999, then-Navy Secretary Richard Danzig ordered a new training and oversight program to ensure the nearly 870 naval chaplains met high moral standards.

. . .

Most of the punished chaplains--28 of the 42--were accused of sexual misconduct or harassment, according to the documents.

Examples include a Roman Catholic chaplain who went to prison for molesting the young sons of sailors and Marines; a Seventh-Day Adventist chaplain was court-martialed for an indecent assault during a counseling session; and three chaplains-- a Baptist, a Catholic and a United Pentacostal Church International--were punished for downloading pornography onto Navy computers.
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Old 07-06-2003, 04:35 PM   #2
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Default Poor chaplains. Long time at sea... They humans too...

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Old 07-06-2003, 07:09 PM   #3
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Most of the few chaplains I knew in the Navy were pretty good guys but we did have one who used to scream at the "mess cranks" in the wardroom. The last time he just snapped at dinner, jumped out of his chair and had the FSA bent back over a table with his fist drawn back, was pulled off the guy.

He was off the ship the next day.
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Old 07-07-2003, 11:05 PM   #4
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Never had any bad experiences with Navy Chaplains, and in fact on my last deployment went out drinking with the RC chaplain and a few others. He was a good guy.

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Old 07-10-2003, 01:51 PM   #5
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I rarely even saw any of the AF chaplains, except for at big gatherings (change-of-commands, retirements, what-have-you). I know you're allowed to call them Father, Pastor, etc., but I still would just refer to them as sir (never met a woman chaplain) since they were, IMHO, officers first. Never had any problem with them. During the holidays and such they'd bring cookies and stuff around.
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