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Old 09-28-2002, 07:40 AM   #11
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Well, I believe that we do have a second hand telling of a group of Gnostics from he 120s who espoused #3, that the ressurection was not a literal or bodily rising from the dead.
Close, but no cigar, and a bit after 120. I have already allowed that the Gospels were written much later than we believe, so I do not think this one works either. Given the fact of the persecutions, with Romans and Jews alike friendly to apostates, there ought to be a fragment somewhere.

I'd go with "we had that, but we think the Christians burned our library."

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Old 09-28-2002, 07:42 AM   #12
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Do you believe then that Muhammed was taken up into Heaven?
I doubt it, but I said "essentially historical" anyway. Now you are asking if I believe every word.

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Old 09-29-2002, 03:55 PM   #13
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Greetings Radorth,

You said :

1. I never heard of any written gospel story being circulated until 120.
Indeed Aristides did -

Aristides in the 120s refers to the Gospels as only being preached for a short time :
"... the gospel, as it is called, which a short time was preached among them".

We also see :[*] No references to the Gospels before then[*] No quotes from the Gospels before then

2. The whole story was made up from stuff Paul wrote.
What on earth are you talking about?

3. Everybody knows Jesus didn't really rise from the dead.
numerous doubters ARE on record :

The Sadducees were especially doubtful of the resurrection (according to Tertullian), as well as un-named others :

“Paul, in his first epistle to the Corinthians, sets his mark on certain who denied and doubted the resurrection. This opinion was the especial property of the Sadducees.”

Basilides denied the reurrection of the flesh :

"The resurrection of the flesh [Basilides] strenuously impugns, affirming that salvation has not been promised to bodies"

Simon and Cleobius, according to The Acts of Paul, denied the resurrection of the flesh :

“For there were certain men come to Corinth, Simon and Cleobius, saying: There is no resurrection of the flesh..."

The 2nd century is full of arguments such as this, showing many skeptics doubted the resurrection really happened or would happen. You seem totally unaware of the background, Radorth.

4. We took an old diary and expanded on it. After we wrote Luke's gospel, people started believing it really happened.
5. The church leaders paid us a lot of money to shut up, but said we would fall down dead if we didn't tithe on it.
You're raving again.

Old 09-29-2002, 06:16 PM   #14
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You're raving again.
That's Radorth's style. I am begining to get used to it. Pretty soon we will all be ignoring these priceless statements and simply continue.
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Old 09-30-2002, 07:15 AM   #15
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Originally posted by Radorth:

I doubt it, but I said "essentially historical" anyway. Now you are asking if I believe every word.

Why do you doubt that Muhamed was taken up in to heaven?

In the first post of this thread, you stated:

how come we have not one single writing saying one or more of the following?

1. I never heard of any written gospel story being circulated until 120.

2. The whole story was made up from stuff Paul wrote.

3. Everybody knows Jesus didn't really rise from the dead.

4. We took an old diary and expanded on it. After we wrote Luke's gospel, people started believing it really happened.

5. The church leaders paid us a lot of money to shut up, but said we would fall down dead if we didn't tithe on it.
It's clear that you are arguing that Xianity must be true because of a lack of dissenting documentation.

If Islam can make the same claims, then why don't you accord them the same level consideration? It seems to me that you have a double standard for evaluating the truth of a religion. Could this perhaps be a bias due to your upbringing in a nation dominated by the Xian religion?

Clearly there is stuff made up in the Muslim faith WRT to the origins of the religion. And yet we have no early dissenting documenation to counter those claims. That doesn't stop you from rejecting the claims. Why is the same not true for Xianity? Why can it not be true for the mythical Jesus hypothesis? If one claim is an unchallenged lie, why are not all claims treated as unchallenged lies?
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Old 09-30-2002, 07:15 AM   #16
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Originally posted by Radorth:
<strong>Given the safe presumption that there were at least 1042 apostate Christians in existence before 150, how come we have not one single writing saying one or more of the following?

1. I never heard of any written gospel story being circulated until 120.

2. The whole story was made up from stuff Paul wrote.

3. Everybody knows Jesus didn't really rise from the dead.

4. We took an old diary and expanded on it. After we wrote Luke's gospel, people started believing it really happened.

5. The church leaders paid us a lot of money to shut up, but said we would fall down dead if we didn't tithe on it.


A)Why is the initial presumption "safe"

B)If someone did write such in the period in question, who would go to the trouble of preserving it?
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