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Old 01-09-2002, 06:43 AM   #1
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Question Whats going on in China?

I forget what channel I had on,but two nights ago I was up at 4:00 AM watching late night news and there were headlines scrolling by at the bottom of the screen.
One of the headlines that scrolled by said that China had indicted some businessmen for bringing Christian bibles into the country.

I`ve been watching the news since then and checking the internet,but I havent heard anything else about it.
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Old 01-09-2002, 07:22 AM   #2
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Google search:

<a href=" lines" target="_blank">China Accuses Bible Smuggler</a>

<a href="" target="_blank">U.S. lawmaker blasts China over Bible trader</a>
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Old 01-09-2002, 07:23 AM   #3
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From the <a href="" target="_blank">Washington Post</a>:
<strong>Bush Worried About China Bible Arrest

The Associated Press
Monday, January 7, 2002; 4:15 PM

WASHINGTON –– The State Department is seeking an explanation from China about the reported arrest of a Hong Kong businessman for shipping Bibles to a Christian group.

President Bush is deeply concerned about the reports, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said Monday.

The businessman, Li Guangqiang, 38, was indicted in the southeastern city of Fuqing on charges that he brought thousands of Bibles to the underground Christian group on the mainland, a human rights organization said Saturday.

The court in Fuqing said Li had "used a cult to undermine the enforcement of the law," the Hong Kong-based Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy said. It said Li might face the death penalty.

Li was accused of taking 33,080 Bibles to the Shouters Sect in two trips last April and May. Two members of the Christian group, Yu Zhudi and Lin Xifu, who made the request for the Bibles, were also indicted, the rights group said.

The Shouters Sect was banned in 1995 as an "aberrant religious organization," according to the human rights group Amnesty International.

The State Department is looking into the reports at Bush's request and has registered its concerns with the Chinese Embassy in Washington as well as with Chinese authorities in Beijing, Boucher said.

The spokesman noted Bush had expressed concern about religious freedom in China to President Jiang Zemin at a meeting of Pacific nations last October in Shanghai.

� 2002 The Associated Press
Do a <a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>-search for "bibles china 2002", if you want to know more

edited to say "damn, gravitybow beat me to it"

[ January 09, 2002: Message edited by: Deadend ]</p>
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Old 01-09-2002, 07:50 AM   #4
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Freedom of religion is wrong if the mythology is for the survival of the tribe.

In Anthro 101 we learn that the mythology is for the survival and prosperity of the tribe.

Hence freedom of religion is wrong (especially if it is a marauding sext driven by the fire of hell).

Old 01-09-2002, 08:41 AM   #5
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When I was a teenager a teenage girl I knew went with a christian group to smuggle bibles into China. Thinking back on it, it seems like an incredibly irresponsilbe thing for an organization to put a minor in danger like that. Yes it was illegal back then too.
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Old 01-09-2002, 08:49 AM   #6
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I have a problem with this. Isn't smuggling bibles into China against Chinese law? Isn't smuggling just about anythingin to the States against US law? Then what would we do if China started to holler because we caught and were going to publish Chinese citizens form smuggling stuff into the US?

Do we have the right to tell China that their laws are wrong?
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Old 01-09-2002, 09:03 AM   #7
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Originally posted by Amos:
<strong>. . . freedom of religion is wrong (especially if it is a marauding sext [sic] driven by the fire of hell).</strong>
OK Amos, we've all had quite enough of your pointless, meaningless maunderings on the subjects of religion and truth. Now let's have some details.

Exactly which denominations are "marauding sects driven by the fire of hell" whose adherants are not entitled to the freedom to practice their religion? Exactly which are entitled to this freedom?

Out with it, you little weaselly troll.
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Old 01-09-2002, 09:30 AM   #8
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"Exactly which are entitled to this freedom?"

Who decides these conditions? And who judges each case?

And do you seriously think that a repeal of the 'freedom of religion' clause would ever stand a chance of passing in the US? I, as an atheist, would vote harshly against repealing it.
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Old 01-09-2002, 10:48 AM   #9
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Originally posted by IvanK:
Exactly which denominations are "marauding sects driven by the fire of hell" whose adherants are not entitled to the freedom to practice their religion? Exactly which are entitled to this freedom?

Out with it, you little weaselly troll.</strong>
Ivan, I have posted many times who these marauding sects are and you always say "Duh."

In America we have freedom of religion and so it is open season on all souls. Nothing what happens inside another church can harm you if you do not go there. The problem begins when other churches begin to prey on innocent victims of social oppression. The oppression can be internal or external and is a normal part to our journey of life. These victims are the carcasses on which the vultures gather. In America this is fair game but in other countries this is not and we should repsect their right to have freedom of religion excluded from their constitution. They should know what is good for them and laugh at us for allowing freedom of religion. The exception here is Catholicism which can and always will overshadow other minor mythologies. Look at what happened to the Canadian Indians in Eastern vs Western Canada. Catholicism is [most] always welcome anywhere in the world because of this.

The marauding sexts are those with a bible in their right hand who feel the inner urge to share their own damnation with others in effort to aquire richess in heaven after they die.

You should read "Exodus II" by Steve Lightle (sp) which was written about an exodus prepared for the Jews of the USSR into Israel. There were millions of bibles stacked into warehouses West of Russia and a trail was prepared for them with warehouses stored with food, bedding and clothing all the way from the USSR through Germany and south into Israel. This is actually true, yes. A large underground netword was working inside the USSR in preparation for this. This exodus never happened in history because the USSR fell before all was complete. After the fall of the USSR more Jews went into Russia than came out and the exodus was just opposite to what these fundies had anticipated.

Why do fundies have this urge? Because they have drank of the cup of Gods wrath in full strenght (Rev.14:10). They actually display the mark of the beast as announced by the three angels prior to that (Rev.14:6-12). 1) They sore through midheaven from where they boast about their salvation. 2)They proclaim that Babylon the great has fallen (the whore of Babylon is the RCC to which I agree but you would never understand). 3) They fear the end of the world and caution others about the mark of the beast while they display it themselves unknowingly.

You should know that the "wine made at the Wedding in Cana" is opposite to "the wine of Gods wrath poured full strenght into the cup of his anger." The fear you have of them is because you see the smoke of their torment but you do not have a clue that their torment is what drives many of these people insane to the point that we are now at war (once again) with Afghanistan in preparation for the next exodus.


Ps If you think I am a little weaselly troll you are fucking idiot who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
Old 01-09-2002, 11:02 AM   #10
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Originally posted by elwoodblues:
<strong>"Exactly which are entitled to this freedom?"

Who decides these conditions? And who judges each case?

And do you seriously think that a repeal of the 'freedom of religion' clause would ever stand a chance of passing in the US? I, as an atheist, would vote harshly against repealing it.</strong>
But Elwood (if you post was addressed to me), I am not suggesting that we should change the constitution of the USA. I only suggest that we should respect the constitution of others and pointed out why freedom of religion is not always part of it.

They will be the judge just as we are the judge in our constitution. The Hague has nothing to do with this.

Let me add here that civilizations rise and fall for reason that originates from within. Foresight in needed to prevent this because there is no stopping it while on the way down.


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