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Old 11-21-2002, 10:40 AM   #21
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Originally posted by Daisy:
<strong>Can anyone tell me what an "arminian" is and how that differs from a "Calvinist"?

Seems strange to me that Calvinism is treated like a cult by Christians.

I know nothing of the Baptist world.</strong>
The difference is the belief in free will, especially as it relates to salvation. A Calvinist would claim that Man, being totally depraved and all that, is incapable of repenting of his sins and accepting Jesus of his own accord. Rather, God chooses those whom he will save, and if he doesn't choose you it's the lake of fire, and there's nothing you can do about it. Furthermore, God has already made the decision. irrespective of what you do or don't do during yoiur life - hence "predestination". An Arminian on the other hand would contend that the offer of salvation is open to everyone - we choose God, not the other way around.
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Old 11-21-2002, 11:38 AM   #22
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Originally posted by Starboy:
<strong>It's not so bad that there are people that believe weird things. What concerns me is that they are getting others to join them, to the point where it is affecting the schools, politics and public discourse. When you think about it, it is fascinating that it is happening at all. Makes you wonder what must be going on in society to make people prefer fairy tales to reality. Perhaps it isn’t about god, love or peace or any of the other things the religious are so keen to spout as the benefit of religion, maybe it is all about power, and those that control the minds of the most people are the winners.

This is really correct and also kind of scary. I had one creationist tell me point blank that he would rather not know if he was wrong because he was comfortable with his beliefs and at 50 years of age he was too old to change anyways.


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Old 11-21-2002, 01:00 PM   #23
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Posted by Helen at the BB:

Islam is a religion, to be sure, but based on a lie instead of the truth, thus leading men and women to hell.
And how does she know that Islam is based upon a lie, while Christianity is based upon the truth? Because she has Faith! Our Holy Book is the Word of God, while their Holy Book is nothing but a pack of lies.

I'm astonished that they don't seem capable of understanding that their faith-based beliefs are no better-justified than other faith-based beliefs.

"I'm right, and you're wrong."
"How do you know?"
"Because my Holy Book says so!"
"Well, my Holy Book says that you're wrong!"
"Yes, but yours is obviously a pack of lies."

And so it goes.

[ November 21, 2002: Message edited by: The Lone Ranger ]</p>
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Old 11-21-2002, 01:43 PM   #24
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From <a href="" target="_blank">The Devil's Dictionary</a> by Ambrose Bierce:

SCRIPTURES, n. The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based.
Edited for formatting

[ November 21, 2002: Message edited by: LeftCoast ]</p>
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Old 11-21-2002, 05:14 PM   #25
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Thanks. I see now that there is a whole forum on the BB for <a href="" target="_blank">Calvinists vs Arminians</a>
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