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Old 07-03-2002, 01:23 PM   #21
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Originally posted by Creation's Terrier:
[QB]Now you’re just being silly. The Bible is the inspired word of God. I’m sure it says so.
So the Bible is true because it says so??? What more perfect example of the fallacy of circular logic can there be!!!! Here is how you sound to me.

I claim that the moon is populated by flying purple people-eaters(FPPEs). It's true because I say so.

Why is it that I think that anyone would want evidence that there were 1)such entities as FPPEs, 2)they indeed lived on the moon. My say-so doesn't even begin to cut it (evidence-wise).
The Bible's say-so is equally insufficient. To put it another way.....

The question is what proof do you have that validates the Bible's claim of "truth"? Someone should also remind you that your ASSERTION that it's the truth does not make it so.

Does it not have much on the matter of false gods? Show me where your Quetzacoatl or whatever claimed the error of following false gods! The Aztecs wouldn’t make such a claim, bcause they knew in their heart of hearts they were following them!
You're wrong about the Aztecs... They believed in the truth of their Gods as strongly as you do now. The Aztecs were forcibly enslaved by the Spaniards and many were brutally tortured and killed for no other reason than they refused to "recant" their faith and most of their holy books were burned in the fires with them (yet another example of "Xtain compassion", one of my favorite oxymorons!).

The Bible is the Truth, the rest are pale imitations (eg all that dying-and-rising god stuff, Dionysus, Eleusis, Osiris etc) or the work of the devil. I’m not sure how you tell the difference; either way, the Bible is the the One True Way.
Just what the Inquistors said just before they raped, murdered and tortured the Aztecs! This type of exclusionary rethetoric is one reason why I am convinced that it is going to be some religious fundy that lights the blue-touch paper of Armaggedon, convinced that he and his (the sons of the Way, the Truth, and the Light) will inherit the earth from all of the all of those bad-ole Satan-deluded unbelievers or at the very least get to watch them barbeque in "Sky-Daddy's hell for all eternity. SHHHEEESH!!!!

[ July 03, 2002: Message edited by: mfaber ]</p>
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Old 07-03-2002, 01:36 PM   #22
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Damn! I go away for a little while and y'all bury my toy. Harumph!

Oh well. It wasn't all that challenging nor really much fun, anyway.

Hey xBob, I see you're not gone afterall. Excellent! Have you been doing any good reading?

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Old 07-03-2002, 03:24 PM   #23
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Originally posted by Chrestomathy:
<strong>Perhaps he really is just the "Lord's Lapdog"??? </strong>
Christ's Chihuahua?
Dembski's Dalmatian?
Lamarck's Labrador?
Huxley's Hound?
Behe's Bulldog?
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Old 07-03-2002, 03:31 PM   #24
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Pope's Poodle?
Paul's Pekinese?


Duvenoy's Sock Puppy?
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Old 07-03-2002, 03:36 PM   #25
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Originally posted by IesusDomini:

Christ's Chihuahua?
Dembski's Dalmatian?
Lamarck's Labrador?
Huxley's Hound?
Behe's Bulldog?</strong>
I'll play!

The Popes' St. Bernard (ROTFL!)
Pauls Poodle
Augustines Pussy?
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Old 07-03-2002, 04:07 PM   #26
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"Duvenoy's Sock Puppy?"

No, no, Mageth. Any sock I run is gonna come off a lot better than that. Mine'll be better read and with far more outrageous notions.

Might be fun, though, whaddya think?

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Old 07-03-2002, 04:10 PM   #27
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Reread your previous post and you might see where I got my (apparently) mistaken idea...
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Old 07-03-2002, 04:29 PM   #28
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Yeah, I kind'a see what you mean (chuckle).

Hoping that C.T. will return and confirm my innocence.

Assuming that I really am innocent, hmmm?

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Old 07-03-2002, 05:51 PM   #29
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Matthew's Maltese!
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Old 07-03-2002, 07:02 PM   #30
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I wonder if creations terrier is Oolon having a bit of a spoof on us. His E-mail is "Darwins Terrier..." Hmmm

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