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Old 12-14-2001, 06:07 PM   #121
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Originally posted by QueenofSwords:
<strong>Originally posted by yep, you guys know everything:

[qb]Hell IS NOT "God's", in fact, God created hell (actually we dont know how hell was formed)</strong>

If you don't know how it was formed, then how can you say that your god created it? And if he created it, then it is his, whether or not you like the fact.

<strong>but in any case, it is for Satan. Not for men.</strong>

Good. Then maybe your god should keep Satan in and men out, instead of letting Satan wander around the world and kill people (see the book of Job if you have any questions).

<strong>Why do you thing God sent His only Son to die, so that all men might go to Heaven. Not hell.</strong>

"For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him would believe pretty much anything."[/QB]
Ya, all that love your neighbor stuff and peace and justice is for the birds, or it was birds now it's.....lizards or.....
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Old 12-14-2001, 06:14 PM   #122
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Originally posted by MOJO-JOJO:
<strong>[qb]Originally posted by yep, you guys know everything:</strong>

<strong>Hell IS NOT "God's", in fact, God created hell (actually we dont know how hell was formed)</strong> just told us how [waving magic wand] "goddidit" <img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" />

<strong>Why do you thing God sent His only Son to die, so that all men might go to Heaven. Not hell.</strong> hmmmm.... "thing" or think??


This one always cracks me up, like it's suppose to be such a profound statement that makes us all stop in our tracks as a litle lightbulb goes off over our heads and it all suddenly makes perfect sense! Hey fundies....what is the BFD?! If God is omniscient and pre-ordained everything, then he knew Jesus the mortal would die on a cross to be resurrected as "GOD-MAN!" Obviously, a few steps up from mere mortal and peasant jew, right? So why was that such a "great sacrifice" for God to make for us when he knew what the outcome was already? What you people don't understand, because you never take your noses out of the Bible, is that this was a very typical myth or tale for it's day. Lots of other Pagan beliefs had a story of a God-man that died and was resurrected for mankind's "salvation". Mithra did it 2,000+ years earlier, but YOU make it sound like it's SO unique to the human experience, that it simply MUST be true. You accept a fanciful fairy tale, from an era that was FULL of such tales, as a true event with nothing more than blind faith to back up your claim, no further examination on your part (that's where WE kept going), and then you throw out your silly little non-sensical statement, "Why do you thing God sent His only Son to die, so that all men might go to Heaven. Not hell."..... thinking it's going to be this incredibly undebatable assertion that NO one will be capable of arguing against. <img src="graemlins/notworthy.gif" border="0" alt="[Not Worthy]" />


[ December 11, 2001: Message edited by: MOJO-JOJO ][/QB]
It's nice when you can believe in what you say the pagan's "believed." There is no evidence for any pagan beliefs but it makes good ammo when trying make an argument.
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Old 12-15-2001, 01:55 PM   #123
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What you people don't understand, because you never take your noses out of the Bible, is that this was a very typical myth or tale for it's day. Lots of other Pagan beliefs had a story of a God-man that died and was resurrected for mankind's "salvation". Mithra did it 2,000+ years earlier, but YOU make it sound like it's SO unique to the human experience, that it simply MUST be true.
I would like to make two comments. First, I just finished reading the “Somnium Scipionis” from Cicero’s De Republica (in the original Latin). Cicero presents his worldview in this work and the idea of God incarnate was definitely a foreign concept to him (Cicero was a Neo-Stoic, a common philosophy around the time of Christ which derives from Platonic philosophy). For one who believed that the body was a tomb and even said “vita mors est” (life is death), the idea of a god becoming man was unimaginable. In their body-soul dichotomy, the Neo-Stoics thought that the body was evil, so the resurrection of Christ in a body was revolutionary to them. However, upon this antithesis between the church and the world I will not rest my argument. As a Christian, I accept the Bible on its own authority. Without doing so, I find it impossible to reason consistently. Therefore, I believe that Jesus Christ was literally raised from the dead. You assume that the Bible is not the inerrant word of God and therefore do not accept this.

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Old 12-15-2001, 02:51 PM   #124
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Originally posted by calvaryson:

<strong>Ya, all that love your neighbor stuff and peace and justice is for the birds, or it was birds now it's.....lizards or.....</strong>

Judging from your modus operandi, you'll never answer this, but maybe you'll prove me wrong. Can you give me one non-bibilical reason why I should love my neighbor?

And what is all this mumbling about birds and lizards? You must be confused, poor calvaryson, or perhaps you smoked something adulterated? This is the Moral Foundations forum, not Evolution/Creation. Alas for misguided calvaryson!
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Old 12-15-2001, 08:39 PM   #125
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I must say, I love the way the athiests here at act as though God is man.

Why does God get to do all the things that we're "not supposed" to do?

By even bringing up this argument you are admiting (even in a hypothetical way) that God exists. The very nature of God is that He is so vast, so powerful, so mighty, that His very existance is staggering. And people act as though he is their next door neighbor, whom they may ridicule at will. Learn some humility friends.

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Old 12-15-2001, 09:52 PM   #126
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A four year old is not going to go to hell, unless it is a super mutant four year old from mars. All those bastards should go to hell.. anyway...

Xians, at least me, believe that the children of the world are born innocent, and as so are not aware that they are sinning. Now, if a child were to say.. eat its way out of it's mom's belly.. that would be a different story. All the children of the world are ordeaned innocent. The age of danger is maturity.. puberty. With the complication of sexual impulses comes along greater responsibility.

Lonewolf-- Your arguments are very good. But consider this. Osama Bin Laden attacked the United States, yet the United States is bombing Afghanistan. Weird? Shouldn't we just go in there and kill Osama and his cronies? no.. we're going to bomb the "hell" out of a nation. The only solace and answer I can offer you, not to mention ramblings that will no doubt occur to me farther down, is to say this. Conforming to evil is an act of evil. Maybe god couldn't act directly against the Pharoh, and thus had to pressure the people around him to make a choice. So what if God struck down the pharoh, would the people of egypt get the point? The Egyptians were theoretically innocent yes.. But they went along with the Pharoh. They worshipped idols in his name, built pyramids under his whips, and lived out miserable existences under his watchful eyes. Giving into sin is an act of sin. Does this give god the right to strike them all down? Certainly not.. but then again, it's like us bombing the afghans to get osama. We know we won't get him, yet we bomb the place anyway.

God gives man the choice of freewill. God is not to blame, we are. The bible has been translated and retranslated many times, and an original has never been found. Who's to say that the apostles were all upstanding citizens(besides Judas)? Maybe they adlibbed a few lines for their own gains. Certainly god doesn't come down and proofread everything they've written? Even in our history books, which is essentially what the bible is, do we find erorrs and discrepancies that can't be accounted for.

I do not believe in going to church, yet I believe in god. If you don't believe in god.. that's ok, he believes in you. He doesn't expect you to go and pay a fee in that dish they pass around.. he doesn't expect you to go listen to the fanatics who don't realize that "force conversion" was the worst idea ever developed.. And if you're offended by what I said about god believing in you, let me reiterate.. "my god" believes in you.. *w*

In this mun's opinion, organized religion was the worst idea man ever came up with. We should have just used that one little word that aptly describes what god and man's relationship is all about. Faith. You gotta have faith.

I don't believe that god is like the police, noting discrepancies on your permanent record.. I don't believe there's a gate keeper who keeps track.. "Oh gee, you sinned forty-two times when you were 1.. 2.. 3... etc." I believe that god lets you into heaven, based on how you live. If you try to help those around you, respect those around you, try to better the environment, living conditions.. and generally treat other people well.. you're going to heaven. Example: Swearing. I swear.. but never at someone. Swearing is in the intent. If you call someone an "idiot", and truly mean it in your heart.. well, in my opinion it's swearing. God's like your parents.. He loves you, but can't force you to do anything he doesn't want you to.

There's my rant. Feel free to tear it to shreds.
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Old 12-15-2001, 10:30 PM   #127
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You should really post all your wonderful inside information in the Rants, Raves and Preaching forum. There are lots of heathens in there that you could save.. Have you met QueenOfSwords yet?
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Old 12-15-2001, 10:35 PM   #128
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Originally posted by Roarke:
<strong>A four year old is not going to go to hell, unless it is a super mutant four year old from mars. All those bastards should go to hell.. anyway...</strong>
Nope, they go to the IPU and their skin is used to wipe its horn.

<strong>Xians, at least me, believe that the children of the world are born innocent, and as so are not aware that they are sinning. Now, if a child were to say.. eat its way out of it's mom's belly.. that would be a different story. All the children of the world are ordeaned innocent. The age of danger is maturity.. puberty. With the complication of sexual impulses comes along greater responsibility. </strong>
So it's when we grow aware of sexuality that we're "damned", eh? Man... I knew I should have never taken that sex-ed class...

<strong>God gives man the choice of freewill. God is not to blame, we are. The bible has been translated and retranslated many times, and an original has never been found. Who's to say that the apostles were all upstanding citizens(besides Judas)? Maybe they adlibbed a few lines for their own gains. Certainly god doesn't come down and proofread everything they've written? Even in our history books, which is essentially what the bible is, do we find erorrs and discrepancies that can't be accounted for.</strong>
I've not found any discrepancy in a history book that is not somehow described as uncertain - for example, in Greek and Egyptian history, along with Incan and Aztec, the books admit to a certain amount of conjecture, based on evidence left behind by that society. The bible does none of this, despite a complete lack of evidence. No scientist or historian worth his salt considers the bible anything more than fiction with just enough fact sprinkled in to convert the average idiot to believing in a fairytale.

<strong>I do not believe in going to church, yet I believe in god. If you don't believe in god.. that's ok, he believes in you. He doesn't expect you to go and pay a fee in that dish they pass around.. he doesn't expect you to go listen to the fanatics who don't realize that "force conversion" was the worst idea ever developed.. And if you're offended by what I said about god believing in you, let me reiterate.. "my god" believes in you.. *w*</strong>
Oh, look. Yet another little Xian creates his own little god to parade around and show everyone. "Look, mine's not as bad as theirs! Follow mine, pleeeeeease?"

<strong>In this mun's opinion, organized religion was the worst idea man ever came up with.</strong>
I wholeheartedly agree.

<strong>We should have just used that one little word that aptly describes what god and man's relationship is all about. Faith. You gotta have faith.</strong>
Not only does he create his own god, he's also great at karaoke. Someone put on some George Michael and give 'im a few beers. Just give me some earplugs first.

<strong>I don't believe that god is like the police, noting discrepancies on your permanent record.. I don't believe there's a gate keeper who keeps track.. "Oh gee, you sinned forty-two times when you were 1.. 2.. 3... etc." I believe that god lets you into heaven, based on how you live. If you try to help those around you, respect those around you, try to better the environment, living conditions.. and generally treat other people well.. you're going to heaven. Example: Swearing. I swear.. but never at someone. Swearing is in the intent. If you call someone an "idiot", and truly mean it in your heart.. well, in my opinion it's swearing. God's like your parents.. He loves you, but can't force you to do anything he doesn't want you to.</strong>
That doesn't sound like the bible to me - in fact most of what I've read there is quite the opposite. Sounds like we're not the only ones going to hell. See ya at the Burn Ward Bar!

<strong>There's my rant. Feel free to tear it to shreds.</strong>
Nah... I'd have to have myself committed if I actually took this seriously enough to "tear it to shreds"... This way was a lot more fun.

[edit to add]

And... as Kally said... You definitely need to meet QueenofSwords.

[ December 15, 2001: Message edited by: Zero Angel ]</p>
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Old 12-15-2001, 10:38 PM   #129
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Thank you for the tip. Mayhap I will, though I don't think the word Heathen is applicable to them. I will be sure to tell them that you gave me your regards though. As for my "inside" information, I'm just a poor schmuck and those are my beliefs..

As for winning them over. I'm just here to exercise the tiny muscle of a mind I have. <img src="graemlins/boohoo.gif" border="0" alt="[Boo Hoo]" />

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Old 12-15-2001, 10:51 PM   #130
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Originally posted by calvaryson:
It's nice when you can believe in what you say the pagan's "believed." There is no evidence for any pagan beliefs but it makes good ammo when trying make an argument.</strong>
Oh, so by this are you saying (I really hope not) that there is any evidence whatsoever for xian beliefs? Now that's a riot...
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