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Old 06-07-2003, 08:29 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Default nonhumanist?

Is anyone not a humanist or some type of humanist for a reason here? Other than ignorance on the subject?

The other thread got me thinking--what would make one reject humanism?


Martin Willett: I don't assume that possesion of a particular genetic heritage makes an animal either good or bad. There is no fundamental dignity of man, we are just thinking primates that have survived up to this point, nothing follows from that. We are not obviously good, bad or indifferent. Neither are we obviously going to survive or not. We have a limited opportunity to shape our future, it might be enough.

is what he said typical of humanists? I assume a good number of you are humanists--do you believe what he opposes? he makes the argument humanists "deify" the human race--that he beleives that humans are just another animal.

do humanists actually think humans are above other animals? or is he just using a strawman...or what?
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