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Old 03-27-2003, 05:44 PM   #1
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Default Question for Hindus


I was talking with bunch of Muslim forumner in another forum about "Dajjal" (their version of Anti-Christ) yesterday. The topic itself seems to be unrelated whatsoever with Hindusm.

When I went home last night and while I was just revising the topic in my head, another scene from Mahabratha just float in. I don't remember the fine details but maybe you guys here (those who are Hindus and familiar with Mahabratha) could help me out.

Its about that guy Krishna cursed at end of the Mahabratha war. I forgot the name and his background but I do remember his (some anyway) deeds. After the war ended and everyone resting, this guy came out with a plan to wreck revenge upon Pandavas (I think he was doing it for Duryodhana who's back is broken by Bheema).

He and a few others sneeked into the camp and begin to kill everyone who survived the war by cutting their throats in their sleep. He then invoke a mantra and aimed at Abimanyu's wife's unborn baby.

OK, that's all I can remember. Fill in whatever I missed especially the curse Krishna put on this guy (I believe one of it was that he was to wonder the Earth forever).

Thank you beforehand.
Old 03-27-2003, 08:59 PM   #2
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Wasn't Judas Iscariot condemned to 'wander the earth' forever? I seem to remeber this from a few movies (7th Sign, Dracula 2000) even though there is biblical reference to Judas dying.
Seems an interesting parallel to the hindu myth.
Just a thought . . .
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Old 03-27-2003, 10:48 PM   #3
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I'd read that Judas was so shamed by his acts that he commited suicide by hanging himself.

Either way, I don't think both Judas and this guy I asked about are related in anyway.
Old 03-28-2003, 01:09 PM   #4
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Just pointing out the parallel. Such things are wonderful to examine. It's said that every culture has a flood myth. Could be a shared single occurance or the fact that floods suck, no matter where you live.

Now I'm wondering where these modern media are finding evidence of Judas' eternal wanderings. It's in more than a few movies. Granted, Hollywood is infamous for changing history and myth to suit its own needs.
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Old 03-28-2003, 04:18 PM   #5
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By reverendmoss

Just pointing out the parallel. Such things are wonderful to examine. It's said that every culture has a flood myth. Could be a shared single occurance or the fact that floods suck, no matter where you live.

Almost ALL religions and teachings in Asian region HAS a flood myth in it ... even Toaism in China which separated from Abrahamic religion for nearly 5,000 years.

Chinese said that the country was founded by its emperor (the first one) which dubbed as Jade Emperor after a great flood wiped most of the living beings on the world (reasons I have forgotten). Like most other flood myth, a new chapter begins after such mass destruction.

Another thing I happened to read a few years back (not sure where, in a book maybe) about Buddhist point of view about such wanton destructions. It said that such destruction had and WILL occur but in stages. 4 Elements of the world - Earth, Fire, Wind and Water will take turns to wipe everything off the face of the Earth and renew the life on the Planet.

Now I'm wondering where these modern media are finding evidence of Judas' eternal wanderings. It's in more than a few movies. Granted, Hollywood is infamous for changing history and myth to suit its own needs.

Evidence? Only evidence I could imagine is if someone claiming to be Judas appeared. But if someone did claimed such (not that it will surprise me though), I doubt he will last a day in a Christian city. I bet A LOT of people who are Christians who like to see him hanging from a cross.

Hollywood can say whatever they want, it is up to us to separate the facts from fiction and teach to the new generation.
"We all learnt how to fight, do we really need to learn how to hate?" - from one of the chapters from Outer Limits.
Old 03-29-2003, 09:57 AM   #6
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Originally posted by Seraphim
Another thing I happened to read a few years back (not sure where, in a book maybe) about Buddhist point of view about such wanton destructions. It said that such destruction had and WILL occur but in stages. 4 Elements of the world - Earth, Fire, Wind and Water will take turns to wipe everything off the face of the Earth and renew the life on the Planet.
If you can remember more about this I'd love to hear it!
Apocalyptic myth is hilarious. It seems to be used most often as a sort of cosmic boogeyman story. "Be good, the world will end tommorrow!" Somewhere someone is delcaring it's the End Times. Yet they're always proven wrong. (My favroite were the Heaven's Gate folks in California saying God was in a flying saucer behind Halley's comet. You just can't make that kinda shit up.)
If the flood represents water, does that mean that Earth, Wind, and Fire will do a come-back tour and scourge the Earth? That's be a rockin' concert . . .I hope they play Shining Star.
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Old 03-29-2003, 05:09 PM   #7
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Seraphim, you are referring to Ashwathama, son of Drona.
It is not exactly that he was cursed to wander the earth; it was more that since he had the boon of immortality, there was nothing else he could do with all his kin wiped out.

Bibhisana and Hanumana are also immortal.
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Old 03-30-2003, 05:04 PM   #8
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B hinduwoman

Seraphim, you are referring to Ashwathama, son of Drona.
It is not exactly that he was cursed to wander the earth; it was more that since he had the boon of immortality, there was nothing else he could do with all his kin wiped out.

Bibhisana and Hanumana are also immortal.

My reply : Oh yeah ... that's the name ... Ashwathama.

I thought he was cursed because he planned and killed several people unjustly and also attack Abimanyu's son while still in his mother's womb.

Bibhisana? Can't remember this one.

Immortality is effective TILL you obtain Morskha right ...? One can simply release himself from life once he or she obtain Morskha.
Old 03-30-2003, 07:19 PM   #9
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by reverendmoss

If you can remember more about this I'd love to hear it!
Apocalyptic myth is hilarious. It seems to be used most often as a sort of cosmic boogeyman story. "Be good, the world will end tommorrow!" Somewhere someone is delcaring it's the End Times. Yet they're always proven wrong. (My favroite were the Heaven's Gate folks in California saying God was in a flying saucer behind Halley's comet. You just can't make that kinda shit up.)

Whether something is myth or truth is determined when and IF it happens, not because you don't think it will not happen.

Water levels are rising now due to the Greenhouse effect since 1970s. It is submerging coast-line islands and maybe in about 100 years from now, Islands such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hawaii, Madagascar etc will be totally submerged.

Nuclear weapons had been stockpiled all over the place and in the last 20 years (since middle of 1985), we had already seen about a dozen nuclear power plant accidents and since 1950s, we had already seen several close brushes where nuclear weapons were almost at use.
Hell, even now in Iraq, how sure are you that they don't have Nukes there waiting to explode as soon as US and UK troops enter the city OR had already send ppl to attack unexpecting countries with Nukes so they could launch it onto the world? How sure that Fire of Nucklear war will not burn this world in the future?

Earth had already face at least TWO meteor collisions which send enough dust and Earth onto the sky to wipe out not one but two species of dinosaurs in the past. That is recorded history. How sure such thing WILL not happen in the near future?

Check out the damage reports for the past 2 years and see how much the Wind conditions had changed in the past few years - El Nino, severe thunderstorms, cyclones, Tornadoes and increase of warm wind from Sahara which carries the sands and slowly pushing the desert upward to Europe, making it desert as well.

Still laughing, kid?
Old 03-31-2003, 05:43 PM   #10
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Originally posted by Seraphim
B hinduwoman

Seraphim, you are referring to Ashwathama, son of Drona.
It is not exactly that he was cursed to wander the earth; it was more that since he had the boon of immortality, there was nothing else he could do with all his kin wiped out.

Bibhisana and Hanumana are also immortal.

My reply : Oh yeah ... that's the name ... Ashwathama.

I thought he was cursed because he planned and killed several people unjustly and also attack Abimanyu's son while still in his mother's womb.

Bibhisana? Can't remember this one.

Immortality is effective TILL you obtain Morskha right ...? One can simply release himself from life once he or she obtain Morskha.
Bibhisana was Ravana's younger brother who helped Rama.
I don't think anyone has really discussed in detail about this immortality and moksha business. After all Hanuman already had attained bliss. But it might work for Ashatwhama.
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