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Old 02-03-2002, 02:43 PM   #1
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Post Rabid Pentacostal Bishop

"Bishop" Donny Short made the following remarks during the course of a debate on the <a href="" target="_blank">ILJBoards Open Discussion forum</a>. The thread in question has been deleted, but courtesy of one of the Internet Infidels, the remarks remain, which I now submit for your attention. All spelling mistakes and grammatical errors have been left intact.

I know it sounds cruel but if it was up to me I would completly destroy terriost nations. I would do like the children of Israel did when fighting their enemies, I would comletly destroy them.

These people hate America not because of our freedoms, they hate us because as a Nation we serve God and stand for his truth. They hate us because of Jesus and not politics. I would not leave so much as a glodfish alive in these countries.
The United States of America was founded on the freedom to worship God. Not the freedom of religion.

Yes I completly back up what i said. In the early 90's we should have left Iraq looking like an ash tray.

The truth is it could be the most humane thing we could do. look at how these people have slaughtered innocents themselves. Look at what they have done to israel alone.

God did the same thing with America that he did with Israel. he took a land from a heathen Godless paople and gave it those who were seeking him. The reason God told Israel to completly destroy their enemies is because they followed pagan Gods and God knew if it wasn't dealt with then it would infiltrate into his holy house.

God is still a jealous God and he still is Holy. God is still angry with those who defile his mane.

islam is a complete lie and should be dealt with. If these people don't accept the Gospel of Jesus then they should expect the wrath of the United States.

I will not go to meetings that have become popular where they want to have someone from each religion present and have a display of unity. Not me. I will never make Jesus look like he is "one of." Jesus is "the one" and no other has the right to place any God equal to him.

There is no God equal to jehovah and I will firmly stand for him and if it makes others mad then let them be mad.

if we would get rid of the problem in these terrorist nations then Israel could have peace and there would not be any more september the 11ths.
I have told you before I only hold to the scripture. My view of you and any athiest is you are foolish because the Bible says "the fool hath said in his heart there is no God." That is what God says about you and I agree with him.

I don't protect your beliefs and I do not honor anyone who denies the reality of God nor do I seek to prove God to them. You made your decision and one day you will face God with it.

I consider anyone who does not name the name of Jesus the enemy and I do not seek any resolve with them. People are either controled by God or the devil and the Bible plainly tells me to neither give place to the devil.
I advocated the removal of a God hating religion in islam, i advocate the removal of terriorist nations and I advocate the removal of any who oppose Israel. once again get your story right before addressing me.

if I had my way about it anyone in America who denied God or cursed Israel or tried to pull some other religion out of their hat would be put on the next plane out.
The moral highground is simply this. I defiantly oppose anything or anyone who tries to rob Gof of his rightful glory.

I despise any religion who claims equality with god and i warn them of the hell they will suffer in.

The reason you see so many religions is because the devil hates Jesus. because i hate the devil and his work. i speak out, i fight against it I let them know exactly where I stand.

I will not deny my Lord nor will allow anyone to claimequality with him. i will firmly rebuke them.

I like they way Elijah did it on Mt. Carmel he faced 400 false prophets and by himself and he told them to do their little warhoop to their God and he would pray to his. He said let the God who answers with fire be God. God consumed all 400 of those false prophets with fire that day.

I serve a jealous God who plainly told me to never compromise his word. I stand for the Bible and I have told you beofre it is an absolute truth. That Book has never failed and it never will.

That book advocates ridding ourself of our enemies, they only way for peace in the world as we know it is to rid ourselves of the enemies of God. and to rid ourselves of those who oppose him.

If they won't listen to the Gospel and accept Jesus then they should not be given a platform to speak their venom on.
"Bishop" Short had this to say in his defence.

I am writing this morning concerning the events of last night and to give you my explanation.
I know it is not a popular subject when you talk about war but the fact is there are people who are enemies of God. Islam is an enemy of God and my remarks concerning that religion were correct and they were considered before I made them. The fact that others disagreed with me and accused me of genocide is only proof that the word of God does cut.

How do you explain the battles that Joshua fought, the battles David fought, the battles Elijah fought etc. The fact is this is a war and there are many enemies to the Gospel and our job as Christians is to fight that battle.

How do you explain the story of Achan? He took some stuff from the battle of Jericho hid it in his tent. The next battle at Ai, Israel lost because of it. When Joshua went to pray about it God plainly told him that Israel had sinned. Notice God said Israel and not Achan had sinned. When they found out it was him they stoned him and his wife and kids and all his animals, then they burnt them then covered them with stones. Now this was Church folks dealing with a brother and his family. What would make them so mad they would do such things? The answer is simple, he brought a curse on them and they wanted that curse completely removed from the sight of God.

Like it of not, Islam is a curse and it is a scourge on America and until we deal with it God will never bless this nation again like he has in the past. There is not a Muslim alive that will bless Israel, God plainly said that he will bless whoever blesses Israel and he will curse whoever curses Israel. The story of Achan shows us that God sees us as a whole and the curse that rests on one rests on us all until we remove the curse from among us. Maybe you might think that is just the Old Testament but you have to remember it is the word of God. It was left to us for an example and we are bound to honor God and his word.

I have never hid the fact one time that I stand for the word of God and if it makes every atheist at your board mad then so be it. I trust the Bible and the Bible alone. It is not a matter of morals when dealing with Gods enemies it is a matter of principles and it is a matter of his holiness. I don’t like it either but the fact is it is an act of compassion when you remove the enemies of God.

Did not God himself destroy this whole earth once and only save one family? Are you aware that there were innocent children alive then?

While they are innocent children today these kids will be raised to spout the same hate toward God and toward America and these kids today are the Osama Bin Laden’s of tomorrow. The most compassionate thing we could do is destroying them.

One very common misconception today is that we must always love everybody. The scripture does not give that indication at all. The scripture is written only for those who love and follow Jesus. It is a guidebook for those who long for Holiness and for those who look for his appearing. The Love of God in the scripture applies to those who trust Jesus. By trusting Jesus I love peoples souls and I give my life reaching to them but I do not love the acts of terrorists nor do I have compassion on those who plot attacks against the Gospel of Jesus. Loving people is telling them the truth; it is not compromising the word of God just to get along with them.

Vinnie, Pel, when you compromise scripture in order to keep friends and in order to get along with the crowd you make the word of God of none effect. Both of you do that quite often and both of you need to understand that the only testimony you have is the Word of God. If you call yourself Christians, like it or not, you are required to support the Bible and hold to it’s truths. When you fail to do that you are lukewarm and are giving the devil a chance to use you in order to keep people in darkness. Jesus said that any time someone claimed to be Christ not to even go see what he or she looks like. He also said that we would be hated because of the Gospel. If you two are going to live this life you might as well get ready to be hated. You will be hated by as many that love you. They hated Jesus enough to kill him.

Pam, Lance if you are going to run a Christian site and put the name of Jesus on it then you are required to obey the principles of God regarding the name of Jesus. Just because you call it an open forum and say anyone can post his or her views on there does not relieve you from that responsibility. If you want to allow atheists and other religions to spout their poison then you need to remove the name of Jesus from it. Jesus said, “I am the way the truth, the way and the life no man comes to the father but by me.” When he made that statement he called every other religion a liar and he set himself against them. I know my comments sounded cruel but you have not dealt with Islam like I have so you have no way of knowing how these people operate. I do not write this with any malice toward anyone, but if we call ourselves Christians then we need to stand for truth. I will not compromise the Word of God and if it means breaking ties with you to do so then so be it. I firmly stand on the Word and I firmly preach the Word.
[ February 03, 2002: Message edited by: J. Mordecai Pallant ]</p>
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Old 02-03-2002, 09:12 PM   #2
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"The reason you see so many religions is because the devil hates Jesus."

AH! I see, that explains everything...

Think of how many things this explains....Why is the sky blue? BTDHJ!

Why do bad things happen to good people? BTDHJ!

Why is it that there is so little good evidence for the literal truth of the Bible? BTDHJ!

Why can't I bring myself to believe in the Christian God? BTDHJ!

BTDHJ!= Because The Devil Hates Jesus!

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Old 02-04-2002, 08:25 AM   #3
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The Bishop wrote: I know it sounds cruel but if it was up to me I would completly destroy terriost nations. I would do like the children of Israel did when fighting their enemies, I would comletly destroy them.

Gimme that old time religion... Gimme that old time religion... it's evil enough for me!

The moral highground is simply this. I defiantly oppose anything or anyone who tries to rob Gof of his rightful glory.

Praise be to Gof!

Did not God himself destroy this whole earth once and only save one family? Are you aware that there were innocent children alive then? While they are innocent children today these kids will be raised to spout the same hate toward God and toward America and these kids today are the Osama Bin Laden’s of tomorrow. The most compassionate thing we could do is destroying them.

Isn't Christian love grand? Bring back the Dark Ages! Woo hoo!

[ February 04, 2002: Message edited by: Eudaimonia ]</p>
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Old 02-04-2002, 09:23 AM   #4
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God did the same thing with America that he did with Israel. he took a land from a heathen Godless paople and gave it those who were seeking him.
Yay! New YEC argument: "If God created every living thing and is omnibenevolent, why did he create smallpox and other deadly diseases?"

"So that God-fearing Europeans could build up some immunity to them and spread them to the immuno-challenged heathen Godless paople, making it easier for the God-seeking Europeans to conquer them. Duh."
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Old 02-04-2002, 09:39 AM   #5
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At least he can't be accused of skipping over the less-than-moral parts of the bible like most christians do.

I'm just glad I'm not pissing of Gof. That Gof guy sounds like one bad motherfucker.

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Old 02-04-2002, 10:32 AM   #6
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if I had my way about it anyone in America who denied God or cursed Israel or tried to pull some other religion out of their hat would be put on the next plane out.
I wonder what percentage of the country he would like to kick out, and how long would it take to do it, and where would they be flown to?

The USA is 85% Christian, isn't it? That makes about 40 million people that need to be flown out, presumably at government expense...I wonder if Donny has considered the logistics of his proposition?
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Old 02-04-2002, 12:31 PM   #7
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bishop wrote:
God is still a jealous God and he still is Holy. God is still angry with those who defile his mane.

So gawd is pissed at his hair dresser?
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