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Old 04-09-2003, 09:58 AM   #721
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Ok I am totally floored now.

Hello, Inspired.

I have just recieved notification that you had been banned from this site. Myself, and other senior staff members have looked into this, and found the ban unwarranted. Therefore, I have reinstated your account.

Please accept our appologies for this confusion and inconvenience.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact myself, or any senior staff member.

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Old 04-09-2003, 10:04 AM   #722
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slip over to CF to see erwins declaration of new instructions for warnings bannings etc. up to now I thought he was a reasonable person!!!!
From CF's Warning>>Supension>>Banning Protocol

1. First rule broken is usually given an unofficial warning as a PM.

2. 3 warnings over a span of 6 months, a 2 week suspension is mandated.

3. 3 warnings over a span of 3 to 4 months, a 3 week suspension is mandated.

4. 3 warnings over a span of 1 to 2 months, a 4 week suspension is mandated.

5. 3 warnings over a span of a week, a permanent normal ban is mandated.

6. Obvious trolling (if posting abuse or offensive images), immediate permanent emergency ban is mandated (where all posts of this member is hidden from members' view).

NOTE: Each warning will cost the member 1,000 blessings, as a deterrent
This kind of "policy" is tailor-made for abuse. There is nothing to stop a mod or a group of them from conspiring to hand out enough warning to get a poster they disagree with either suspended or banned outright. Since there are no rules on what constitutes "blasphemy", Christian-bashing (other bashing is ok apparently), or "trolling" (I got sited for "trolling" just for using the Skeptic's Annotated Bible) then it's going to be open season on dissent.

Looks like they want to be able to claim that there's a Open forum without there actually being one. And they have the monumental GALL to call it an"Open Discussion". What utter hypocrisy!

Originally posted by Grizzly
Just to tell you what a moron I am, I didn't even clue in to the "babies" avatar until I read this thread. It was just two babies holding hands with the title "Since Birth....".
You're not alone in that, meet a fellow moron, I didn't realize that it was a sexual orientation statement or had anything to do with sex at all. I find the mod's violent reaction to it very illuminating. If one read studies about homophobes, you find the most violent reactions from those whose psychological profiles indicate that they are really gay, bisexual, have same-sex fantasies or combinations of the aforementioned. Their out-of-proportion response to gays and lesbians is a projection of their own fears about their sexuality.

Then there are those Christains who have been taught that sex = sin. If one buys that sorry message, even married heterosexual sex has to come with a price, usually involuntary parenthood (parenthood is a "sin-tax" leveled on ALL sexual activity). It is really impossible to enjoy sex with that kind of attitude and the guilt-ridden often compensate by meddling in other peoples' sex lives, which allows them to indulge in the following "God-excused" perks:
  • They get to enjoy a vicarious "thrill" imagining what those sinners are "up to'(wouldn't it be informative to be a fly on the wall and observe them while they are "imagining")
  • At the same time, they indulge in the adrenaline rush of righteous indignation at what they often just "imagine" to be true
  • According to them, they have also been mandated by God to "rebuke the sinner for his/her" sin (a power-trip rush). What this usually means is they get to engage in what I call "dog-in-the-manger" behavior (after the Aesop's Fable by that name)and spoil for others what they can't really enjoy themselves.
Now that's one hell of a "psychological speed-ball"==>sexual arousal ("imagining") + righteous indignation + power trip! Marx was more right than he knew!

There was a thread with RoyWM about how "Hollywood was out of touch" with "mainstream society". Of course Roy only considers rabidly fundamentalist conservative Christians to be "mainstream". At any rate the thread got onto the subject of lesbianism and how some men like to watch lesbians (Roy, of course, vehemently declared how disgusted he was). Makes me wonder if the mod who banned Inspired likes lesbian porn or has fantasies of watching them and the presence of a lesbian reminds him of his "forbidden desires". Like many of the guilt-ridden but sexually obsessed, he blames the object of his desire for arousing that desire. What better way to compensate for the "forbidden desire" than simply "banning" the object of that desire from "sight"!

As for removing every post of a banned person, I have to say that is deeply disturbing. Individual posts need to stnd and fall on their own merits. If a post is objectional, then fine, edit or remove it. But if a post is not objectionable, it should stand - even if a person eventually gets banned.

Removing all the posts of a banned person degrades the threads they were participating in (sometimes to the point where the thread becomes unitelligible).

It also has a chilling effect. Why should people spend hours on thoughtful posts when one day they may all just disappear on a whim?

It's not good.
I agree. You have to look at it from their perspective. They get to censor any posts that might argue against their position. Since it's gone, they can just make all sorts of claims (it was blasphemous, Christian-bashing, trolling) against the posts in order to discredit it. A newbie would assume the worst and this is exactly what they want==>to maintain the fiction that "the fool has said in his heart that there is no god, their ways are evil" yadah! yadah! Hey, those posts were so "bad" we couldn't afford to let your tender eyes read them! is the message.
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Old 04-09-2003, 10:04 AM   #723
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Found it
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Old 04-09-2003, 10:06 AM   #724
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Everyone should just quit posting on Christian Forums, and stop reading others' posts. What do you hope to learn from it, anyway?

Also, didn't a member used to need seven warnings to be banned? Why was it cut down to three?
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Old 04-09-2003, 10:20 AM   #725
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Originally posted by notMichaelJackson
Everyone should just quit posting on Christian Forums, and stop reading others' posts. What do you hope to learn from it, anyway?

Also, didn't a member used to need seven warnings to be banned? Why was it cut down to three?
This allows them to banish "inconvenient" people much sooner that accumlating 7 does. Like I said, they can maintain the appearance of an "open" forum without it really being open. In other words, it is now so easy to censor anyone who isn't a TRUE Christian™ or presents any arguments that show Christianity/theism to be the unfounded superstition that it is, that effective dissent will rapidly disappear. I expect this board to go the way of the Baptists boards eventually.
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Old 04-09-2003, 10:21 AM   #726
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Originally posted by notMichaelJackson
Everyone should just quit posting on Christian Forums, and stop reading others' posts. What do you hope to learn from it, anyway?

Also, didn't a member used to need seven warnings to be banned? Why was it cut down to three?
I guess seven warnings over any period of time would merit a ban. *shrug*
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Old 04-09-2003, 10:46 AM   #727
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Originally posted by mfaber
I expect this board [CF] to go the way of the Baptists boards eventually.
Did BapistBoards used to allow non-Christians to post? I tried to register there a couple of months ago, but I guess "liberal Christian" isn't a valid religion.
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Old 04-09-2003, 10:57 AM   #728
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Yes, the Baptist Board allowed non-Christians to participate until sometime last year, when they changed their policy and decided only Christians would be allowed to post there.

I'm not sure but I think you could join if you were a liberal Baptist. Since it's a board for Baptists, primarily.

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Old 04-09-2003, 11:11 AM   #729
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... Still at this point, it drives me crazy that people have to take something that was Man made to deceive us, just like that of the Bible for Christians is that it has to be some word of "God". People are so obsessed with those words and what they say, that I would say that there is more to the word "Lust", when the convictions of those that "Lust" the words in this book. "Lust" is nothing more than a chauvinistic word, to make the sexual desires suppressed or repressed in us, so as to get (Man = Men and Women), to have things re-routed for the cause of the erroneous beliefs. I am not feeling like going to Post over at CF with this in that Thread there, or else, I will be in trouble with the Moderators there.

... I find Christianity is hyprocrital in the terms of "Lust", cause in the things of their paradigm. They "Lust" in those areas. Christians are not going to admit to the comparisons. It is all an illusion that the Bible does to us. I was young and didn't know better at a time in my life, and I have been there. I have been through the Christian experiences myself. I woke up and found out how deceiving it is. It sometimes takes I quess some learning experiences. Then when that happens, the Christians think being an Athiest is rebellion.

... I think what is going on with the Fundamentalist's is these Desires for getting Goverment control, now that they have a Fundie President. If there is suppose to be a "God", why do they "Lust" for Power? I think this is what has gotten into the heads of Fundie Christians in these now-a-days era. The War now I think has aroused this Power "Lust" for fundie Christians. A Lust for Power and having their belief becoming the dominance. That's why I think things are happening at CF. ( I do think they "Lust", but it might not be of sexual nature. Just wanting Power to contol people!)
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Old 04-09-2003, 11:18 AM   #730
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Originally posted by notMichaelJackson
Did BapistBoards used to allow non-Christians to post? I tried to register there a couple of months ago, but I guess "liberal Christian" isn't a valid religion.
You have to realize that to most Baptists, the phrase "liberal Christian" is as much of an oxymoron as "creation scientist" is to most of us.
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