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Old 03-21-2003, 12:15 AM   #11
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hinduwoman wrote why i don't read the book rather than cut and paste reviews. well, Manjari is a friend, and I've read some of her Ph.D. thesis and related material. the reviews were cut and pasted to get her some more publicity among people who inhabit this forum.
hinduthvaite pilloried me for corpophagemesis (neat word, huh? corpophagy+eating excrement; emesis=vomitting) and my ilk for not berating racist missionaries and not extolling the hinduttva hordes for poisoning the minds of so-called Hindu tribals. point well taken. i hereby stigmatize all racist missionaries and express admiration for the dedication of the hinduttva votaries who run night schools to educate the Hindu tribals about their glorious Hindu past and beckoning Hindu future. they (the 'educators') are entitled to their propaganda. just so long as they don't torch the recalcitrant tribals' churches and assault the racist or politically correct missionaries, they are welcome to spout their brand of nonsense. I do wish hinduthvaite wasn't so literal-minded...
phaedrus deserves a separate post. one ordered and coming up later.
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Old 03-21-2003, 06:31 AM   #12
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Dear Amit Misra,

Sorry I used some real harsh words. Your labelling without reason irritates me and if I can remind you, it is you who started talking about textual diarrohea etc. Nevertheless it is not right for me to stoop down to the level of a Marxist. Hence accept my apologies. But making eat shit is what your high caste anti-Hindus used to do to our Sudras. Now because BJP and RSS has succedded in making us Sudras read Vedas and Sanskrit you high castes are finding ways to stop us by talking about RSS as Nazis while it is you who believe you high castes are born of a Aryan race are actually racist and fascist and harboring in truth Nazi mentality. Amit Misra you donot have any moral standing to call RSS and us empowered Sudras as Nazi while you are cheerleader for the Maoist genociders of Tibetan people.

But here are some questions to you:

1. RSS or VHP never has distributed materials that might arouse racial hatred among Indians as against this Marxists, Missionaries and Jehadis have done.
2. Show me a passage from Vivekanand or Sri Aurobindo or Veer Savarkar that can be deemed racist or Nazi in ideology.
3. Here is again a simple experiment. As a secular humanist I am ready to lecture a series on Evolution in any of the Hindu schools run by RSS- any RSS school you choose. In the same way can you lecture on Evolution in a 'Mad'arsa of my choosing?
4. Most of the attacks on Christians have been found to be nothing more than urban legends and stories spread intentinally by Church. None other that a Christian born atheist Edamarku has investigated these claims of atrocities on Christians and found them false and fabricated and also he has drawn attention to hate filled aggressive proselytzing campaign of these missionaries. So do not repeat like a Stalinist a lie to make it true.
5. A great Dalit activist of South India Mumtaz Ali recently entered in dialogue with RSS and found them not responsible for Gujarat Godhra carnage was responsible for the retaliation.
After all if a Canadian preacher calls Muhammed names Maharashtra erupts in flames killing 8. Then won't burning alive 58 (most women and children) in their own heartland make Gujaratis retailate? Nevertheless I condemn the violence.
6. What is Fascism ? According to you lying is Fascism which is a bit weak on the logical side(Fascists lie Savarkar lied so Svarkar is a Fascist- so said you in the previous post)

Academic jargon of high castes postmodernists cannot diminish the services rendered by RSS to the oppressed and suppressed Sudras like us whom you high castes have been
torturing for centuries.

It should be remembered in Sathan Kulam by elections where BJP came second last time, it was the absence of BJP that let JJ's victory. RSS has a very strong and vibrant presence in the rural areas of AP where thay have in villages after villages broken the stranglehold of Marxist terrorists. Also it is your belief in you belonging to an Aryan race that makes you (high caste leftists)suppport PLO against ISrael.

It is high time some academic takes up research into the racist perversiona intentions of Indian highcaste leftists in labelling liberation movements like RSS as Fascist.
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