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Old 08-16-2002, 05:00 PM   #1
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Post who follows rules - or do rules follow you?

rules are the greatest <img src="graemlins/notworthy.gif" border="0" alt="[Not Worthy]" /> - ugh! how to change the internal dialogue??

Also known as 'don't look down, look up' and 'look at the future (dynamic) not to the past (polaroid)'


Prince George: Perhaps you'd like me to lend a hand, Blackadder. I'm not as stupid as I look.
Baldrick: I *am* stupid as I look, sir, but if I can help, I will.
Edmond blackadder: Well, it's very kind of you both, but I fear your services might be as useful as a barber shop on the steps of the guillotine.
G: Oh, come on, Blackadder, give us a try!
E: Very well, sir, as you wish. Let's start at the beginning, shall we?
First: `A'. How would you define `a'?
B: Ohh.....`a' (continues this in background)
G: Oh, I love this! I love this: quizzies....Errmmm, hang on, it's coming...
ooohh, crikey, errmm, oh yes, I've got it!
E: What?
G: Well, it doesn't really mean *anything*, does it?
E: Good. So we're well on the way, then. " `a'; impersonal pronoun --
doesn't really mean anything." Right! Next: `A'... `A-B'.
(Baldrick and Prince ponder over this)
B: Well, it's a buzzing thing, innit? `A buzzing thing'.
E: Baldrick, I mean something that starts with `A-B'.
B: Honey? Honey starts with a bee.
G: He's right, you know, Blackadder. Honey *does* start a bee...and a flower, too.
E: Yes, look, this really isn't getting anywhere. And besides, I've left out `aardvark'.

[ August 16, 2002: Message edited by: sweet as a nut ]</p>
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Old 08-17-2002, 07:05 AM   #2
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sweet as a nut,

Please send me some of the pills you are on so that i can look at my feet without expecting to see toes.

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Old 08-17-2002, 01:17 PM   #3
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alas, my tourist attraction hasn't brought in many visitors

you can have some of my pills ierrelus but i don't think they'll make your tootsies vanish. sorry!

in case anyone cares enough to think, i do follow rules, but many of those rules are predicted, and are the result of rules following, or having their fundament in the person. As for my beliefs, they have also been dictated prior to my existence, sort of pushing me about.

it is possible that observation of the environment has caused people to have ideas, which did need a measure of will to reach fullness. i.e. I nurtured observation and willed it- hence rules have followed me. That will wasn't free in the sense that i could will *anything*. The observation was the cause and the determining factor. Better to suggest that people have the freedom to will and create.

If you are still here, then perhaps *I* have caused you to change your mind. No doubt that *you* may have caused me to change mine. In the former statement the rule followed me. In the latter statement i followed the rule.

As for the example, the dogsbody and the prince, are unwittingly producing some very interesting observations. The butler is 'above' the 'ruler' but yet he is also 'below' the 'ruler' but he is unaware of this observation. As the prince points out: 'I'm not as stupid as I look.' The difference depends on the belief that the person in question has 'in fact' stated something absurd, but yet the fool can be *incredibly* honest. As the prince points out: Well, it doesn't really mean *anything*, does it? true, the prince can't see very well, but he does demonstrate to me, at least, the absurdity of the dictionary.

Well, i hate to be a stuffy old fart- there plenty more in the text but i'm not going to bother, as i'm getting a bit too serious. So here's some more quality humour for all you good people. More adsurdity on following rules and of 'trying to be clever':

In Prince's House (in bedchambre)
G: (wakes, shouts) Oh, oh, oh, Blackadder! BLACKADDER!
E: (enters) Your Highness.
G: Wha--wha--what time is it?
E: Three o'clock in the afternoon, Your Highness.
G: Oh, thank God for that -- I thought I'd overslept.
E: I trust you had a pleasant evening, sir...?
G: Well, no, actually. The most extraordinary thing happened. Last night, I was having a bit of a snack at the Naughty Hellfire club, and some fellow said that I had the wit and sophistication of a donkey.
E: Oh, an absurd suggestion, sir.
G: You're right, it is absurd.
E: ...unless, of course, it was a particularly *stupid* donkey.
G: You see? If only *I'd* thought of saying that...
E: Well, it is so often the way, sir, too late one thinks of what one *should* have said. Sir Thomas Moore, for instance: Burned alive
for refusing to recant his Catholicism, must have been kicking him-self, as the flames licked higher, that it never occurred to him to say, "I recant my Catholicism."
G: Well, yes, you see, only the other day, Prime Minister Pitt called me an "idle scrounger," and it wasn't until ages later that
I thought how clever it would've been to have said, "Oh, bugger off,
you old fart!" I need to improve my mind, Blackadder. I want people
to say, "That George, why, he's as clever as a stick in a bucket of pig swill."
E: And how do you suggest this miracle is to be achieved, Your Highness?
G: Easy: I shall become best friends with the cleverest man in England. That renowned brainbox, Dr. Samuel Johnson, has asked me to be patron of his new book, and I intend to accept.
E: Would this be the long-awaited `Dictionary', sir?
G: Oh, who cares about a title as long as there's plenty of juicy murders in it. I hear it's a masterpiece.
E: No, sir, it is not. It's the most pointless book since "How To Learn French" was translated into French.

[ August 17, 2002: Message edited by: sweet as a nut ]</p>
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Old 08-17-2002, 03:30 PM   #4
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One should be aware of one's blindspots. We all have them you know.

I've always found it easiest to fool myself.

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Old 08-17-2002, 07:08 PM   #5
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Originally posted by sweet as a nut:
<strong>Prince George: Perhaps you'd like me to lend a hand, Blackadder. I'm not as stupid as I look.
Baldrick: I *am* stupid as I look, sir, but if I can help, I will.
Edmond blackadder: Well, it's very kind of you both, but I fear your services might be as useful as a barber shop on the steps of the guillotine. </strong>
Who are these people? Is this some sort of a TV (tellie) show over there in jolly olde England?

My wife was looking at somebody's web site over there in England and these same names kept popping up. To me, over here in the states, these names are but meaningless gibberish......

An explanatory URL, please!

== Bill
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