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Old 07-21-2003, 08:34 PM   #121
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OK, I give up, you say it is referring to ceremonial cleansing.

But you are missing my reason for bringing this whole leprosy thing up, which is, how can anyone today believe this gibberish? Did you have no feeling of "this is ridiculous stuff" when you typed out that lengthy passage earlier?

All that business about white hairs, black hairs, yellow hairs, white spots bald foreheads, sprinkling bird blood,etc. doesn't occur to you as the slightest bit ridiculous?
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Old 07-21-2003, 09:59 PM   #122
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Originally posted by EstherRose
It says ceremonial cleansing. Later on it refers to cleansing (again meaning ceremonial cleansing) but that is not the same as healing.
The ceremonial cleansing they are talking about IS healing. What do you think blood and guts cleans you of?
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Old 07-21-2003, 11:39 PM   #123
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We can be in God’s presence because of Jesus. He paid the price for our sins. Our sins are now forgiven and forgotten in God’s sight. In order for this to happen, we have to accept God’s gift of grace.
This doesn't answer my question. Magus said that God cannot be in the presence of sin, so I asked him how god could enter our universe in human form, since both the universe and the human body is corrupted by sin. Like you, he simply quoted dogma.
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Old 07-22-2003, 11:02 AM   #124
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EstherRose We can be in God’s presence because of Jesus.
Except Jesus is supposed to be god
He paid the price for our sins. Our sins are now forgiven and forgotten in God’s sight.
If this were what you actually believed then you would believe that Hell has had no new occupants for the last 2000 years. If Jesus paid the price for all of mankinds "sins" then Hell must empty of humans. Just a few imps sitting around cheating at gin rummy.
In order for this to happen, we have to accept God’s gift of grace.
Here you contradict yourself. Our sins aren't forgiven after all, there's a catch.

Because of sin, evil exists in the world.
You contradict yourself yet again. If all our sins are now forgiven and forgotten then evil exist independently of sin and has nothing to do with us.
God does not want sin, but Man rejected God and incurred His wrath.
Where did the " Our sins are now forgiven and forgotten in God’s sight" go? This wrath crap turns Jesus into an impotent fool who got himself crucified for nothing.
God allows evil to remain.
This belief does not reflect well on you.
God gave Adam free will.
Not according to the OT. God forbid Adam from having free will and punished him for gaining it. God goes on to punish anyone who uses it.
For this to be meaningful, there needs to be consequences to his rebellion and sin. Humanity is still in disobedience and still face consequences.
That's insane. "Do as I command or I will torture you forever" isn't free will. Being punished for the "sin" of disobedience after Jesus paid the price of our sins is being double billed.

Despite all of this, God has stepped in at times and limited evil.
Thanks for nothing.
More importantly, God has provided another means by which we can come to Him, His Son Jesus.
Which, according to what you have written above, did nothing.

One day He will create a new earth without sin in it.
But you said that the sin in this world was already forgiven and forgotten.
In the meantime, God does not promise Christians an easier life without hardships any more than any other person is promised this.
So what use is he then?
He does promise us eternal life and that He dwells in us.
But you will die just like the rest of us dispite having god for a parasite

God is all powerful, Almighty and righteous.
Except he can't make himself visible or audible.

Humans are flawed sinful creatures.
What a disgusting view of the world and the people in it you have. You are so full of anger and hate for your fellow man.

That sums up why God’s standards are superior to human standards, at least it does to me and other Christians.
At least the hateful version of Christian that attracts people like you and Magus.
There isn't any god, there isn't any Jesus (well the guy who cleans my pool is named Jesus but he never walks on the water…though he did perform a miracle with the water heater). And since these characters don't exist Xians have nothing real to compare their ideas to. So they wind up making themselves into god.
Most Xians are very nice people and you find that their god is a god of love, tolerance and beauty. But some are nasty little frightened gollums of people. Their god is always a god of hate and vengeance. The world is evil, people are rotten sinners and god is going to punish the whole lot of them. But god will reward his precious, precious. Pathetic little people who worship a pathetic little god.

And you were presented with all sorts of evidence as to what the text really said in the context of the entire passage, but you have refused to believe it.
Not the next passage, the next chapter. To which I responded with an explanation of why it would be ridiculous, from content and literary style to include it in the next chapter. I refused to believe it because it was stupid.
Nor can I help but notice that Magus has repeatedly declared that the bible is accurate more than any other book in the history of yadda yadda yadda. This same Magus is declaring that the bible is wrong. This same Magus pretends that this quote stands alone when it is repeated a dozen more times.

That is your choice. You are beating a dead horse. You don’t want us to try to force our beliefs onto you, but you insist on forcing your beliefs onto us.
I am try to "force" my beliefs on you by getting you to use your brain. You are trying to "force" your beliefs on me by threats of violence (Hell)

Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses and a New Covenant was established between Man and God.
The only reason you give a rats arse about Moses is that he's part of the Jesus story. Other wise he'd be another Zoroaster to you.
Under that new covenant, we are no longer required to go by the old law to obtain righteousness. Obviously some things still are important such as not committing murder.
So you are declaring god's laws to be arbitrary. You get to pick the ones you like and discard the rest.
And there are many moral things the Lord wants us to adhere to, which are reiterated in the New Testament, but we are not required to meet every single regulation of the Law of Moses to obtain our salvation.
Odd, don't you think, that the Jews never knew that they needed salvation?

Please note that this is not represented in the bible as a cure, but rather as part of a person’s ceremonial cleansing.
Please note that Hansen's Disease victims were "the unclean"

Please note this is what the Jews were required to do under the Law of Moses if a person has been healed of the disease, not meant as a cure for the disease.
If you had read the entire passage in its context you would have noticed the above verses.
Funny I was going to say that to you.
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Old 07-22-2003, 06:43 PM   #125
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Default Esther rose:,Jesus did promise an easier life

In the meantime, God does not promise Christians an easier life without hardships any more than any other person is promised this.
without hardships because jesus said seek and you shall find,ask and you will receive.

I guess that jesus is a liar because even if you ask for no hardships jesus will still allow hardships,poppycock.
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