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Old 08-02-2003, 02:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Boxing ring of HaShem, Jesus and Allah
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Talking Marshall Hall really takes the cake!

Geocentrist Marshall Hall's second article about the "Size and Structure of the Universe" really takes the cake! He proposes that the universe is less than half a light-day thickness, and that all the stars we see in the distance are actually an illusion, of light reflected off a dome of water crystals, the Biblical firmament!

His cosmology consists of the following layers:

Space or 1st heaven - the earth and moon.

2nd heaven - the sun, moon and planets.

3rd heaven - stellatum containing all the stars

Beyond the 3rd heaven - water crystals above the firmament.

The universe really is small and young! Its great size is just an illusion, accepted by Qabbalah-inspired cosmologists, ever since Copernicus, to be big and old. So says Marshall Hall. You've got to read it to believe...
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Old 08-02-2003, 09:42 PM   #2
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Default Re: Marshall Hall really takes the cake!

Originally posted by emotional

Geocentrist Marshall Hall's second article about the "Size and Structure of the Universe" really takes the cake! He proposes that the universe is less than half a light-day thickness, and that all the stars we see in the distance are actually an illusion, of light reflected off a dome of water crystals, the Biblical firmament!

His cosmology consists of the following layers:

Space or 1st heaven - the earth and moon.

2nd heaven - the sun, moon and planets.

3rd heaven - stellatum containing all the stars

Beyond the 3rd heaven - water crystals above the firmament.

The universe really is small and young! Its great size is just an illusion, accepted by Qabbalah-inspired cosmologists, ever since Copernicus, to be big and old. So says Marshall Hall. You've got to read it to believe...
Reflected off of the water?

I guess that's why we see many duplicates of every star... oh, wait.
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