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Old 10-02-2002, 08:42 PM   #181
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Originally posted by Amos:

Oh, he does and therefore is not part of it.</strong>
Verily, in so doing becomes one with it, yet is apart, but is neither here nor there.

Amos, your association engine appears to be working well, but I think your reality filter is broken. Time to replace that motivator.

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Old 10-02-2002, 09:01 PM   #182
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Originally posted by Starboy:

Verily, in so doing becomes one with it, yet is apart, but is neither here nor there.

Amos, your association engine appears to be working well, but I think your reality filter is broken. Time to replace that motivator.

Well here it is, Rev.22;1 "I saw no temple in the city."
Old 10-03-2002, 04:54 AM   #183
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Amos, you may have the last word.
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Old 10-03-2002, 10:43 AM   #184
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If you define a freethinker as someone who follows the scientific method it is possible for someone to try and think scientifically and come to the conclusion that religion is true.
This can happen for many reasons. Someone may be mislead by religious web sites etc. Someone may attach importance to coincidences in their lives or in other people's lives. Someone may not know the answers to the fine-tuning argument.
Before Charles Darwin there was no satisfactory explanation for life without intelligent design.
People who follow the scientific method sometimes disagree with each other.
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Old 10-03-2002, 11:12 AM   #185
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Originally posted by Starboy:

The purpose of my question was simple. You claim to be a freethinker and as such I would expect you to have examined your reasons and actions in regards to your religion. The question was asked to determine if you had indeed done this and could justify in some fashion your claim to freethinking.

Your answer does indicate that you have thought about it some, but as such have reached no real conclusions. If you are to call yourself a Christian your claim to being a freethinker is unfounded. A more honest and genuine claim would to say you do not know what you are, but for now you are going to leave your life on Christian autopilot.</strong>
Imo, you still don't know nearly enough about me to have any legitimate basis for claiming I'm not being honest.

<strong>Do not get me wrong, I am not criticizing your beliefs as a Christian, at least not in this post. All I am saying is that if you have come to your decision to be a Christian by reason, you would have more to show for it.</strong>
You don't know what I have to show for it. Who am I to you - a stranger on the Internet!

<strong>If you wish to whine that is your choice. I have always attempted to be honest if not blunt in both thought and feeling when I respond to one of your posts or ask you a question. If dishonesty is what you desire then you should hang out with the Christians.</strong>
That sort of comment indicates a thoughtless stereotyping I wonder at, in someone who claims to be a freethinker - or, in fact, any kind of thinker. What benefit did you derive from making such a disparaging comment?

take care
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Old 10-03-2002, 11:22 AM   #186
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Originally posted by B.Shack:
<strong>If you define a freethinker as someone who follows the scientific method it is possible for someone to try and think scientifically and come to the conclusion that religion is true.
This can happen for many reasons. Someone may be mislead by religious web sites etc. </strong>
Not if they follow the tenets of critical thinking, which includes checking multiple sources of information.

<strong>Someone may attach importance to coincidences in their lives or in other people's lives. </strong>
This, too, is incompatible with critical thinking and the scientific method.

<strong>Someone may not know the answers to the fine-tuning argument. </strong>
First of all, I had to look it up to know what you were referring to, so clearly it is not the main factor in shaping a skepctical worldview. And one does not need to know much science to refute that one, it is a simple matter of logic and of following the path of causality.

<strong>Before Charles Darwin there was no satisfactory explanation for life without intelligent design.</strong>
But now there is. Most scientists 100 years ago were theists. Most scientists today are not.

<strong>People who follow the scientific method sometimes disagree with each other.</strong>
Of course they do, since science makes no claim to the truth. However, there are degrees of disagreement. There are no reputable scientists today who disagree that the Earth is round, that it revolves around the Sun, that life evolves, that the universe is billions of years old.

I find it fascinating that people are so intent on associating with the prestige of science, while attempting to cling to their irrational religious beliefs, which science continualy debunks.

[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: galiel ]</p>
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Old 10-03-2002, 12:05 PM   #187
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Originally posted by Stephen T-B:
<strong>Agapeo said he hasn’t heard the expression “having personal knowledge of god.” I’d be surprised, however, if GeoTheo and HelenM hadn’t.</strong>
Fwiw, my church's mission statement is: "Helping people in our community and around the world discover the life-changing power of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."

So, if that's what you mean, yeah, I'd heard of it!

take care
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Old 10-03-2002, 01:56 PM   #188
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Let me clear up a misconception you have. You don't think I value impiricism. I do value it. I do not reject it at all. I just don't think it is the only tool in my drawer.
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Old 10-03-2002, 02:01 PM   #189
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Originally posted by HelenM:

That sort of comment indicates a thoughtless stereotyping I wonder at, in someone who claims to be a freethinker - or, in fact, any kind of thinker. What benefit did you derive from making such a disparaging comment?

take care

You had four choices in responding to my last post:

1: You could have stated your reasons for your acceptance of Christianity in greater detail such as GeoTheo.

2: You could have ignored the post altogether.

3: You could have admitted that you haven't examined the basis of your faith and you don't care to.

4: Or you could duck the issue and deflect criticism back to me.

I don't think you would be so offended if my comments were not close to the mark, since as you point out, we are Internet strangers. The response you chose reinforces my claim that you are dishonest, if not with me at least with yourself. It is you who have claimed to be a freethinker, not I. You make a claim and offer no justification and yet when you are called on it you lack the honesty to either supply justification, decline to respond, or admit you have none.

The benefit I derive is confirmation of my opinion about Christians, and a demonstration of Christian dishonesty to all who lurk here. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Old 10-03-2002, 06:23 PM   #190
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Starboy, define dishonesty. I have the impression you have a much broader definition than most people. Are you saying everybody knows theres no God so anyone who professes to be a Christian is a liar?
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