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Old 01-27-2003, 05:34 PM   #31
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My reply : Once she is dead, she also CANNOT feel how it is to feel of being loved, being hugged by another person who doesn't want anything from your body, how it feels to look into the face of someone who wants nothing but to be around you ... DOES SHE?
By revenge I mean she should have tried to physically harm her abusers. Not through suicide. Can you see that there are ways to get revenge other than suicide?

How are you going to charge a person who induce another to commit suicide? Is there such laws in your country? Which punishment is more - for murder or for inducing someone to commit suicide (if the law exist)?
Yes, there are laws against it where I live, Australia. The penalty is the same as for murder - 20 years, parole after 14 years. In situations like this, I agree with the law.

My reply : Didn't I tell you to choose your friends carefully? There are people out there who will take advantage of you, which is why you should be careful who you choose as your friends.
Even 'friends' can be deceiving. It would have been relatively to gain her trust after she was rescued, especially if her 'friend' was one of the rescuers.

One way is by seeing their reaction when you tell them your problem. Those who wants to take advantage of you will do anything to avoid helping you with your problem, because it is not worth their time.
Or they may help in order to gain trust so they can deceive.

The neighbours give what they can give, they cannot protect her all the time and any hope is better than nothing.
Unless the hope is false.

Which is better? Getting abused by your father or giving a second chance (not matter how small it maybe) by someone else? You choose.
Of course a second chance is better, but did the victim CHOOSE to be betrayed? Of course not, unless you wish to make another cheap swipe and blame her for being so trusting.

My reply : Did I ever ask you to believe me? I don't think so. I say what I have seen, heard and felt for the last 30 years, it can be true or false - for me it is true, for you - it maybe false.
If they were mind-readings, and they were accurate like you claim, they would be true for everyone, would they not?

Even if my "conditions" is nothing more than imbalance of chemicals in my brain and I had imagined (and still imagining it since I still have those abilities), then it only proves that I'm a mentally disable person. IF I (with this mental disorders) could live happily, WHY can't you? Why should you seek death to escape?
Because I'm not you. And because death is a guaranteed escape. Once there, there's no turning back.

My reply : Fine by me. Only two questions ...
1. How long will Prozac's effect last per day?
2. How long will you live with drugs as your support?
1. Long enough, but redundant because I could always get more.
2. Longer than I would if I commited suicide.

My reply : And since when did I say I will be your friend?
I didn't mean to imply that. But do you treat all depressed people like garbage? Including depressed friends?

You want to know what I feel, ask me and I will answer truthfully, don't expect me to say you are brave and all that crap simply because you want to put a barrel up your butt and end it all.
Suicide is not easy. EasiER, perhaps, but never easy. Self-harm is one of the hardest things to do.

In my opinion, it is better for me to call you a coward for such actions as suicide than help you pull the trigger by calling your brave.
What if calling me a coward makes me pull the trigger?

I guess I'll take a break now, and wait to see what someone other than Seraphim has to say.
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Old 01-27-2003, 06:28 PM   #32
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Sometimes ya just have to let things go.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
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Old 01-27-2003, 06:39 PM   #33
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By revenge I mean she should have tried to physically harm her abusers. Not through suicide. Can you see that there are ways to get revenge other than suicide?

My reply : There is always other ways than suicide, depending on how a person behave and how strong he/she is mentally to do such things. Seeking to escape from your oppressors and educating yourself is one way to free yourself.

Yes, there are laws against it where I live, Australia. The penalty is the same as for murder - 20 years, parole after 14 years. In situations like this, I agree with the law.

My reply : Then if the person who was oppressed lived in Australia, he or she should make police complaint.
Oppressors work in principle that as long as they can oppresse someone who is weaker than them, they will do it. Once the person who is oppressed fight back, they will have to come out with new things to oppress him or her. Physical abuse to oppress someone is common, and in this case, fighting back physically can help a lot.

Even 'friends' can be deceiving. It would have been relatively to gain her trust after she was rescued, especially if her 'friend' was one of the rescuers.

My reply : Did this girl had something special or valueable on her which everyone out to get, OR was she simply the unluckiest girl on the planet?
True that friends can be deceiving because people are deceiving all the time. It is your duty to find who it is who is friend and who is foe.

Or they may help in order to gain trust so they can deceive.

My reply : Nope, that is not true from my point of view (of living for 30 years).
A person who wish to gain trust will say whatever which you wish to hear so you will like him or her enough to gain his or her trust.

A person who seeks something from you will do as much he or she thinks is worth of getting from you. Anything more which he cannot profit from, he will not volunteer it. And one more thing, he will not tell his problems to you since he may take it as a bad move in case you wish to strike back and could use whatever information you gathered from him.

A true friend (or at least someone who has nothing which he needs from you, like me) is someone who tells you what he feels - whether you like it or not and will listen to you and share things with you (his problems as well since he trust you).

Unless the hope is false.

My reply : Whether hope is false or true is depend on YOU, not other people.
If you want to have hope of happiness, then go and find some. Hold onto something - such as principles etc first which could help you anchor yourself, and find friends which seek nothing from you.

Of course a second chance is better, but did the victim CHOOSE to be betrayed? Of course not, unless you wish to make another cheap swipe and blame her for being so trusting.

My reply : I blame it on her inability to find friends who cares ... or are you going to say that your whole society is full of liars, cheaters and SOBs ...
In that case, come to Malaysia, you can still find some good fellows left on this Planet.

If they were mind-readings, and they were accurate like you claim, they would be true for everyone, would they not?

My reply : Yes, true. I believe everyone has it (some like me are born with it, some developed it along the way through proper exercise).
If you ask me why you not able to read other people's mind, I could say it is because such ability will shorten your life span. Meaning is this :

The brain develops abilities which suits its best survival ratio in environment based on how much strenght a person has mentally and in some cases physically. A person who could read other people's intention have strong ratio of survival if he could avoid any unnecessary conflicts before hand. Well ... this is the best, logical explaination I could come out with.

Because I'm not you. And because death is a guaranteed escape. Once there, there's no turning back.

My reply : hmph ... guaranteed escape to where? To become what? Fertilizer?
You don't seems to understand that "Even if you destroy this world, the world you seek will not appear".
Do you think there is life after death? Yes or not?

1. Long enough, but redundant because I could always get more.
2. Longer than I would if I commited suicide.

My reply : Hmph ... To make long story short, you admit that Prozac is useful ONLY as long as you think is it useful. In the end, Suicide is always some option of yours and you don't think it is a wasted death? True or False.

I didn't mean to imply that. But do you treat all depressed people like garbage? Including depressed friends?

My reply : WRONG.
I treat death by suicide as garbage. I treat people who seek easy was out than to face life as cowards. I don't treat everyone depressed as garbage because I was one of them as well.

Suicide is not easy. EasiER, perhaps, but never easy. Self-harm is one of the hardest things to do.

My reply : Facing life is THE hardest thing a person could do. Seeking death is never hard, any person who wish to die rather than face challenges in life ALL because some head shrink said his brain is full of chemical imbalance crap is a coward and seeks easy way out.

What if calling me a coward makes me pull the trigger?

My reply : Then what I will say won't make any difference because you will be dead.

I guess I'll take a break now, and wait to see what someone other than Seraphim has to say.

My reply : Good idea ... let see what others have to say as well. I need a break as well.
Old 01-27-2003, 06:42 PM   #34
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Sometimes ya just have to let things go.

My questions : Think about this, no need to answer.

Will you let go as well, feather, IF the person who wants to kill him/herself is someone you love?

Will you live with yourself knowing that you allowed someone you love to die simply because he or she wanted to end it all?
Old 01-28-2003, 04:46 AM   #35
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Thumbs down

My reply : Reason for revenge? Against who? Herself for being a weakling? Against her father and her oppressors? Guess what ... she didn't get her revenge nor anything else for that matter except 6 feet of cold, damp ground to lay in.

No one said life is easy. There is only one choice - stand and fight or lie and die. She was given a second chance when her neighbours came to her rescue, but threw it all the way when she allowed others to bully her once again.
To me, to stand and fight even so it is a fight I cannot win IS better than lie and get kicked every five minute, hoping that the next kick will end it all.

ROTFLMAO!!! Feminists will be swarming at you like maggots at freshly strewn meat.

You'd never had experience of being gang-raped twice and no more reason to trust people who betrays you? Stand and fight? Watched Xiu Xiu the sent down girl? The heroine of the film had to sold her body to strangers just to see her family again and in the end everyone who fucked with her didn't gave her what she wanted. Fight against whom? The communists? Look back what happened at Tianemen square, boy.

Just incase you have no idea what that movie is, Petaling street is the best place to find the movie.

My reply : I blame it on her inability to find friends who cares ... or are you going to say that your whole society is full of liars, cheaters and SOBs ...
In that case, come to Malaysia, you can still find some good fellows left on this Planet.

You asked people to not BASH you for not knowing WHO you ARE but you dared to label my girlfriend as stupid? Care to tell me you did know everything she did in her life by your "abilities"?
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Old 01-28-2003, 04:15 PM   #36
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ROTFLMAO!!! Feminists will be swarming at you like maggots at freshly strewn meat.

My reply : Hmph ... IF I'm afraid to voice out my thoughts, then I won't open my mouth, would I?

You'd never had experience of being gang-raped twice and no more reason to trust people who betrays you? Stand and fight? Watched Xiu Xiu the sent down girl? The heroine of the film had to sold her body to strangers just to see her family again and in the end everyone who fucked with her didn't gave her what she wanted. Fight against whom? The communists? Look back what happened at Tianemen square, boy.

Just incase you have no idea what that movie is, Petaling street is the best place to find the movie.

My reply : Stop wasting your (and my) time with movies. Movies are simply dramatic (sometimes OVER dramatic) show of someone else's mistakes.

You asked people to not BASH you for not knowing WHO you ARE but you dared to label my girlfriend as stupid? Care to tell me you did know everything she did in her life by your "abilities"?

My reply : What are you take me for? God?
I don't know (or want to know) about you, why should I bother about your girlfriend?
Do remember, it is you who is posting to my reply, not the other way around.
Old 01-28-2003, 06:25 PM   #37
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My reply : Stop wasting your (and my) time with movies. Movies are simply dramatic (sometimes OVER dramatic) show of someone else's mistakes.

Then stop making judgments on scenarios you don't fully understood because you're not G.O.D. Or you're trying to establish your reputation here?

Quoting philosophies from kiddie mangas like Gensomaden Saiyuki is much more pathetic, whatmore from my movies.

My reply : What are you take me for? God?
I don't know (or want to know) about you, why should I bother about your girlfriend?
Do remember, it is you who is posting to my reply, not the other way around.

"My life is my concern, not yours"

Read that quote of yours a couple of times already.
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Old 01-28-2003, 06:39 PM   #38
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Then stop making judgments on scenarios you don't fully understood because you're not G.O.D. Or you're trying to establish your reputation here?

My reply : Nonsense ... no need to add anything or explain anything to you.

Quoting philosophies from kiddie mangas like Gensomaden Saiyuki is much more pathetic, whatmore from my movies.

My reply : It's the words that matters, not the source ... then again, not everyone could understand it.

"My life is my concern, not yours"

Read that quote of yours a couple of times already.

My reply : Yes, your life is your problem, why bother others with it?

Good bye, since I will not entertain your post here (or anywhere else for that matter) in the future (unless you really PO me by direct insult).

Hmph ... IF This is not someone else's thread, I couldn't bothered. I won't bother or demand Corgan edit his post or eats it.
Old 01-28-2003, 06:58 PM   #39
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Let's see if the other guy does it...
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Old 01-28-2003, 07:04 PM   #40
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Corgan Sow and Seraphim,

Cut it out with the insults. Please go back and edit your last couple of posts to bring them in line with the forum standards. I

f that isn't done I or one of the other moderators will be editing them, and then having a bit of a chat with you.

MF&P Moderator, First Class
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