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Old 04-25-2003, 07:52 AM   #31
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Default Re: Re: Re: Pluto & Transformation

Originally posted by Volker.Doormann
I can tell you, that ‘You can cut abrupt human relationships, without to hear the other out’, because of your Square of Moon and Uranus while birth. This interpretation is also to find on my page and reads in German: “104 MO QU UR Du kannst Beziehungen schroff abbrechen ohne den anderen anzuhören.”
Oh please... First of all, that's not a square, it's quincunx, or an aspect derived from 72° angles (one fifth of a circle). The effects of those are even fainter than for squares. Looking at the URL you gave, it would seem you also pay attention to sextiles. I think I got you pegged now. You're a technician. That's your style. If it's on the chart and there's something in the book about it, then it must be accounted for. Is that about right?
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Old 04-25-2003, 07:56 AM   #32
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Default Re: Pluto & Transformation

Originally posted by Volker.Doormann
Astrology is a science...
How do you define "science"?
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Old 04-25-2003, 08:10 AM   #33
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My birthday is March 5, 1974. What can you tell me about me? What advice can you give me?
I can tell you that your name is Patrick. I can tell you, that ‘You can cut abrupt human relationships, without to hear the other out’, because of your Square of Moon and Uranus while birth.
Sorry to disappoint you, but as any kind of generalization, that doesn't accurately describe me by any stretch of the imagination. Therefore, either astrology is bunk, or you're doing it wrong. Care to try again?

It’s your decision to ignore that, for what you have asked.
No, you obviously did not give me what I asked for. I asked specifically how one goes about attributing characteristics to planets. If you think you've even begun to answer this question, you're deluding yourself.

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Old 04-25-2003, 09:04 AM   #34
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Muhammad also has determined empirically psychological assessments, which was later written in the Quran.

What did Muhammed determine?

The laws of Islam.

I thought Muhammed determined the laws of Islam by getting a message from God, not by doing surveys of people.

Anyway, ..

It is interesting to see, how here is replied to arguments. There is no prove given, that science can measure hurt souls, but the psychological effect of the laws of islam to the souls of many woman is 'anyway'. This is not a scientific discussion, it is a political discussion.

Huh? I never said science can measure "hurt souls", whatever that means. It can only measure empirical things like human behavior. Also, the reason I didn't go into more detail about your Muhammed "argument" is that I didn't even understand what you were talking about, and I still don't (see my question above). Perhaps once you elaborate on exactly what you're arguing that Muhammed determined, and how he determined this, and how this relates to scientific studies, then I'll be able to address it.

... the effects of rape can be verified by more scientific forms of testing ...

Where is the proof? What is the effect? On what? On a soul? If one argue, that it is full in the range of nature to be raped, how would you argue against this without to prove, that ethic is a part of nature? No Sir. I don't buy your assertion in a scientific discussion forum.

I have no idea what the phrase "it is full in the range of nature to be raped" means. Again, a study of rapes would verify that being raped is correlated with certain changes in behavior or psychology, like maybe showing that women who have been raped have a harder time forming romantic relationships than women who have not (I have no idea if this is actually true, I'm just pointing out a possible thing that could be studied--for example, here's someone's term paper summarizing research on The Effects of Rape on Subsequent Relationships). The point is not to say anything about the morality of rape (which I assume is what you were talking about in the comment 'that ethic is a part of nature', although I don't really understand that either), just to study its empirical effects.

... like large-scale studies of rape victims vs. women who have not been raped, ...

I have read it more then ten times. - No comment.

You have read what more than ten times? That sentence? Is it unclear? I'm talking about surveying a large number of women of similar backgrounds (trying to control for other variables), asking them various questions including "have you ever been raped", and then seeing if those who have been raped tend to answer any of the other questions differently than those who have not.

My understanding is that astrology has been subjected to this form of scientific testing, with the result that no correlation between planet positions and things like personality or life history were found.

That's correct for the statistical significance of that works. But there is an evidence recognized by individuals, they acknowledge individual astrologic interpretations.

If natural science is not able to perceive this reality, than it is a problem of natural science, but not of astrology. Natural science never has shown, that there is an ethic. From this, natural science is not competent in the spiritual order of nature. The ethical claims of science are not better than the claims of religions; both is based on incompetence and on social power to suppress other forms of understandings. Each uneducated child can interpret the truth in music, or the truth of injustice by inner knowledge - science and religions not.

That defense won't work, because astrology is not solely about ethical or aesthetic claims--it also makes empirical claims of the type science can investigate, like "people born under a certain sign are more likely to have a certain kind of personality" or "certain events are more likely to happen in people's lives when the planets are configured in a certain way." If these claims repeatedly fail to be verified by scientific testing, then it's safe to say they're probably nonsense.

As for anecdotal "evidence recognized by individuals" that for some reason fails to show up on statistical tests, I would offer this story:

When I was in high school and college, I performed magic shows both for fun and for money. Since I could not travel, I found myself performing for the same audiences again and again. So I began looking or new things I could do. I did hypnotic demonstrations, a memory act, and ";mind reading"; demonstrations. One summer, while working with a carnival, I became interested in the lady who read palms. I decided that this was something else I could try. I read some books on it and then advertised my services as a palm reader, in addition to being a magician, mindreader, hypnotist, etc. When I first began doing palm reading for money, I did not believe that it really worked. However, I was amazed when my clients insisted that everything I was telling them was uncannily accurate. By the time I began college, I was a true believer. I had no doubts that palmistry worked. When I was a sophomore in college, a friend suggested that I try and read my next client's palm by telling her the opposite of what the lines said. If her heart line indicated that she did not like to display her emotions, I would tell her that she was the sort of person who displays her emotions openly. If her head line said she was a practical person, I would tell her she was imaginative and somewhat impractical. To my astonishment, this client was thrilled at how accurately I had captured her personality. So I tried the same experiment on my next few clients. The results were the same! By now, I was coming to realization that whatever was happening in a palm reading session, it had nothing to do with the lines in the hand.
Or how about this:

In 1979 Michel Gauquelin put an advertisement in Ici-Paris offering a free horoscope. Recipients were asked to reply saying how accurate they and their friends found the horoscope. Of the first 150 replies, 94% percent said it was accurate as did 90% of their friends and family. Unfortunately, they all got the same horoscope, that of Dr. Petiot, a notorious mass murderer.
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Old 04-25-2003, 09:29 AM   #35
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I had a similar experience with tarot divination, once upon a time. After being a believer for a while, I had come to the conclusion that it was BS, while a friend of mine thought that there "must be something to it."

To prove to him that it was BS, I had him do two tarot readings, back-to-back, using my Crowley-Thoth deck. Of course, the card arrangements produced by the two readings were not at all the same, even when I asked the same question of the same cards at the same time (well, back-to-back readings, anyway)! He could not explain why the readings were different, nor tell which one I should listen to. At least astrology and palmistry can give somewhat consistent answers, as long as everyone agrees ahead of time what the signs and symbols 'mean' (though the attributions are completely arbitrary, of course: Mars is no more 'martial' than Venus).

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Old 04-25-2003, 11:01 AM   #36
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Default Re: Re: Re: Re: Pluto & Transformation

Originally posted by Autonemesis
Oh please... First of all, that's not a square, it's quincunx, or an aspect derived from 72° angles (one fifth of a circle).
Patrick wrote: "My birthday is March 5, 1974"

5.3.1974 07:00:00 UT = 00:00 in L.A.
delta t: 44.668780 sec jd (ET) = 2442111.792184

ecl. long. ecl. lat. dist. speed
Moon 1 leo 20'21.0510 -2°58'29.8989 0.002430683 14°41'31.5194
Uranus 27 libra 19'21.8001 0°36'16.6611 17.691094268 -0° 1'37.9591

It depends on his true birth time. I have taken this and I have calculate about 86°. That's a Square (90°) using an orbit of 5°-7°.

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Old 04-25-2003, 11:05 AM   #37
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Default Re: Re: Pluto & Transformation

Originally posted by Shadowy Man
How do you define "science"?
True knowledge about the order of nature (p.e. Theology is the science of god).

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Old 04-25-2003, 11:19 AM   #38
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Default Re: Re: Re: Pluto & Transformation

Originally posted by Volker.Doormann
True knowledge about the order of nature (p.e. Theology is the science of god).

Ok, then we are using different definitions. Therefore, I can't comment on whether astrology is "science" in your terms. In mine, it is not.
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Old 04-25-2003, 11:19 AM   #39
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Originally posted by ps418
Sorry to disappoint you, but as any kind of generalization, that doesn't accurately describe me by any stretch of the imagination.

Never mind. There is a documented fact, that you have cut abrupt our relationship and there is a documented fact, that you would not listen to that stuff about Pluto & transformation. Then you wrote: "I now conclude that you have no answer. Have fun with your charts.


My Interpretation is not a generalization. My interpretation describe accurately your cut of our relationship with 'Have fun with your charts.'

However. EOD

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Old 04-25-2003, 11:30 AM   #40
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Originally posted by Volker.Doormann
Never mind. There is a documented fact, that you have cut abrupt our relationship
Apparently your definition of "documented fact" is about as sensible as your definition of science. In case you didnt notice, we are still discussing astrology, despite the fact that you cannot or will not answer my simple question about how planetary attributes are assigned.

. . . and there is a documented fact, that you would not listen to that stuff about Pluto & transformation.
You mean, the 'stuff' that assumed the very point at issue (pluto=transformation), and did not in any way answer my question? I didn't ignore it. I promptly checked it out, and saw that it didnt even begin to answer my question.

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