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Old 04-09-2003, 10:15 AM   #11
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Similar to the broken record idea...

Just smile.

When the hound you into corner, just fold your arms and grin like Cheshire Cat into each of their eyes.

First of all, you have a reason to grin, because by being an atheist your very exitence causes questions to their detriment.

Secondly, they can't fathom why you have a reason to grin, so it will throw them off.

Third, the lack of a response other than inane grinning will suck all the steam right out of their engines and they will eventually walk away spent.

Fourth, grinning exudes confidence, and a confident person is unassailable.

Sixth, Smile. It make people wonder what you're up to.
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Old 04-09-2003, 10:57 AM   #12
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In the words of Homer; "Run boy, RUNNN! RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIFE!!!!

If you have the opportunity, counterattack the seemingly weaker ones on an individual basis. In a situation like yours, I would go for the intimidation angle by showing a superior intellect to one at a time if possible.
Approach the individual with a "hey, I have some questions about God that I wanted to ask just you about" and then control the discussion by asking questions to which you already know the answers to. Try also to think ahead and shoot down any counter arguments they may have. Control, control, control.
Then if they go after you en masse again you can pick the individual you confronted and probably baffled and put him and hopefully the whole group on the defensive. There's always a weak link and with fundies there's usually several.
Or if there's a leader in the group, confront him on an individual basis first. That may take the entire tribe out.

They're trying to intimidate you whether they mean to or not. Do your best to give it back to them in spades.
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Old 04-09-2003, 11:26 AM   #13
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I'm going to move this to Secular Lifestyle & Support - you're virtually guaranteed atheist-only responses there.
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Old 04-09-2003, 01:48 PM   #14
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Hi AndrewPearson,

Have you had troubles with bullying in school prior to this?

I ask because I'm trying to find out if this is just an escalation of prior problems, or a brand new problem.

Recalling my times of being bullied in Jr High/High School, I can say that my experience is that no matter what you say, if they want to bully you, they'll twist your words into something that gives them an "excuse" for continuing to bully you. And make no mistake, what they are doing is bullying.

I'd suggest you avoid trying to converse with them as they aren't interested in holding a conversation (only a conversion). The less you say to them, the less they can later twist to claim you said something else. If you don't speak, they have a hard time saying "well, AP kept insulting us so we had to show him God's mercy and kick the stuffing out of him".

You should notify some adult outside of school of the situation. That way, if things do escalate you've got an adult (who listens to kids anyway?) to back you up in your claims of harrassment. But it is also important to put the school administration on notice as they are liable for preventing the harrassment once they are made aware of it. Make sure they are aware that you don't intend to put up with the bullying, and that if they don't take measures to stop the other kids you'll escalate the situation to some higher authority.

However, don't come on too strong in the first contact with the administration - you are better off appealing for their help and getting it willingly than begrudgingly.

Whatever you do, don't say anything that can be easily misconstrued as a threat in this post-Columbine society!

A strategic retreat in the face of overwhelming opposition is not cowardice! It sounds like they've got you significantly physically outgunned, so don't let them dictate the battlefield.

Do you have any friends that can be counted on to stand by you, or at least watch out for the opposition and maybe let you know if they hear any rumors about impending actions against you?

Can you let us know more about how your family will deal with the bullying vis a vis your atheism? Also, what grade are you in? Our advice might vary a bit depending on if you are 14 vs 18.

If your family won't back you, consider seeking out a local Unitarian church - there would seem to be a good chance you could find some sympathetic adults who would be willing to give you some support. The Unitarians might also be a reasonable way to sidestep the issue - it sounds to me like atheists as regular attendees at UU services isn't uncommon, and if you could be seen to be allied with something the bullies (and adults who may be somewhat dismissive of a "rebellious (against God) teenager") that can be construed to be a "church" you might be able to more easily deflect their unwanted attentions.

keep us posted,
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Old 04-09-2003, 05:59 PM   #15
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I second the suggestion to immediately warn them that you will not tolerate the harassment, notify the administration, and begin taking exact records of whatever happens. Carry a tape recorder if you must.

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Old 04-09-2003, 06:47 PM   #16
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My favorite is:

"No thank you, I'd rather go to hell."

There's just no good response to that.
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Old 04-10-2003, 02:11 AM   #17
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Sue the living shit out them. No warning, just take any and all legal action that you can, out of the blue. That ought to shut the buggers up.
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Old 04-10-2003, 09:19 AM   #18
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Default Work out..

Thats right get to the gym...
Sure its hard but 6 months - 1year from now you will be cut like an underwear model and no one will fuck with you.

Worked for me..
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Old 04-10-2003, 12:03 PM   #19
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If they won't listen to you, maybe you can try the socratic method. Act interested, and casually ask questions that will leave them fumbling for answers. "Oh, that's interesting about the flood... So did it really cover the whole earth? How did all the animals fit? Oh, that makes sense. What did they do with all the poop? Oh, okay. Was the floodwater cold or hot? Where did all the water go when the flood went down? etc."

Ask enough questions and they'll probably get flustered and just leave. If all else fails, you can just keep asking why? You know... "Accept jesus." Why? Because he'll save you. Why? Because he loves you. Why? Because if you believe in him he loves you. Why?

This works best if you act interested and not confrontational.
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Old 04-10-2003, 01:53 PM   #20
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Hey AndrewPearson, that really sucks that they're ganging up on you like that. But here's the thing--if you spend just a bit of time hanging around the SecWeb and reading articles in the infidels library, you can really whup their ass and leave them without a leg to stand on (intellectually speaking).

I went to the march on Washington last fall, and it was the first time I'd argued with hardcore fundies in real life since I'd started hanging around this forum. There were fundies lined up next to our march, holding big signs and shouting crap at us. I debated with several of them, and left them stunned each time.

They have no rational basis from which they can argue. They have a double standard--they believe one particular set of ancient writings about supernatural claims, and no other. Nail them on that.

I especially like Rhea's suggestion about finding a friendly preacher (of a liberal sect of Christianity, maybe even a unitarian) and asking him for some help.

Good luck!

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