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Old 04-08-2003, 05:50 PM   #1
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Default Help.

Well, in school, I let it out that I was atheist. The next day, about 15 Christian Fundamentalists approached me and began harassing me telling to "accept Jesus." I tried to reason with them and use logic to make them see my point of view however every day they are trying to convert me. What can I do?
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Old 04-08-2003, 06:13 PM   #2
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Ouch. That sounds awful. Here are some suggestions. Don't know what's appropriate.

Tell them to stop. Clearly & with consequences.
"Stop Harassing me about religion or we go to court. Do you understand?"

Get a notebook. When they approach, take it out. Write down the time and their name. And a comment about what they're doing.

Are you out to your parents?

Ask a friendly preacher, if you know one, what to do. You might have a surprising ally.

How is the school administration? Show them your notes.

It is CLEARLY ILLEGAL for them to create an atmosphere which interferes with your schooling. DON'T FORGET THAT. You DO have rights here.

ACLU. e-mail them and ask for advice. They may have a FAQ that can help you.

Don't make them try to see your point about God. Make them try to see your point about the LAW.

Buy some disgusting cologne or perfume and over-use it. (just kidding. A little humor. Garlic, maybe? Onions?)

In general I would seek local adult help. They will be able to give you advice that matches your community and your laws. Ask your principle if there are any non-theist teachers who can advise you.

Religion is allowed, harassment is not.


Can you tell us some specifics of what they say and how they approach you?
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Old 04-08-2003, 06:19 PM   #3
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It is not that they are trying to hurt me mentally or physically, they are just extremely actively trying to convert me to Christianity. They don't even listen when I try to explain to them how they are Wrong. They just keep trying to Make me a Christian. Yuck.
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Old 04-08-2003, 06:22 PM   #4
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Ah, well then what works best for me is,

"No thank you. I'd rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick"
And I walk away.
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Old 04-08-2003, 06:23 PM   #5
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Old 04-08-2003, 06:37 PM   #6
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I'm a teacher. There is a technique we use with students who want to argue with instructions because they find it amusing. It is called the "broken record," and it sounds like it may help here.

In class, it works like this....

(Student is turned around in seat, bothering someone else.)

Me: Turn around and finish your assignment.
Irritating Student: I was asking to borrow a pencil
Me: Turn around and start your assignment.
I.S.: I don't know what page it's on.
Me: Turn around and start your assignment.
I.S.: I don't understand the instructions.
Me: Turn around and start your assignment.

At about this time, the kid gets bored when he sees that I'm not going to get angry and put on a show for the rest of the class, and he starts the assignment. It takes TWO people to argue, and when one of them stubbornly refuses to take the bait, it gets dull real quick.

In your case, decide ahead of time what your broken record phrase is going to be. You aren't going to get anywhere with logic, I don't think, so I recommend something like "I am not going to discuss this with you." Repeat it calmly. Don't change the phrase; don't respond to things they say to you. "I'm not going to discuss this with you."

When they see that you aren't about to engage in debate, they may leave you alone. It may take more than one session of broken record. Eventually, I think it will work.
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Old 04-08-2003, 06:37 PM   #7
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(seriously, it has always worked very well indeed for me. I tend not to get repeat customers with that one.)

Chuckle. But I've always liked it, too.
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Old 04-08-2003, 10:35 PM   #8
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How about "Go peddle your fairy tales somewhere else"?

Welcome to our humble home-away-from-home, Andrew. Thirteen is when I decided God was bunk, after a two-week stint of gradually declining belief after a "conversion" by two suited teens in a mall. Just hadn't thought about it much before that, and they hit me right in the cultural presuppositions. Fortunately, it wore off.

You will not win these arguments with your fellow students. If, at your age, they are motivated enough by their religion to harass you in the halls, they are fully indoctrinated and immune to logic. As the saying goes, you can't reason someone out of a position they weren't reasoned into.

If you wish to persevere, know that the only possible good you will do is to give a good showing in front of any undecided onlookers that there may be. Many debates on this forum are pursued with just that goal. I advise that you be calm, firm, polite, and humorous. Let them trip over the illogic of their own positions. Let them be the ones who get upset and rude. I will not presume to advise lines of debate: reading this board will do that. They will continuously try to change the subject, and you may win points with onlookers if you firmly herd them back to the question that they still haven't answered (I know there will be some).

All this is, of course, if you decide you want to debate them. This may open you up to some negative consequences from other students and from teachers. I cannot evaluate this risk for you. Good luck, and remember, college is much better.
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Old 04-08-2003, 11:11 PM   #9
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I'm sorry about what's going on at school. I think that's awful.

I do think that the broken record response would work well. Be consistant. Eventually they will get bored and find someone else to harrass.

Even though I think that the broken record is a good idea, I think that you should be open to people who want to know more about why you are an atheist and who wish to discuss Christianity and atheism. Discuss, as in, explore what each of you think about the other view--not as in I'm right, you're not.

Those people may be few and far between, I admit--but they do exist. Here's hoping for a non-stressful and happy week at school for you.

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Old 04-09-2003, 05:05 AM   #10
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"i met jesus yesterday and he told me to tell you to shut the fuck up."
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