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Old 12-13-2002, 08:29 AM   #11
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But State & Local laws still apply:
One final point. In general, a faith-based organization retains this exemption even if it receives Federal, State, or local financial assistance. However, certain Federal laws and regulations, as well as State and local laws, may place conditions on the receipt of government funds. For example, some employment laws may
prohibit discrimination on the basis of religion. Or a State or local law may prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or require certain organizations to provide benefits to employees’ unmarried domestic partners. Some of these laws may exempt religious organizations, while others may not. Organizations with further questions about this issue may wish to consult a lawyer to find out about the specific requirements that apply to your organization and any rights you may have under the Constitution or Federal laws.
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Old 12-13-2002, 11:56 AM   #12
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Bush Will Allow Religious Groups to Receive U.S. Aid

Democrats said Mr. Bush's action undermined a legal principle dating to 1941 under which groups that receive federal financing must adhere to nondiscrimination standards.
. . .
Christopher Anders, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union in Washington, said Mr. Bush had "accomplished at the stroke of a pen what he couldn't get through Congress in the last two years and what he calculated he couldn't even get from a Republican Congress next year, which is a tremendous rollback to civil rights protections."

. . .
Asked whether Mr. Bush believed that religious groups would be able to discriminate based on characteristics like sexual orientation, a senior administration official said the president believes religion-based organizations "should be able to hire people that support their vision and mission" in a way consistent with previous court rulings on the issue.

The president's effort to promote religion-based social programs has met with a mixed reaction from religious groups. It has been opposed by most mainline Protestants, such as the president's own denomination, the United Methodist Church, and by most Reform and Conservative Jewish groups. It has been supported by most evangelical and Orthodox Jewish groups, while African American denominations have been split.

. . .

The president's move today took by surprise some groups that had been monitoring Mr. Bush's efforts. On Monday, leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Leadership Committee on Civil Rights, the American Association of University Women and Americans United for Separation of Church and State met with Mr. Towey. Some of the people present at the meeting said Mr. Towey gave no indication that the president was about to take the action he took today.

Representatives of some of those groups said today that they were outraged.
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Old 12-16-2002, 11:56 PM   #13
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Paul Krugman: Gotta Have Faith

The media were shocked, shocked to discover that prominent Republicans have a soft spot for segregation — something that was obvious long before Mr. Lott inserted his foot in his mouth. One of these years they'll be equally shocked to discover that prominent Republicans have a soft spot for theocracy.

. . .

George W. Bush is always careful to speak in favor of faith in general, not any faith in particular. Congressional leaders are less careful. Last spring Tom DeLay, soon to be House majority leader, told a church group that: "Only Christianity offers a way to live in response to the realities that we find in this world — only Christianity." He also said he was on a mission from God to promote a "biblical worldview" in American politics.

. . .
Mr. DeLay isn't an obscure crank; he's the most powerful man in Congress. . .
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Old 12-26-2002, 04:18 PM   #14
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Is Bush Subsidizing Bigotry?

Interesting commentary by Timothy Noah (atheist columnist for Slate) on the provisions exempting religious organizations from the Federal Executive Orders that ban discrimination, although I think he is too soft on the religious exemption.

The exemption will not only allow religious charities to discriminate on the basis of religion, but also on the quality of one's religious belief and practice.
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Old 12-30-2002, 02:00 PM   #15
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The New York Times has editorialized against this revised executive order:

Using Tax Dollars for Churches

It is clearer today than ever that one of America's greatest strengths is that we are a nation in which people are free to practice any faith or no faith, and the government keeps out of the religious realm. This is a tradition that has served America well since its founding. There is no reason to tamper with it now.

By putting his faith-based initiative into effect as an executive order, President Bush did an end run around Congress, where it was facing significant opposition. But the judiciary will not be as easy to avoid. When the order faces a constitutional challenge, as it inevitably will, the courts must not hesitate to rule it unconstitutional.
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Old 01-03-2003, 11:56 PM   #16
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Faith based bribery's Greedy Constituency
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