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Old 01-30-2003, 05:49 PM   #61
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Originally posted by Godless Sodomite At which point "free will" just becomes a fancy way of saying that you have a choice whether you want to Super-Size your Value Meal or not, or whether you'll wear your blue shirt tomorrow in stead of your green one.[/B]
I have no free will. My doctor says that super sizing my value meals is super sizing me, and I have to stop that or I'll die sooner than I want.

I don't have any greens shirts. Most of mine are blue anyway.

Thanks, GS. Now I'm really depressed.

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Old 01-30-2003, 06:16 PM   #62
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Originally posted by BrotherMan
I have no free will. My doctor says that super sizing my value meals is super sizing me, and I have to stop that or I'll die sooner than I want.

I don't have any greens shirts. Most of mine are blue anyway.

Thanks, GS. Now I'm really depressed.

See? And you didn't even need Jesus!

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Old 01-30-2003, 06:56 PM   #63
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Originally posted by Harumi
And if he was also omnipotent and omniscient, that would essentially make free will pointless.

So you can only thank God for making free will pointless.

Hey, I'll take it one step further!

If the above-mentioned deity were omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, then thanking him would be equally pointless.

He would already know that you were planning to thank him.

Funny thing about this parents always told me it was polite to say "you're welcome" after someone has thanked you.

People have been thanking god for millenia, yet he has not once said "you're welcome."

Is god rude?
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Old 01-31-2003, 04:05 AM   #64
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Like many here, I assumed Sonny Burnett’s asinine OP was a leg-pull, but the sad fact is, I do know Christians who would think it to be perfectly sensible. So, for the benefit of lurkers - and Paul - I’m posting a response.
Addressed to Sonny, it goes something like this:
I expect you think god is as real as the nose on your face?
Well, I can tell you he isn’t or I wouldn’t be writing this. There wouldn’t be an Internet Infidels either. After all, no one says you haven’t got a nose, so how come we can say there isn’t a god?
That’s because your certainty about god being real is based on supposition, not on knowledge. And when it comes to suppositions, I am as entitled to mine as you are to yours. So the god which you are certain exists is based on the one you are taught about and read about in the Bible, and the god a Muslim is certain exists is based on the one he's been taught about and read about in the Koran, and who is to say which of you is right?
Quoting holy books won’t do because a Muslim believes his holy book to be just as holy as you believe yours to be.
You have your priests and prophets. He has his. You say Muslims are damned. Muslims say Christians are.
So where are we?
In the realm of beliefs, where anything I believe in has just as much merit - or just as little - as anything you do. The only thing which might settle the argument is if I am stronger than you, or my god has more followers than yours.
Ever wondered about religious wars and religious persecution and why they happen?

Well, that’s why.

Religious beliefs are inside people’s heads, shaped by culture, tradition and personal psychological needs They vary because these three elements vary, and that explains why there are so many religions, so many cults, so many denominations, so many disagreements.

Come back to Infidels, Sunny, when every religious person in the world agrees about what god is and what god wants. Then we’ll listen.
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Old 01-31-2003, 06:59 AM   #65
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Originally posted by Paul
thats what the Bible is for. I'll tell you something else i can't really begin to understand- the infinit universe and who started the big bang. I am happy to have faith in God it gives me hope in life but you must see that Science can't explain everything.
I'll reply with the very words you replied to in the first place:

It seems like some Christians want it both ways - what makes sense is obvious and true. What does not make sense or is contradictory, is deemed "beyond comprehension."

You may be happy in your comfort zone of understanding, and that's your perrogrative. But I cannot resign myself to a position that rewards a lack of critical analysis, as you say here:

the Bible tells us what we need to know
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Old 01-31-2003, 06:59 AM   #66
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Originally posted by cjack

Is god rude?
Course he is.

The Bible is a fine example of his rudeness. Look at all the evil things he did, such as breaking promises, ordering the death of an entire civilization...

Man, not only is he rude, he's also a piece of shit.

And he oughtn't get offended, as he created shit in the first place anyways.

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Old 02-03-2003, 02:00 PM   #67
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Originally posted by Paul
God is not comprehendable to the human mind to think he is would be a little silly. Well thats what I think anyway. If God was comprehendable then there would be no free will as everyone would believe in God. So you can only thank God for free will.
That argument has never made the slightest bit of sense to me. So what is wrong with God being obvious, so that everybody believes in him? That doesn't make me a 'robot'. It simply means that God exists, and I could choose to love/obey him or not.

As an example--my mother never hid from me in order to give me the 'choice' of whether to love her or not. The existence of my mother was something I never questioned, but that didn't 'force' me to love her. I loved her because of the way she treated me, and because she loved me.

That didn't remove free will--I could still have been a monstrous son and refused to love my mom.

Why the heck would a God need to hide from his creation? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

So Paul, you are just parroting a nonsensical argument that your priest told you, or that you heard from some other Christian, and you never even bothered to think it through.

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Old 02-03-2003, 02:13 PM   #68
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Default Re: Re: Calling all atheists, I need your help please

Originally posted by Wyz_sub10
Actually, I've been meaning to do something about that, but I've been spending an inordinate amount of time trying to help the Raiders win the Super Bowl, and now it looks like *that* project's gone in the shitter!

And all this time I thought you were busy helping P. Diddy win the Grammy.

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Old 02-03-2003, 07:01 PM   #69
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It looks like Sonny Burnett started this thread on January 26th and he still only has one post; he has no intention of responding to anyone. I can just picture him typing up that absurd drivel, clicking the post button, and smugly sitting back in his chair while saying, "There. That'll stump 'em!"

You got us this time, Sonny! We're falling on our knees!
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Old 02-03-2003, 07:33 PM   #70
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Originally posted by Gooch's dad

Why the heck would a God need to hide from his creation? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Don't you know? God's doing what every loving parent does with their kids: playing hide and go seek!

We're just too dumb to find him at the moment.
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