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Old 06-30-2002, 10:16 AM   #1
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Post Write to your Congress Person NOW!

I took a clue from <a href="" target="_blank">Mike Newdow's Page</a>, and wrote a letter to my representative expressing my support of the 9th circuit court decision. I urge everyone to do the same.

My brief message to my rep:
I wish to express my support for the 9th Circuit Court's ruling on the Pledge of Allegiance. I understand that this view is not popular at the moment, however I believe that the seperation of church and state is a vital concern for our nation, lest we become more like our adversaries in the war on terrorism.

I appreciate your earlier stands on church-state separation issues and urge you continue to remain loyal to that sacred American principle.
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Old 06-30-2002, 05:06 PM   #2
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I wrote my Congressmen but I feel that it won't do any good.

I wrote them when Bush was pushing his Faith Based Initiative BS and they said that they stood behind Bush 100% so I imagine that they will this time also.

Here is part of my letter:

I am an Atheist and hopefully that won't be held against me nor my child. She will be starting school in another year and a half and I worry about her and our non-belief in god. Merely making a child not say the Pledge is not enough, it will lead her to be ridiculed and bullied by Christian children, and they will do it. You cannot deny that they will, Christians do not know the word tolerance. Small towns, such as we live in are very bigoted.

I do not want her to not say the Pledge, we are a very Patriotic family and love our country very much. I want her to say the Pledge with pride but I want her to be able to say the Original Pledge as it was intended and not to shove god down her throat, she will feel compelled to comply with the message that in order to be a true American she must be a Christian. To fit in school and with her classmates, she has to lie and pretend she's something that she's not in order to protect herself.

And it's not just my child I'm thinking about. This is America and she's a land full of ethnic and religious differences and 'In God We Trust' and 'Under God' sends a message to all of us-to be a good American we must be a Christian American and that is just not so. And you cannot deny that is what is happening to all of us who aren't Christian.

I feel that we are sliding backwards into the 50's and expect Senator McCarthy to come swaggering out to declare all non-believers Communists and he's been reincarnated into John Ashcroft. It's a scary time to be in America these days. Our civil liberties and our Constitutional rights are being flung right out the window.

At this time when our country has been hit so hard with terrorism, the last thing we want to do is split it asunder and throwing god around does just that. The Original Pledge is for everyone and would unite this country the way it should be. We are Americans. Not Christian Americans, not Jewish Americans, not Muslim Americans, not Atheist Americans, Not Buddhist Americans... We are AMERICANS. One Nation Indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for ALL.
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Old 06-30-2002, 09:42 PM   #3
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Is there a website with the list of ALL of the congressmen?
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Old 06-30-2002, 10:24 PM   #4
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Originally posted by Nikolai:
<strong>Is there a website with the list of ALL of the congressmen?</strong>
I shouldhave linked directly to it - you can get to this link from Mike's website as well:

<a href="" target="_blank">Congressional Contact page</a>
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Old 06-30-2002, 10:35 PM   #5
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Originally posted by Evolved:
<strong>I wrote my Congressmen but I feel that it won't do any good.
Don't believe it. That is exactly the attitude our adversaries want you to have. Instead of defeatism, encourgage others to do as you have. What do we have to lose, but our inaction?
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Old 07-01-2002, 06:57 AM   #6
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I did not realize how fundamental our Congressmen were, especially Dorgan. His letter to me about Bush's Faith Based Initiative(which he wholeheartedly supported) was curt, short and demeening, to say the least. Conrad's letter was more wishy washy and he'll 'think about what I wrote.' I'm sure he never gave it another though.

I wouldn't discourage anyone from writing their Congressman, I encourage it. My point is that, my Congressmen anyway, are as rabid as Bush when it comes to religion.

But I will aways continue to write them and voice my opposition, I always look forward to a good debate.
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Old 07-01-2002, 07:07 AM   #7
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Another ND resident here. I am in the midst of a 2-page letter to the Congress critters from ND. Some points I bring up:

Given the vote you just gave, you may as well change the pledge to "one nation under the Lord Jesus Christ" - after all 14% of US citizens are non-believers, less than 4% are non-Christian theists.

If it were any other country, US politicians would decry the attempt of the legislative/executive branches to force decisions that are against the laws of the nation.

I am signing it as "somebody you consider to be a second-class citizen, at best," then my name, contact info, etc.

I don't have the draft in front of me, this is what I recall off the top of my head, there is more.

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Old 07-01-2002, 08:05 AM   #8
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I have written my congressmen, as well as Dubya and Cheny. I highly highly doubt they will read my letters, but at least I feel like I have done something. While I was at it, I wrote a letter to my local paper, after reading one against the ruling. The letter didn't have anything legal to say-just the same old "this is a Christian country" and random atheist bashing. I am so frustrated.
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Old 07-01-2002, 08:30 AM   #9
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I do sympathise with all of you Americans who have to put up with this rubbish. It is important for as many people as possible to write. If they get a lot of letters, they will realise it could means VOTES, and that's what turns them on.
Old 07-01-2002, 10:00 AM   #10
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Done and Done.
I sent letters to both Arizona Senators as well as my Rep.
I borrowed heavily from some of the letters others have posted in the various threads - thanks to all!
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