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Old 04-11-2003, 08:10 PM   #831
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Originally posted by 2PAC
Yo I be at da CF less than one month an' I got da boot from da bear guy. Tells me I be jivin' rough an' I bomb be going elsewhere. Damn dis here sheeit be tripping ta be sure. sho 'nuff!
I'm not jumping to conclusions, but do you think it is possible some find it offensive that you choose to use a dead musical artists name as your own username?

Just a possibility. Unless you are 2Pac reincarnated.

And I don't think 2Pac actually spoke jive, but I could be wrong.
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Old 04-11-2003, 10:09 PM   #832
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Originally posted by 2PAC
Yo I be at da CF less than one month an' I got da boot from da bear guy. Tells me I be jivin' rough an' I bomb be going elsewhere. Damn dis here sheeit be tripping ta be sure. sho 'nuff!
I remember you!
I had to ask for an interpreter everytime you posted.
Hello 2PAC.
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Old 04-12-2003, 04:45 AM   #833
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Originally posted by Badfish
I'm not jumping to conclusions, but do you think it is possible some find it offensive that you choose to use a dead musical artists name as your own username?

If they do they might be equally upset that you use an innocent water-dwelling species as yours

Anyway, why do you even care what others take offense at? If you take offense then go ahead and say it. If not then - let others say if they take offense. You don't have to speak for them.

Do you understand how it complicates things when person A suggests to person B that person C might be offended at person B? It's not necessary or helpful, imo.

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Old 04-12-2003, 05:56 AM   #834
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Odd, over night I received a canned email from CF saying

"Your thread under the title of Bush Mix of God and War Grates on Many Europeans in Christian Forums forum
has been removed

by : Lanakila

because it has broken one or more of the rules of the site, or has been deemed inappropriate for our site, or it was removed for another reason.

The rules are located as a link at the bottom of every page.

Do not reply to this email using this email address - it does not accept email replies. You can email Lanakila by using the link below: "

So I clicked the link and was informed that the moderator Lanakila does not accept email.

Of course that's annoying. 1: I'd have liked to know what rules, exactly the topic broke. And since I opened it a full week ago I was curious why the decision now. And 2: If I wanted an answer I'd need to look her up and send her a PM since she doesn't do email.

OK. So I keep looking through my email from over night and I find a CF reply that someone had replied to my topic Bush Mix of God and War Grates on Many Europeans

Hmmm... Odd. Yup. My topic is still where it is supposed to be. So at this point I can only guess that either Lanakila changed her mind or someone overruled her. Curious.

Anyway, here is the topic right where it was. Bush Mix of God and War Grates on Many Europeans
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Old 04-12-2003, 06:12 AM   #835
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Originally posted by crazyfingers
Hmmm... Odd. Yup. My topic is still where it is supposed to be. So at this point I can only guess that either Lanakila changed her mind or someone overruled her. Curious.

Anyway, here is the topic right where it was. Bush Mix of God and War Grates on Many Europeans
It seems that the CF mods/admins have changed their mind a number of times this week at least (based on what's been said on this thread) about what to delete and who to suspend/ban.

It's a shame there is not more consensus among their mods/admins. That has to be frustrating for everyone - those who post and those who are trying to moderate and administrate (administer?) with consistency.

It sounds like an interesting topic, anyway

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Old 04-12-2003, 07:01 AM   #836
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Originally posted by HelenM
It seems that the CF mods/admins have changed their mind a number of times this week at least (based on what's been said on this thread) about what to delete and who to suspend/ban.

It's a shame there is not more consensus among their mods/admins. That has to be frustrating for everyone - those who post and those who are trying to moderate and administrate (administer?) with consistency.

It sounds like an interesting topic, anyway

Thanks Helen, Can you post the link to that topic whey they are having that discussion?
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Old 04-12-2003, 09:25 AM   #837
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Originally posted by Smilin
Thanks for sloggin!

Minds out of the gutter? please... just try to discuss human sexuality, sexual behaviors, physiology/anatomy, psychological processes..., or as even Gladiatrix tried once: discussing the uselesness of male nipples..
Funny you should mention my "Adam/Eve" story. When I was discussing the embryological development of the sexual organs, some of the anatomy was "bleeped" out (****). For instance, it seems that "vagina" is a banned word there. It's NOT like I was using any "vulgar" expressions for the anatomy, so I am mystified why my post got edited. It would seem that being "anatomically correct" can be "religiously incorrect" on CF, even if it's not graphic (not explaining some kind of sexual act, just anatomical development)

As for their "minds being in the gutter" of some of them, it is a direct consequence of the notion that sex = sin. They are no longer comfortable with themselves as the sexual animals that they are and try to repress "what comes naturally". That energy has to go somewhere and it manifests itself in the UNNATURAL preoccupation with other peoples' sex lives and they spend a lot of time "imagining" what others are doing. I use the word "imagining" because a lot of the time, the "sin" in just in their own warped psyches. I have a cousin who is a shrink in California. He has told me that the biggest source for sexual problems in the people that he and his peers counsel comes from the sorry attitude that makes people equate sex with sin, "courtesy" of religion. Apparently, "religion" is really "good for business".....

I have to also say, that when I saw Inspired/Lasher's avatar, my thought was that she was just claiming that she was an identical twin who had a very close connection with her twin as some do. Never occurred to me that it was a sexual statement, until the some of the Christians on the board started carping about it (like exodus4,3,2,1)

backing up...errr Gladiaxtrix.. what 'rituals' were you referring to in regards to 'acceptable clean sex'?
I missed that in theology class.
I was referring to the notion that if some religious official performs a ritual over you and your intended that only then was it "okay" to have sex. However, even married, heterosexual, missionary-position sex STILL isn't supposed to be enjoyed for pleasure alone. One still is expected to be "punished" by having no choice in whether or not to become a parent (according to Catholicism, conservative Protestantism,) Parenthood is a "sin-tax" on the pleasure aspect, although this is usually veiled in the usual conservative religious Newspeak double-speak of "being open to new life " or "assuming responsibility" (what better way to "assume responsibility" than to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but they don't see it that way)

The reason 'sex = sin' and the for the virgin birth of Jesus seems to goes back to Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God and God cursed humanity. The "sin" (along with God's curse) of Adam and Eve is passed to each new generation by sex (why Christians consider sex to be "dirty" ) .

One claim is that Jesus as the Son of God was born without "sin". Sin is passed via sex, so in order for Jesus to be born without "sin", He had to be conceived without the "nasty". Mary was just "overshadowed" by the Holy Spirit and not impregnated in the usual way. When reminded that the life of Jesus has many of the hallmarks of all the other virgin-born, miracle-working, dying god-heroes of other religions, they will counter by saying that Mary didn't have sex with God and remained a virgin unlike the other women had sex with their particular God-lover and were no longer virgins. They try to use this quibble to try and claim the comparison doesn't fit (like what do they think "overshadowing" entailed? Inquiring minds want to know!)

This association of sex with the so-called "original sin" is why Christianity has often been so hung up on the subject. Sex is "dirty" so it shouldn't be enjoyed for pleasure (why the Catholic Church and Christian fundamentalists are so down on masturbation). Sex must always be "taxed" in other words if you "do it" you must always risk the "punishment" of parenthood. This is why the Catholic Church and Christian fundies are also against effective birth control, sterilization, masturbation (again!) and abortion...use the code "avoiding responsibility". With them it sounds like a country western song " If You're Gonna Play, You Gotta Pay" (Where's Jimmy Buffet when you need him!)

As I also said, this notion of the "Original Sin" is NOT part of Judaism (the "Fall" doesn't mean the same thing in their theology). The question then arises as to how there can be TWO different interpretation of "God's inspired word"? Same story, same God, so why the difference? Make ya' think (well some of us, anyway)......
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Old 04-12-2003, 01:26 PM   #838
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Originally posted by HelenM

If they do they might be equally upset that you use an innocent water-dwelling species as yours

Anyway, why do you even care what others take offense at? If you take offense then go ahead and say it. If not then - let others say if they take offense. You don't have to speak for them.

Do you understand how it complicates things when person A suggests to person B that person C might be offended at person B? It's not necessary or helpful, imo.

Yeah, Yeah, I don't care Helen, I was just saying that may be the reason, he asked why they was trippin' so I gave him a possible answer. Actually a posed question, I jumped to no conclusions.

But you are!! You like pickin on me huh?

Don't be so hasty Helen,,,

And besides a Badfish is not a named species, it is my personal nickname and have been using it for 15 years (ever since I got my Barracuda), long before Sublime came out with their song, in fact Sublime were probably toddlers, yep, that's mine and it should be trademarked.

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Old 04-12-2003, 01:39 PM   #839
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Default Re: ::shakes head::

Originally posted by Kassiana
Helen rants:
But if your goal is simply to deride people on ChristianForums then - could you do it elsewhere?

No. If you don't like it, don't read it or participate in it. Don't tell me what to do.
I am always late to the party!
Hiya Kass! Good afternoon all!

I could not log on to CF, such is life. Can you guys check if I got banned again? I just get "page can not be displayed" odd

MIA!!!! HELLOOOOOO!!!! Hows life my dear? I could recognize your posting style anywhere

Hi Prax and sulphur how are my 2 favorite tasmanians?

Smilin - move - to - california

Kristen and Badfish how are the kids?

Hi Birds Annabell and Gunnaheave and well all castaways, good day!!

I just bough my first thing on ebay last night, any of you have good experiences with ebay?
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Old 04-12-2003, 01:46 PM   #840
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Default Re: Re: ::shakes head::

Originally posted by Amie
Hi Amie, we are fine, how are you? What did you buy?

Yes I have bought hard to find musclecar related related items off of e bay, and have had good luck, always make sure the seller has at least a small history of being honest, you can check their profile.

I think CF is down, I couldn't log in as of this afternoon, but my cable has been wacky with the changover.
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