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Old 07-31-2002, 12:31 AM   #1
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Lightbulb Concerning Satanism in the Godless Americans March

Talk about your tempest in a tea cup. Let's see how many rumors I can dispell at one time:

First, someone made the remark of it being "dishonest" to try and present myself and my organization as an atheist when I am in fact, not one. Here's a challenge. Go to the website:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

And find ONE theistic statement in the WHOLE website. That's correct, just one theistic statement. Go for it, try really, really hard. Here's the kicker: The definition of atheism is "without theism". It is not "Anti-theism", I don't have to dedicate all my time whining about Christians and theism in general. My entire website is "without theism". Take the challenge, just try it!

Then someone posted I claimed an "intellectual descent" from Crowley. All of Crowley's works are copyright under the Ordo Templi Orientis, and I do not use any amount of Liber Oz or canonized Thelemic doctrine, let alone claim "descent" from him. If you're going to try and slander me, you *might* try *reading* the content and *then* making a remark about it.

Someone posted the Satanic litmus test on here as an "example." Unfortunately, they obviously didn't read it very well. Just check it out at
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

The first part:

"1.) Predominate religion, (usually Christianity).This is the religion that binds us unknowingly for all our lives. Whether most will admit it, the stories in the Bible have affected us, on a (sub)conscious level. Although these chains can be broken, most simply lack either the education or will power to do so. Some even LIKE to be bound, as it suits their laziness perfectly.

2.) Rebellion against predominate religion. This leads into studying religions deemed "bad" by the first one. Satanism being the leading "bad" religion. Wicca is the second one, available through pop-culture and media, the same as Satanism.

3.) Deeper Revelation: This is the hard part to get too. This is when the person realizes that what they are studying is simply a rebellion, and now, they search for a religion that has deeper meaning to them than just rebellious dependancy. Some may decide that Satanic/Wiccan beliefs are for them, but most move on into something different.

4.) Final Revelation: The point at which someone has found the religion that best suits their own needs and orbits, without dependancy upon the structure they were raised under, or the rebellious structure they went to out of desperation."

Reading the sentiments from self-professed freethinkers, they sounded, acted, and even squabbled just like Christians. Heck, here's the thread, just read it.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Some even ACKNOWLEDGED the fact that they were too lazy and bigoted to actually try and read the website, and while I'll admire their intellectual honesty, it seems strange to go on a tirade against something you profess to be too lazy to look up. They, in all orientations, aspects, and habits, acted like Christians. Calling oneself a 'genius' does not make it so, nor does calling oneself a 'freethinker' when still bound by old archetypes, prejudices, and mentality.

Anyway, the poster said that two parts talk about a dark Lord and about other such sentiments. Unfortunately, this person was either too lazy to keep reading, or simply unable to comprehend the material. Go ahead and take the test, answer that you worship a dark lord, and all that other great stuff. Here's what your scorecard is going to say:

"6-10: You are stuck in the Christian archetypical scheme! You must learn to get out of it. Your running to Satanism is merely a rebellious action, and you are more akin to a rebellious Christian than a Satanist."

Unfortunately, concerning that such a group of intellects have already unabashedly mentioned that they have no desire to learn about it because they have, quite frankly, already made up their minds, I am pretty sure in my convictions that I am going to get responses to this thread which have already been addressed.

Onto other pontificaters and intellectual pedestrians, one mentions the use of the "666". Well, I also explain in lurid details what "666" means.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I know, this requires a lot of reading, study, and devotion to the subject material, but keep your shirt on, there's even more to come. Even more telling of the lackluster intellectual skills, outside of the meandering nature of the debacle thread, of the professed atheists and freethinkers was that I received not a one e-mail from the thread, despite the fact that contact information is right on the first page. It would seem that if one is *really* interested in what's going on, clicking this simple link, <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

That brings me to the next subject matter. Whenever I endorsed the Godless Americans March, I talked to Ellen Johnson. I told her, in no uncertain terms, if she thought the website would be detrimental to the movement, to TAKE IT OFF. She never did it, and e-mailed me back saying that she would not remove an organization which endorses atheism. How could people be so dultish as to even think the org believes in theism? Have you read one SINGLE PAGE of the website?

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Here's how it opens:

"Mankind (is) unhappy, in proportion as (it is) deluded by imaginary systems of theology. Taught to attach much importance to belief in religious doctrines, and to mere forms and ceremonies of religious worship, the slightest disagreement among theological dogmatists is oftentimes sufficient to inflame their minds, already excited by bigotry, and to lead them to anathematize and destroy each other without pity, mercy, or remorse."

Diderot, introduction to Baron D. Holbach's "Laws of the Moral and Physical World", or "The System of Nature"

That wasn't a recently added essay, it's been there for months. Hmm.... such hard-working, free-thinking individuals. See any theistic statements ANYWHERE in the following pages?

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Hmm?? Now, why do we call ourselves Satanists? Well, quite frankly, it's because I get a first-hand look at how many people are really atheists, and how many are really just Christians with a new suit on for next Sunday's lecture. From the archetypical point of view:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Finally, another person posted a diatribe about "magic", and that it is necessarily theistic to believe in it. Unfortunately, we have another mental midget who can't read, let's go to here and see what we find:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Here's the last part:

"The overall conclusion is that if there is any sort of trans-universal form of energy which magick makes, it's rather doubtful. However, on a personal form, magick is more effective than psychology in therapy, (in fact, Jungian psychology and the works of Dr. Regardie are perfect examples of this), more effective in NAP and NLP for new behaviour modification, and more effective than self-motivation tapes for obtaining desire and an inner drive. The effects on the immune system and the stress lowering mechanisms at work also can't be ignored, along with the benefit of using inexpensive mood enhancement techniques, including music, smell, and color."

Now, am I ticked off? YES, I'M TICKED OFF!!! I get to be insulted by a bunch of pathetic, belligerent, quasi-intellects with their doctrinal axes to grind, who are such accumulated wastes of temporal matter that they gather around like a bunch of old hens gossiping at the hair shop about subject matters which are above and beyond any scope of their comprehension. That's not to say *everyone* who participated in that thread was acting as such, some *tried* very hard to show what our beliefs were really about, and for that, I cannot thank them enough for their tolerance and patience, and their willingness to look before they leap. To the rest, I have nothing to say to you, because apparently any printed material I put before you is too far above your intellectual capabilities to comprehend. C'est la vie.
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Old 07-31-2002, 12:52 AM   #2
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I've been waiting for you to leap to your own defense-thanks a ton.

From one who is not, has never been, and probably never will be a satanist, but who got a little pissed-off reading the narrow tirades on this forum!
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Old 07-31-2002, 02:28 AM   #3
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I had to stop for a piss break and dinner before I could finish this post.

Get to point!

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Old 07-31-2002, 03:20 AM   #4
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Whatever you say, Ryan.

I admit that I don't know much about what real Satanism is. If I get up the interest, I'll check out your website.

But my objections regarding Satanism and the march aren't based on any disagreement about its precepts. I simply don't want to be saddled with people who call themselves "Satanists" when trying to build bridges between myself and the theists I have to live with.

I promise you that most theists think of animal sacrifices and blood baths and pentagrams when they think of Satanism. A Satanist is going to be even more reviled by default than an atheist, if that's possible. Doesn't matter how unjustified it is.

IMHO, leading with the most extreme factions of non-believers is not the way to go.

The name "Satanist" appears to be either tied to the Christian devil, or chosen to aggravate and horrify Christians. Not for me, thanks.

So, I believe you deserve the same rights and acceptance that atheists are trying to get. But you're the ones who saddled yourself with that stupid label, which gives you a longer climb. I would prefer that we push ahead for that acceptance without waiting for you -- maybe by the time we get it, people will be more accustomed to strange (to them) beliefs.

You can think I'm being closed-minded and a non-freethinker or whatever. This is all just my opinion, not any sort of "official" one, of course. But I could just as easily claim that you're being pigheaded and immature by insisting you go by that name.

If the organizers of the march feel differently, that's their right.

(who is actually a MaryPoppinsist, but it has nothing to do with Mary Poppins -- it's really just like atheism)
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Old 07-31-2002, 05:50 AM   #5
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Thumbs up

Well said, phlebas.
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Old 07-31-2002, 06:07 AM   #6
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I have stated that my issue about the satanists has to do with clarity of presentation.

The purpose of communication is to . . . well . . . communicate. It thwarts the function of communication to speak in a way that others find difficult to understand, when a clearer and easier way of saying the same thing is available.

It is as irrational as getting an opportunity to speak before a large audience and INTENTIONALLY setting up the sound system so that nobody can hear what you are saying.


Whatever one may say about the content and substance of satanism, it is just as obvious that the communication of that content and substance is garbled and confused -- if even the people here do not understand the message.

That you have to spend so many words in explanation of your view, plus make reference to a website, plus insist that readers go through the entire website, all supports, rather than distracts from, the basic premise that this does not aid, but hinders, clear and efficient communication.

And I simply find that intentionally introducing a lot of noise, confusion, and distraction when one's goal is to communicate is, as I have said before, not rational.
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Old 07-31-2002, 06:15 AM   #7
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I'm glad you stopped by and gave your side of the story, but, the fact remains that at least 95% of xtians believe Satanists are devil worshippers. To them, your magick would come from the devil.
Will the media take time to explain the truth? No. Would the majority believe the explanation if one was given? No.
News flash:
Atheists march in DC
(insert footage of march here)
blah blah blah...atheists..blah blah
(insert more footage of march with people carrying Satanists banners, etc.)
blah blah

With this news story, atheists are satanists. See the psychological impact? Which has the shock value here? Atheists or satanists? What will stick in most people's minds? The cause of the march or the devil worshipers in the march? Most people will use their 'logic' and equate atheism to satanism which would mean we all worship the devil. This, in turn, renders the march useless because the original message will have been lost.
Why not show up without the Satanists propaganda? Would this be a compromise?
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Old 07-31-2002, 08:14 AM   #8
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An <a href="" target="_blank"> article. </a>

It seems a little strange that these two schools of atheism should hook up in an attempt at political activism--you'd think they wouldn't be able to stand each other. On the one side you have agnostics, who don't believe that faith in a God is possible, and on the other side you have atheists, who have faith that there is no God. Then there are even fringier groups, such as the United Satanic Convenire, which rhapsodize about "self-deification"--the faith that the individual is God.

What do they all have in common? For one thing, a preoccupation with Christianity.
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Old 07-31-2002, 08:51 AM   #9
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I piss on Satan.
Satan’s horny, but the Invisible Pink Unicorn is hornier!
Indeed, the Invisible Pink Unicorn beats Old Nick into a cocked hat (What the hell does that mean?)
I hope it means that the Invisible Pink Unicorn is, in every way, superior.
But not QUITE as good as the Great Gods Phart and Burp.
Will their non-worshippers be represented on the great March?
Will we see the Invisible Pink Unicorn unrepresented there?
As a matter of interest, is Satan red and does he have a long tail with a sort of arrow-head on the end of it?
And does he sup with the Devil?
Oh, the questions, the questions...we want to know so much more than anyone’s told us.
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Old 07-31-2002, 08:54 AM   #10
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But while there may be few atheist confabs in the real world, in cyberspace they're innumerable. At the march, their members will come together in the flesh: Over 70 organizations have already endorsed the March on Washington, including the Atheist Empire, Atheists Anonymous, the Institute for Unicorn Research, the Atheist Alliance International, Teens Without God, and the Young Atheists Society.
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