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Old 07-23-2003, 07:40 AM   #31
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Your welcome. And have a nice day, and a pleasant tomorrow.
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Old 07-28-2003, 01:06 AM   #32
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Bonjour Ronin..... what would Jesus say?

From Matthew 25 .... " Away with you , you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his demons! for I was hungry and you did not feed me. I was thirsty and you did not give me anything to drink. I was a stranger and you did not invite me into your home. I was naked and you gave me no clothing. I was sick or in prison and you did not visit me"

"Then they will reply, " Lord when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and not help you?" And he will answer " I assure you when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me" And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the rigtheous will go into eternal life"
This is your defense in support of the tenets of christianity?!

Love does not require coercion, Sabine...but you've heard that from me before.

So... Ronin... why should anyone pay attention to the judgement of a minister preacher or priest over another man?
Precisely...we should not pay attention to the judgements and any other claim to wisdom these 'minister preachers' or 'priests' espouse.

That is a significant point to this thread.

As a believer I stand with the conviction that God has never given me the right to pass any judgement on the spiritual state of another human being and claim knowledge of his afterlife.
God's word has apparently given true believers a completely different conviction.
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Old 07-28-2003, 06:37 AM   #33
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Originally posted by Sabine Grant
As a believer I stand with the conviction that God has never given me the right to pass any judgement on the spiritual state of another human being and claim knowledge of his afterlife.
Sorry to interfere, just wondering of the origin of your believe, for christianity constantly passes judgement on human beings and claims not only knowledge of their afterlife but also sells remedies to challenge beforesaid.
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