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Old 12-05-2001, 04:34 PM   #81
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Originally posted by QueenofSwords:
<strong>Seconded! Please come to the RRP forum, buttercup; we will give you a very warm welcome there.</strong>
Do I hear purring?
...and abdominal rumblings. I think QoS might be hungry.
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Old 12-05-2001, 04:37 PM   #82
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We haven't had a live one for a while! It's enough to make a lion go vegetarian, and I may start with this little flower
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Old 12-05-2001, 05:03 PM   #83
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Thought experiment: Non-Christian crimeless victim is murdered by mass-murderer for no reason at all, just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mass-murderer is caught, tried, sentenced to death. Mass murderer accepts Jesus and is then executed.

So the mass-murderer goes to heaven, but the victim (who never committed a crime) goes to hell. This is "Divine justice"? No, this is a sad joke.

I can't remember anyone ever saying that god is smart enough to know if someone has just pretended to accept Jesus through fear and doesn't really believe it. Not too discerning of the supposedly onmiscient being...

I would wager that the whole hell and damnation thing, though invented to frighten people into believing, has had an opposite effect and driven more people away from belief than anything else. I was one of them; the absurdities and cruelties of the hell and the devil business caused me to question Christianity, learn more about it, and eventually to reject all supernatural beliefs as unsubstantiated and become an atheist. So thanks be to hell.

"Religion: the last refuge of scoundrels."
--- Lisa Simpson
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Old 12-05-2001, 05:32 PM   #84
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Originally posted by buttercup:
I think that since its in the Bible, it is right. Yes, women should be in submission.</strong>
Well I hope that you will do these things then:

"no braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes"
"learn in quietness and full submission"
"don't teach or to have authority over a man; be silent"
"remain silent in the churches"

[ December 05, 2001: Message edited by: JohnClay ]</p>
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Old 12-05-2001, 07:54 PM   #85
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Wow. Gosh this thread was so slow when i started it. I went away for a few days and now it has really become a riot. Thank you all for the support

The initial reason for my opening of this thread was to assess the level of distortion the Christian faith has done to general morality. And my conclusion is that it has done much.

The Christian faith can be compared to an occult whose doctrine preaches that the chief sin one can do is to leave the cult. What disturbs me the most is that someone actually deemed stealing chewing gum to be comparable spiritually to skinning your family alive. With such a statement, it is quite clear to me that the person who made it has lost all measure of human morality.

I often tell my christian friend how I feel that fundamentalists who murder in the name of God are more evil and dangerous than a hardened criminal.

For at least some hardened criminals know they do wrong but yet do it for purposes of survival. Yet the fundmentalist has no compunctions nor scruples. I think the 9-11 incident is a fair example.
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Old 12-06-2001, 06:12 AM   #86
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Originally posted by JohnClay:
"no braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes"
"learn in quietness and full submission"
"don't teach or to have authority over a man; be silent"
"remain silent in the churches"
Applies only to Pentecostals, Church of Christ and Amish people

Reading the above still makes it hard for me to believe that Jane Fonda has become a devout Christian
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Old 12-06-2001, 10:57 AM   #87
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Originally posted by buttercup:
I think that since its in the Bible, it is right. Yes, women should be in submission.
Gawwwwwd...why can't my wife be like buttercup??
<img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" />
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Old 12-06-2001, 12:13 PM   #88
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Originally posted by buttercup:
<strong>Yes, women should be in submission.</strong>

Oh my.....I've never seen it so clear. I am now compelled to convert to Christianity.

buttercup, as the one who converted me, I am now dominant over you. At once you must move to New Orleans to cook, clean, cater to, buy beer for, and generally take care of me. In return I will take you to church every Sunday (you won't have a car.)

Won't this be fun!!! Let me know when you can make it down here.

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Old 12-06-2001, 01:22 PM   #89
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Jacey...JAcey....wake're having a dream....wake UP! Daggone boy, you had a smile on your face like a cheshire cat!
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Old 12-07-2001, 04:15 AM   #90
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Submit - MY ASS!!!! That quote alone is enough to know that a god didn't write the bible or divinely inspire it.

Although this next part is not entirely on subject, it speaks quite well to the whole inferior woman/submit to your husband horseshit - and it's from a Christian woman! I give you Sojourner Truth's, "Ain't I A Woman" - YOU GO GIRL!!

Several ministers attended the second day of the Woman's Rights Convention, and were not shy in voicing their opinion of man's superiority over women. One claimed "superior intellect", one spoke of the "manhood of Christ," and still another referred to the "sin of our first mother."

Suddenly, Sojourner Truth rose from her seat in the corner of the church.
"For God's sake, Mrs.Gage, don't let her speak!" half a dozen women whispered loudly, fearing that their cause would be mixed up with Abolition.

Sojourner walked to the podium and slowly took off her sunbonnet. Her six-foot frame towered over the audience. She began to speak in her deep, resonant voice: "Well, children, where there is so much racket, there must be something out of kilter, I think between the Negroes of the South and the women of the North - all talking about rights - the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But what's all this talking about?"

Sojourner pointed to one of the ministers. "That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody helps me any best place. And ain't I a woman?"

Sojourner raised herself to her full height. "Look at me! Look at my arm." She bared her right arm and flexed her powerful muscles. "I have plowed, I have planted and I have gathered into barns. And no man could head me. And ain't I a woman?"

"I could work as much, and eat as much as man - when I could get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne children and seen most of them sold into slavery, and when I cried out with a mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me. And ain't I a woman?"

The women in the audience began to cheer wildly.
She pointed to another minister. "He talks about this thing in the head. What's that they call it?"

"Intellect," whispered a woman nearby.

"That's it, honey. What's intellect got to do with women's rights or black folks' rights? If my cup won't hold but a pint and yours holds a quart, wouldn't you be mean not to let me have my little half-measure full?"

"That little man in black there! He says women can't have as much rights as men. ‘Cause Christ wasn't a woman. She stood with outstretched arms and eyes of fire. "Where did your Christ come from?"

"Where did your Christ come from?", she thundered again. "From God and a Woman! Man had nothing to do with him!"
The entire church now roared with deafening applause.
"If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back and get it right-side up again. And now that they are asking to do it the men better let them."

Inferior - AS IF!!!

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