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Old 02-05-2002, 05:14 AM   #101
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Oh really? Then I suppose you don't give into the tyranny of having to breathe to stay alive. After all, it's such an arbitrary rule.

Actually, you won't go to hell with your "head held high." God's judgement will not only be just, it will be SEEN to be just, even by those who are condemned. You will spend eternity hating yourself.
Tisk, tisk – such a poor analogy … even if I wanted to defy the “arbitrary” rule of breathing and hold my breath – eventually, my body would make me breath – maybe you need to look up the definition of arbitrary. Last time I checked everyone had to breathe to live

Oh – Theo! Unless your god “hardens” my heart, as he has so many times before, to so many other people more worthy than I, in order to manipulate man so he can do his cruel and immoral bidding, there by taking away my free will – how benevolent and loving – AND performs a lobotomy so that I can no longer think for myself – THEN and ONLY then will I bow my head in submission to any man-god who seeks to attempt to make me hate myself. See – I can only be MADE to feel inferior if I choose to allow such a thing to happen. And I will walk to my judgment with my head held high, in utter and complete haughtiness, with my femininity and all it’s glory, naked for the world to see and probably tell your god to go fuck himself. Submit, by my head – my ass – to you, to any man and surely not to some imaginary god men created out of their own diluted imaginations so they could have an excuse to inflict harm upon the world and subjugate women and anyone that did not agree with them – to rape, to steal, to cheat, to lie, to murder, to pilage, to enslave, to humiliate, to oppress– ah the beauty of Christianity and your loving god.

So – you can bet your bottom dollar I will have my head held high and walk like I have “oil wells pumping in my living room, gold mines diggin in my back yard, and diamonds at the meeting of my thighs.” <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

But won’t it piss you off when I am at the doors of your precious pearly gates and you don’t make it in. Remember – by the grace of your god even a heathen like me can make it in and yet you could be the one bowing in submission, hating yourself for eternity – under the heels of my 8 inch stilettos! Oh happy day!

But then again, all this is nothing more then a creative fairy tale – but what a fun and colorful one at that – so don’t take too personally. Oh – but the outfit I’ll be wearing!!

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Old 02-05-2002, 07:36 AM   #102
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Originally posted by brighid:
<strong>See – I can only be MADE to feel inferior if I choose to allow such a thing to happen. And I will walk to my judgment with my head held high, in utter and complete haughtiness, with my femininity and all it’s glory, naked for the world to see and probably tell your god to go fuck himself.</strong>
If there actually turned out to be a God, and that God has integrity, THAT'S the kind of person He would want by His side in Heaven.

Not the mindless robots who would follow orders to kill their own children.

God would not be the outdated model of the Tyrant King who demands unquestioning obedience and unearned adoration.

Why, I'd expect the Biblical God to get red-faced and whine: "Why won't you worship me? Why? I've killed millions for you! I've flooded the whole world for you! All I want is to be thought perfect! To be worshiped! To have you endlessly sing my praises! Doesn't everyone want that? What can't I have that? I need you to make me feel great!" This would no doubt lead to a total nervous breakdown, where God would suck his thumb in a fetal position.

[ February 05, 2002: Message edited by: Eudaimonia ]</p>
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