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Old 06-03-2003, 02:29 PM   #11
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Given a big enough population---and the population of the USA definitely qualifies------------You are going to get a very small minority of serious nut cases.

Rudolf was one of those. Don't make it more than it is.
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Old 06-03-2003, 03:50 PM   #12
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Originally posted by Rational BAC
Given a big enough population---and the population of the USA definitely qualifies------------You are going to get a very small minority of serious nut cases.

Rudolf was one of those. Don't make it more than it is.
Do you really think that religious nut cases are freaks of nature? Why not just call them victims of religious freedom since they are the ones that suffer from the delusion.
Old 06-06-2003, 05:48 PM   #13
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I don't know about the majority of religious killers, but Rudolph probably (of course I should use allegedly like a hundred times in this post) feels justified in his actions..he did Gods will..and in doing so, maybe got him closer to the pearly gates??
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Old 06-06-2003, 08:31 PM   #14
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My favorite. although they weren't killers, was a young couple back in 2000 who had charged something like ten thousand dollars on their American Express card. They sent AX a letter stating that they had prayed to Jesus about the bill and Jesus-praise be, glorify his name- had forgiven them their debt.
I heard about this during their trial.
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Old 06-06-2003, 10:56 PM   #15
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In defence of the Church I would say that such radical Catholics are not true Catholics even by Vatican II standards. They are probably "born again" according to the protestant method and are now also on fire for Jesus like the rest them.
I take it the Inquisitors were actually born again Protestants then.

Not that anyone takes such statements by you seriously.

I'm afraid the Christians here <flame deleted - liv>would define a Christian as someone who believes the Nicene Creed, would never justify the above listed sins and has a testimony of a life changed for the better through God's grace.

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Old 06-07-2003, 04:05 AM   #16
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Radorth, please refrain from making assertions about people's characters. Nomatter how dead on you think your assessments are, they are violations of rule 2 and as such degrade both your own point and the tone of the thread.

Thank you, liv
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Old 06-07-2003, 08:24 AM   #17
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would define a Christian as someone who believes the Nicene Creed, would never justify the above listed sins and has a testimony of a life changed for the better through God's grace.

So Nietschze was right; the last Christian really did die on the cross.....
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Old 06-07-2003, 08:49 AM   #18
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Originally posted by Opera Nut
Add Andrea Yates to the list of parents who murder their kids before they can go to hell.

Ted Bundy, law student and serial killer, was employed by the Republican Party.

Tim McVeigh was a Republican.

The guy who killed two people in a Massachusetts abortion clinic was a radical catholic.

I have seen anti-abortionists in a civil trial and they are scary as hell. Extremely traumatizing to me as I was working there.

They tend to be conservative Germans or WASP fundies or Catholics.
Bonjour Opera Nut... are you saying that if being a Republican it makes Mac Veigh a religiously motivated killer? as well as Ted Bundy? any data on Dahmer? Manson? in terms of their political preference.
What about the most recent serial killer who was finaly arrested and deported back to Louisiana to stand on trial? one of our local girls in Tampa was one of his so far inventoried 6 victims.

Where do you find that there is a correletion between the national origine of serial killers and the fact they tend to be Germans?
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Old 06-08-2003, 08:32 PM   #19
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My words:

[quote}[b]Add Andrea Yates to the list of parents who murder their kids before they can go to hell.

Ted Bundy, law student and serial killer, was employed by the Republican Party.

Tim McVeigh was a Republican.

The guy who killed two people in a Massachusetts abortion clinic was a radical catholic.

I have seen anti-abortionists in a civil trial and they are scary as hell. Extremely traumatizing to me as I was working there.

They tend to be conservative Germans or WASP fundies or Catholics.


Nope, Sabine, you've misinterpreted what I said. Some of these killers such as McVeigh could be National Rifle Association/Republican/Christian poster boys.
Ted Bundy was a law student, handsome, charming and was employed by the Republican Party in Florida. He looked totally Establishment and was a serial killer.

Again, you assumed that I said serial killers were Germans. I did not say that and I was not clear enough.

The connection was that anti-abortionists I have seen in a civil trial, being the state and local leaders of the radical pro-life crowd such as Flip Benham, Randall Terry, and Don Treshman, tend to be Germans and/or Lutherans or right-wing Christians.

They feel it is their duty to save women from abortions. Don Treshman, the local leader of Operation Rescue, was asked on the stand if his organization supported the murder of Dr. David Gunn, an abortion provider, in Florida.

Mr. Treshman's answer was "We neither condemn it nor do we condone it."

At this point, the jury just about slid out of their seats in shock.
The local Planned Parenthood chapter was awarded damages in excess of $200,000 for damages to their building, redesigning the building with improved security measures, cost of security guards and all that. The defendants had started protesting during the Republican Convention in 1992, to get publicity, when the convention was held in Houston.

I reported part of the Temporary Injunction hearing, where the defendants were put in jail, and later, in 1994, i reported part of the trial of Planned Parenthood et al. versus Operation Rescue, etal.

The pro-life people passed out flyers with maps to doctors' houses, so they could picket on the weekends. They considered this a family activity. One fo the defendants was a 20-year-old man who burned down an abortion clinic by putting a Molotov cocktail in the attic, and is serving life in a Federal Prison.
His parents testified about how proud they were of him.

The right wing Christians who are pro-life are a small part of a bigger cultural war between the conservative Christians, and the liberal Jews (often are abortion doctors), atheists, and non-fundamentalist, liberal Christian part of the population. Their job is to kill or convert Jews and liberals involved in working at womens' clinics, even if they have nothing to do with abortion services, and are working to prevent abortion by prescribing contraceptives. The protesters don't realize that providing womens' health care and appropriate contraceptions PREVENTS abortions. They would rather save the baby and throw away the mother if it comes down to that choice. They want to control women they have no business dealing with, total strangers. They are threatened by women who are not baby factories. Women who refuse to jeapardize their health by having too many babies, too close together, that they are unable to care for or support properly. They would rather that women be baby factories, and be disabled and die from osteoporosis, and exhaustion, for example by having too many children when it could easily be controlled.

I was so traumatized by having to look at these people at work and hear their sugar coated venom in court, that I vowed that I would never work at the courthouse again, as of the time of the trial in 1994.

I felt like i had post traumatic stress syndrome from looking at these hateful people and hearing their rhetoric. They sugar coat their words to say that they really don't intend to kill people, but because of the bombings, shootings burnings and threatening women outside womens' clinics, kicking them in the stomach as they go in, even if they aren't getting an abortion, it is obvious that they have no respect for BORN ilfe, such as grown women and doctors. They are extremely violent and consider themselves martyrs for the cause if they go to jail.

For example, the man who shot Dr. Bernard Slepian while he was home in front of his kitchen window, said that he merely wanted to "wound" Dr. Slepian, not kill him.
This was a lie. The man shot him from a field, several yards away, with a high powered rifle. Do you know what high powered rifles do? They blow a person's head off, so there is not much more than a bloody stump. Anyone who shoots a person with a high powered rifle has NO INTENT TO WOUND a person. They are invariably fatal wounds.

And I never worked at the courthouse again.

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Old 06-08-2003, 10:57 PM   #20
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Speaking of good ol' Jeff Dahmer, he was a Christian that became even more "born again" in prison. The preacher that baptized him said that Dahmer was really, really, really, really sincere. And it's not like Jeff was announcing for the Jeez to facilitate early parole or anything.

So the heaven-bound have yet another remarkable personality to look forward to meeting, while the rest of us are stuck with depraved bastards like Mohandas Gandhi and Darwin.
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