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Old 09-15-2002, 08:08 PM   #21
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As biology teacher I can say that many yerrestrial seeds can survive long periods of soaking in various concentrations of salt water. Salt water impedes the germination so that the seed lasts better in salt water than fresh water.
As I biology teacher you certainly trump my credentials.

But what's the big deal with salinity? How is the salinity of the Earth's oceans affected by a six mile thick blanket of additional fresh H2O anyway? Where did the water stay fresh? Where did it become brackish? Where did it all go in the end? Where did the salinity stay constant? Is there some geologic marker that you can refer me to? An isotopic belt maybe, or something like iridium at the KT boundary?

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Old 09-15-2002, 09:06 PM   #22
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Originally posted by Abacus:

You do realize that the tops of the highest mountains on Earth are nearly six miles above sea level? Do you believe that there was six miles of water covering the entire surface of the earth? Where did all of that water come from? And then, where did it go?</strong>
Round two Bubba
Batter up! Abacus.

Hi Abacus,
very good question love. ok yes I believe the water was covering the surface of the earth. Where did it come from? well the sources of water are given to us in Genesis7:11, being "fountains of the great deep and windows of heaven" the phrase fountains of the great deep is used only in Genesis 7:11, however "the great deep" and "the deep" are used biblically to refer to the oceans. Genesis 7:11 says that when the flood began there was a breaking up of the fountains, which implies some kind of release. Also there are many volcanic rocks so it is entirely possible that a series of volcanic eruptions led to copious amounts of water bursting through the ground. 70% of what comes from volcanoes is water, often in the form of steam, but water none the less. Either way from these sources thats a hell of a lot of water. Now on to the next water source the "windows of heaven" Genesis 7:12 tells us that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, and the term is used biblically to describe rainfall. However we can not dismiss the possibility of a water vapor canopy surrounding the earth and if that was the case it can be interpreted as the collapse of a water vapor canopy which became unstable and fell down as rainfall. Technically speaking such canopy would have caused a greenhouse effect, a high temperature climate all around the globe including the icy poles. Also a vapor canopy would affect the wind systems and since way back when, mountains would not have been as high as they are today. However the water vapor is only a theory and I am not taking the side of such theory. I am inclined to believe that the volcanic activity that would be associated with the breaking up of the ocean floor would have created a wall of super heated steam from the ocean causing global rain. Now thats where the water comes from so where the hell does it go? here we go Abascus...
Now we are told in genesis 1:9, 2Peter 3:5-6 the whole world was covered with flood waters. Now there are some biblical passages that clearly identify the flood waters with the seas of today(Amos9:6 and Job 38:8-11) and also Abascus Psalm 104 possibly has your answer verse 6-9. Is God altering the earth's topography completely out of the question here? The oceans are so deep, there are folded mountain ranges. 70% of earth's surface is still covered with water so clearly the waters of Noah's flood are in our ocean basins. allright more volcanic activity, as the new oceans cooled, they would have become denser and sunken so the water would have flowed off of the continents, the deepening of the ocean floor would have caused the continents to rise resulting in more water running off from the land. A type of collision could have occured pushing the mountain ranges up. Abacus you mentioned mountains being so high and what not, well we know that Mt. Everest is more than 5 miles high and the bible refers only to "high hills" and the mountains today were most likely formed AFTER the flood by the colision of the plates. The uppermost parts of Mt. Everest are composed of fossils bearing, water deposited layers. It is not difficult to see that the carving of our landscape was caused by the rapid movement of large volumes of water.
I have to go study my german, I will be back tomorrow for some questions. Gute Nacht

Thanks BH I am going to have to take my time, if i did not have some of my own studies I would certainly answer a few more tonight.
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Old 09-15-2002, 09:10 PM   #23
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Public school teacher Lone Wolf Primarily sophomores. and you are next dearheart, I'll have much more time for you and some other questions tomorrow.
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Old 09-15-2002, 09:46 PM   #24
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First things first. Upon what verifiable evidence are you basing your belief in "Noah's" Ark?

Second, upon what verifiable evidence are you basing your confidence in the accuracy of the words in one of the various translations of Genesis?

Third, before you attempt to answer individual questions, I sincerely recommend that you do some solid research in areas other than biology. Why? Well because I rather suspect that your Degree in Biology will be of little use to you in a discussion of fact versus faith. Unless you truly understand how the Scientific Method of Inquiry really functions, I sincerely suspect that you will quickly become frustrated at attempting to explain the "faith" reasons for your answers rather than basing them on credible(testable/falsifiable/verifiable) science knowledge. (There are a good many folks in these various forums with advanced degrees in biology.) Perhaps you might gain further insights by reviewing some of the discussions in the Evolution/Creation and Science&Skepticism forums. Here are just a few WWW background readings on this subject. Please pay particular attention to the opening remarks in the second URL below because I might elect to ask you questions about world-wide insect gathering, their individual life-cycles, and their feeding habits... especially based on 150 days (assuming a 24 hour day) before the waters supposedly even began to recede. A meticulous reading of Genesis 8:1-22 should forewarn you of just some of the biological difficulties you are bound to encounter. Good luck and good critical thinking.

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Old 09-15-2002, 10:04 PM   #25
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Originally posted by Amie:

Originally posted by Infinity Lover:
Are we to believe that Noah, with no shipbuilding knowledge and no shipbuilding tradition to rely upon, was able to construct a wooden ship that was longer than any that has been built since?

Yes It is quite possible Infinity

A note. The size of a ship is limited, ultimately, by the strength of the materials used to build it. Try to build a big-enough ship, and it collapses under its own weight.

Even with modern shipbuilding techniques and technology, no one has succeeded in building a wooden vessel more than about 300 feet long. A wooden vessel this size is exceedingly unseaworthy, and quickly breaks up or capsizes in even the calmest of seas. All attempts to build larger wooden vessels have resulted in ships that collapsed under their own weight before they could even be launched.

A wooden vessel the size that Noah's Ark would have had to have been is literally a physical impossibility. Wood simply isn't strong enough.



[ September 16, 2002: Message edited by: The Lone Ranger ]</p>
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Old 09-16-2002, 02:40 AM   #26
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Not convincing me at all but I'm admiring your courage at sticking to your guns.

Glad to see you enjoy working with teenagers. I am a high school sunday school teacher at my church.

I'm going to work now. I'll be interested to se how you answer the rest of the arguements against the ark.

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Old 09-16-2002, 06:11 AM   #27
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So far, sounds like Amie is simply spitting up Hovind Science (tm) at us. No evidence, just speculation. Amie, still waiting for that list "scientists"....
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Old 09-16-2002, 06:51 AM   #28
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Yes it's quite possible Infinity
For what it's worth; the 'winking smiley argument' totally won me over.

Good luck, and again welcome to IIDF
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Old 09-16-2002, 07:20 AM   #29
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Amie do you believe the flood was global?

Here is a quote from one evangelical Christian:

In one respect the text itself rules out the global Flood interpretation by telling us where the water came from (Genesis 7) and where it returned (Genesis 8), namely, earthly sources. The quantity of water on, in, and around our planet comes nowhere near the amount required for global inundation.

<a href="" target="_blank">Chapter 18: The Flood - Global or Local?</a> (by Hugh Ross)
Infinity Lover you need to shore yourself up against the winking smily if you're that easily won over. It could get you in trouble otherwise

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Old 09-16-2002, 09:29 AM   #30
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First of all, thanks for playing. When you get around to it, could I get a rough date range for this flood? Thanks, and remember: "Nicht die Kinder bloß speist man Mit Märchen ab." [Gotthold Ephraim Lessing]
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