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Old 09-18-2002, 03:21 PM   #181
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"I am having difficulty because it is not coexisting with archaeology as we know it"

That's for sure!!
King Zoesser and Imhotep would have had a rough time building his step Pyramid in all that icky flood debris 4800 years ago. Not to mention the Sumerians building their city states and inventing agriculture and beer making and the people in Anatolia and China etc.
BTW the Egyptians have no Noah type Flood myth, I guess they wern't home at the time. Probably summered on Mars.
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Old 09-18-2002, 03:34 PM   #182
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Originally posted by marduck:
King Zoesser and Imhotep would have had a rough time building his step Pyramid in all that icky flood debris 4800 years ago. </strong>
Its worse than that! The great pyramids at Giza are constructed from quarried blocks of Eocene limestones rich in the large foraminifer Nummulites.

But then, building a giant pyramid out of soupy, freshly-deposited calcerous flood sediment is hardly a problem when one has access to an unlimited number of completely ad hoc explanatory miracles , which is the duct tape holding together flood geology.
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Old 09-18-2002, 03:36 PM   #183
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Originally posted by marduck:
<strong>King Zoesser and Imhotep would have had a rough time building his step Pyramid in all that icky flood debris 4800 years ago. Not to mention the Sumerians building their city states and inventing agriculture and beer making and the people in Anatolia and China etc.</strong>
It also suggests a fairly significant oversight in Mazar's authoritative <a href="" target="_blank">Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: 10,000-586 B.C.E.</a>.
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Old 09-18-2002, 04:18 PM   #184
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Originally posted by ps418:

Its worse than that! The great pyramids at Giza are constructed from quarried blocks of Eocene limestones rich in the large foraminifer Nummulites.

But then, building a giant pyramid out of soupy, freshly-deposited calcerous flood sediment is hardly a problem when one has access to an unlimited number of completely ad hoc explanatory miracles , which is the duct tape holding together flood geology.</strong>

How Wuuuuuuude!
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Old 09-18-2002, 06:28 PM   #185
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This also has a nice picture pointing out that the sea was not calm, rendering pointless disussion on whether a wooden boat will break apart in a calm sea.
Sorry Steve, the skeptic's link provided says they don't break apart because of heavy seas either. That IS NOT THE PROBLEM with wood ships. You would know that if you had read either the link OR my post. Apparently you can't be bothered to read peoples posts before responding.

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Old 09-18-2002, 06:29 PM   #186
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Goliath do you actually have a question? or are you quite comfortable just complaining?
You must not have looked over my post in this thread very carefully, or otherwise you would've surely noticed that I asked the question "What is being debated in this thread?"

Here's another question: Are you going to actually prove that a worldwide flood occurred, as described in the bible, or are you going to continue with your non-arguments that are logically equivalent to "I believe it! So there! Nah-nah-nah-nah-boo-boo!"


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Old 09-18-2002, 08:17 PM   #187
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Amie:"My brain is taking in all of the information and telling me one thing and somehow my beliefs are telling me quite another."
I think that logic and reason may yet prevail in this contest between myth and reality.
Three cheers for Amie's brain! Yea Brain! Yea Brain! Yea Brain!
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Old 09-19-2002, 03:43 AM   #188
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I had written 'This also has a nice picture pointing out that the sea was not calm, rendering pointless disussion on whether a wooden boat will break apart in a calm sea.'

And Radorth responded as follows :-

Originally posted by Radorth:

Sorry Steve, the skeptic's link provided says they don't break apart because of heavy seas either. That IS NOT THE PROBLEM with wood ships. You would know that if you had read either the link OR my post. Apparently you can't be bothered to read peoples posts before responding.

I do have trouble with comprehension.

What do you mean by saying that wooden ships don't break apart in heavy seas and that that is not the problem with wood ships?

However, I will repeat part of your post, and you can explain why there was no discussion of what happens to wooden ships in calm seas.

You were replying to :-
'A wooden vessel this size is exceedingly unseaworthy, and quickly breaks up or capsizes in even the calmest of seas.'

And you wrote 'Ah, no. In calm seas there are no bending loads. Ships are stressed to take the bending load when supported on each end. So at least the "...even in the calmest seas" part is a pagan myth. You guys shouldn't believe everything you read on those skeptics websites.'

I really did think that when you wrote about wooden ships, calm seas etc, in response to something that says wooden ships break up in calm seas, that there was a discussion going on about what happens to wooden ships in calm seas. Sheer stupidity on my part, but there you go.

But as you point out, I must learn to bother to read your posts before responding. Sorry.
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Old 09-19-2002, 04:11 AM   #189
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I would of thought it obvious that heavy seas present a problem to all ships. Steel, timber concrete or whatever. Even in absolutely calm water you're going to have practical limitations on the size. Introduce waves and you've got even more problems.

And in a global flood you have an unlimited fetch.

A huge wooden rectangular boat in those conditions doesn't sound like a good idea.
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Old 09-19-2002, 03:53 PM   #190
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SC: Read my later post and the link provided by a SKEPTIC, both of which which explain why wood ships fail. Even I was surprised to learn wood ships do not break from moderate seas. A bigger problem is sitting for long periods IN PORT, called "hogging."

Amie has her long boat. The rest of the story is indefensible by science, and there are no eyewitness or even second hand accounts to go by.

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