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Old 11-15-2002, 04:16 PM   #31
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Pagan Mythology

The Hellenists of the great Greek and Roman cultures were pagans
who believed a mythology of gods who looked and behaved like
people. It was common for mythical Greek and Roman gods to come
down to earth and fornicate with earth women, producing offspring
that were half man half god. The Jesus of the Christian
Scriptures fits this pagan Greek half-man half-god concept of a
Christ messiah.

Originally posted by TrueThinker:
<strong>Actually, this is more consistent with Genesis 6. It says the sons of God became interested in the daughters of men and produced offspring- the Nephilim, Raphaim, and Anakim race of giants. They were men of suprnatural strength who were seen as 'gods'. Many have dismissed these stories as "myth" because they don't sound believable, but they are probably grounded in truth.

Note: Jesus is fully man and fully God, not half & half. That is the mystery.</strong>
How do you know?

There are Messianic Jews, albeit few in number. The first Christian Jews tried to minister to other Jews, but it was not the right time. God wanted his message to be gived to the Gentiles first. But the day is fast approaching when the Jews will say, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." This doesn't mean all Jews would be converted, but a majority of them will turn to Jesus Christ.[/qb]
How do you know all of this?

Modern-day prophecy in action, July 25, 1996, in Detroit:
"The Spirit of prophecy is in this building. I am shaking right now. "I am shaking this place. I am shaking your ground. I am shaking the earth. There has been a terrorist act and there will be another. For the Spirit of the Lord says, America will retaliate, but God says, even as they retaliate with natural weapons of war and they say, we will go the place of the east and we will go and we will bring them down for what they did to our people as they flew in the air, over Long Island. But the Spirit of the Lord says, another will take place, but I will prevent many deaths, because I will cause a security thing to happen so they will not die. I will look after you, America. But God says, the retaliation will not be right. It will not be of my Spirit. It will be a wrong decision, but God says the saints of the Lord, of the most high God, will begin to pray. And your God says, I will strike down the god of the east. I will bring something to pass very soon. I have told you about it. The very god of the east, the very king of the east, the very prince of the east. The one that waged a war against America. They spoke about the mother of wars. For God says, This is going to be the mother of wars as you have never seen. For the Spirit of God will rise up against the prince of the east, and He will bring him down."

for the entire prophecy go here:
<a href="http://" target="_blank">Attack on America </a> or listen here: <a href="" target="_blank">Audio</a>[/qb]
I couldn't get into your link but I get the picture because I'm a prophetess: something terrible is going to happen in the US again.

I'm sure most of you would go scrambling trying to find something that debunks or defames the prophet or find some other reason not to believe. Well, y'all have fun.

Is God real? You wait and see...[/qb]


[ November 15, 2002: Message edited by: Clarice O'C ]</p>
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Old 11-15-2002, 11:09 PM   #32
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You seemed to have missed the second part of the prophecy:

"...But the Spirit of the Lord says, another will take place, but I will prevent many deaths, because I will cause a security thing to happen so they will not die. I will look after you, America. And your God says, I will strike down the god of the east. I will bring something to pass very soon. I have told you about it. The very god of the east, the very king of the east, the very prince of the east. The one that waged a war against America. They spoke about the mother of wars. For God says, This is going to be the mother of wars as you have never seen. For the Spirit of God will rise up against the prince of the east, and He will bring him down."

You'll have explain what you find terrible about God saying He will protect America, prevent deaths, and defeat the enemy. In my opinion, that would be a good thing, would it not? The first part of the prophecy has already come to pass as of the events that took place last year.

I don't understand your questions. How do I know which part? Please be more specific.

You're a prophetess? What kind?
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Old 11-15-2002, 11:34 PM   #33
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Originally posted by Butters:

Well, Mankind has waited at least 10,000 years to see evidence of God, none yet.

Oh, and no defence of Isaiah?

[ November 15, 2002: Message edited by: Butters ]</strong>
Let me ask you this, concerning evidence for God- how was this man able to prophesy this if he was not speaking to the Eternal God, Yahweh?

(You propbably don't want to believe it was prophesied in 1996) But suppose the rest of the prophecy does come to pass, would you accept it as evidence? This prophecy I posted is not the only one. God is still speaking through his prophets today.

<a href="" target="_blank">Warriors</a>
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Old 11-16-2002, 08:47 AM   #34
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Posted bt TT,

(You propbably don't want to believe it was prophesied in 1996) But suppose the rest of the prophecy does come to pass, would you accept it as evidence? This prophecy I posted is not the only one. God is still speaking through his prophets today.
Of course I don't. How about posting an as yet unfulfilled prophecy, and let's see if it comes true. Post it right here, and on every other board you can. When it comes to pass, someone might believe you.

Here is a prophecy of my own.
There will be war in the east.
there will be great unrest in the world.
Natural disasters will claim many lives.

Blah, blah, blah.

and what about Isaiah, did his prophecy to King Ahaz fail or not?
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Old 11-16-2002, 12:50 PM   #35
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Originally posted by Butters:
<strong>Posted bt TT,

Of course I don't. How about posting an as yet unfulfilled prophecy, and let's see if it comes true. Post it right here, and on every other board you can. When it comes to pass, someone might believe you.

Here is a prophecy of my own.
There will be war in the east.
there will be great unrest in the world.
Natural disasters will claim many lives.

Blah, blah, blah.

and what about Isaiah, did his prophecy to King Ahaz fail or not?</strong>
Well the way I see it Isaiah was not prophesying that Ahaz will defeat his Syrian & Israelite enemies, but that they will be defeated and what they want to happen to Judah will not happen. But regardless of which explanation I give you, you'll find a reason not to accept it. If I show you Isaiah 45 where King Cyrus is spoken of before his time, you'll find a reason not believe it. I can direct you to Zecharaiah, where it says in the last days those who ally themselves with Israel in the last days will experience trouble. Even if posted a long list of prophecies you wouldn't believe if they came to pass. So please tell me why I should bother? I mean if you don't want a relationship with God, I'm not going to shove it down your throat.

I have given you an partially unfulfilled prophecy. Did you even bother to listen to it? It makes not difference to you if it comes to pass cause you've just indicated you wouldn't believe anyway.

How long will you stay bitter?
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Old 11-16-2002, 01:03 PM   #36
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First of all I'm not bitter over prophecies, merely amused.
Second, out of all that rambling, I can't fiqure out what you claim has happened, will happened, or what. Why don't you clearly state what you are prophecing. If it comes true, I'll have to give it serious consideration. Hell, if it's good enough, you may even convert me.
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Old 11-16-2002, 03:39 PM   #37
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Originally posted by TrueThinker:

You seemed to have missed the second part of the prophecy:

"...But the Spirit of the Lord says, another will take place, but I will prevent many deaths, because I will cause a security thing to happen so they will not die. I will look after you, America. And your God says, I will strike down the god of the east. I will bring something to pass very soon. I have told you about it. The very god of the east, the very king of the east, the very prince of the east. The one that waged a war against America. They spoke about the mother of wars. For God says, This is going to be the mother of wars as you have never seen. For the Spirit of God will rise up against the prince of the east, and He will bring him down."</strong>
Yes, I missed it because I got bored about half-way down.

<strong>You'll have explain what you find terrible about God saying He will protect America, prevent deaths, and defeat the enemy. In my opinion, that would be a good thing, would it not? The first part of the prophecy has already come to pass as of the events that took place last year.</strong>
I don't recall saying that there was anything terrible. But your God said that he will protect America, etc.? I thought it was the prophet who said that. Maybe I misunderstood.

I don't understand your questions. How do I know which part? Please be more specific.</strong>
I'll let you know in my next post because I don't know how to combine two previous posts together.

<strong>You're a prophetess? What kind?</strong>
Just kidding.


[ November 16, 2002: Message edited by: Clarice O'C ]</p>
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Old 11-16-2002, 03:52 PM   #38
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TrueThinker wrote:

Note: Jesus is fully man and fully God, not half & half. That is the mystery.

How do you know that Jesus was fully man and fully God?


There are Messianic Jews, albeit few in number.
The first Christian Jews tried to minister to
other Jews, but it was not the right time. God wanted his message to be gived to the Gentiles
first. But the day is fast approaching when the
Jews will say, "Blessed is He who comes in the
name of the Lord." This doesn't mean all Jews
would be converted, but a majority of them will turn to Jesus Christ.

How do you know what your God wants?

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Old 11-16-2002, 04:13 PM   #39
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Originally posted by TrueThinker:
<strong>Actually, this is more consistent with Genesis 6. It says the sons of God became interested in the daughters of men and produced offspring- the Nephilim, Raphaim, and Anakim race of giants. They were men of suprnatural strength who were seen as 'gods'. Many have dismissed these stories as "myth" because they don't sound believable, but they are probably grounded in truth.</strong>
So you decide to believe the Greek myths because there is some back up for Judeo-Christian mythology? How do you expect people to take you seriously? Do you also accept Babylonian genealogies because they agree with Biblical ones that men in those days lived very very very very long lives? Please cite some evidence as to your claim that these Greek myths bear any semblance to the Nephilim.

<strong>Note: Jesus is fully man and fully God, not half & half. That is the mystery.</strong>
Evidence, please.

<strong>There are Messianic Jews, albeit few in number. The first Christian Jews tried to minister to other Jews, but it was not the right time. God wanted his message to be gived to the Gentiles first. But the day is fast approaching when the Jews will say, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." This doesn't mean all Jews would be converted, but a majority of them will turn to Jesus Christ.</strong>
Wrong. According to your Bible, God did not want "his message to be gived (sic) to the Gentiles first." If the Bible is accurate, Jesus' first mission for his disciples states:

Go nowhere among the Gentiles, and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matthew 10:5
The pentecost occurs in Jerusalem, where the disciples were instructed to remain until the Holy Spirit descended. His instructions clearly give Palestine precedence:

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Acts 1:8
Notice how Jesus only mentions Samaria, which were not quite gentiles, but certainly not Jews. Otherwise, gentiles don't get any mention.

<strong>Modern-day prophecy in action, July 25, 1996, in Detroit:
I'm sure most of you would go scrambling trying to find something that debunks or defames the prophet or find some other reason not to believe. Well, y'all have fun.
I can't speak for others, but I can't be bothered to debunk the claims of supposedly prophetic charlatans any more than you would be bothered to investigate and disprove astrology, numerology, occult, paranormal activities or other similar rubbish. Christianity (as a theology - I can't be bothered with faith healers, etc. any more than I can with your prophet) is only an exception because there are too many people out there trying to shove it in my face.
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Old 11-25-2002, 11:44 PM   #40
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Originally posted by Butters:
<strong>First of all I'm not bitter over prophecies, merely amused.
Second, out of all that rambling, I can't fiqure out what you claim has happened, will happened, or what. Why don't you clearly state what you are prophecing. If it comes true, I'll have to give it serious consideration. Hell, if it's good enough, you may even convert me.</strong>
Here is the rest:
"And God says, when He does, I will enter the Muslim countries and I will save their souls. I will bring salvation unto the soil of the Islamic countries. Did you hear what I said? It is drawing nigh, it is drawing nigh, it is drawing nigh, says the Lord. There is a betrayal amongst the princes of the east. There is a betrayal amongst the princes of the east. And God says, I will take the very sheiks and I will let them see the true God of Israel. And God says, listen to me. There will be a major death. It is coming nigh right now. But God says when this death occurs, there will be life that will be transferred from the very throne of God. And I will bring down the god of the east."

"And the Spirit of the Lord says, when that happens, there will be an invasion of my blood into the territories that would never be holy, but shall become holy. I will take the holy places which are actually unholy, and I will lift them up. I will declare, this is NOT holy. I will tear down the idols and their gods. I will tear down the spirits of Allah. I will take the lying spirits and break their power. And I will begin to save hundred of thousands of Islamic people. I will take them out and fill them with my Spirit and they will begin to preach. They will preach in the desert, and they will preach in the highways, in the desert ways. And God says, they will preach by the lakes and they will begin to tell people, and God says great amounts of riches and wealth shall be poured into the United States and America. And God says, by the end of this century, by the end of this millennium, I will take the economy of America and I will raise it up and it shall be a great prosperity that will be in this nation and God says, the poor will say, I am rich."

The prophecy, spoken in the summer of 1996, is referring to the specific attack that occured on September 11, 2001 and what will happen afterword as a result. How do I know it is that one? The specific reference "for what they did to our people as they flew in the air over Long Island".

1. America will retaliate, of their own spirit
2. The terrorists will attack American soil again but this time they will not be successful.
3. Because of the prayer of Christians, God will go after the god of the east that waged war against America, a.k.a. "Allah", and defeat him
4. God will also go after the prince of the east that waged war against America, the prince of Babylon (Iraq) currently Saddam, and He will bring him down. (This prophecy from March 2001 gives further explanation-
5. Islamic nations of the east would be open to Christianity after the "death of Allah"
6. The economy of America will change as a result of all this

I should let you know that within the body of Christ, prophecy is not taken lightly. Church services are recorded so if there is a prophecy, it is always caught on tape. Special meetings are recorded on audio and video. The church leadership holds the prophet accountable for his words.

These meetings were recorded. The tapes have even been sent to Larry King Live because they expressed interest, so he should be appearing on the show soon. I believe Jonathan Edwards will also be on that same show. I'll let you know when that will be once I find out. The local NBC station in my area even contacted the pastor of the church and had him verify that these words were spoken on that day.

[ November 26, 2002: Message edited by: TrueThinker ]</p>
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