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Old 07-29-2002, 08:45 AM   #1
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Post A reply to my Letter to Editor, "constitutional" theocracy, and a bonus treat.

<a href="" target="_blank">Here is the post containting my original LttE.</a> It was replied to finally, the comments being in today's paper. Here is what the author wrote:

Daru Ib-Shamiq's well-written July 8 letter calls for deleting from the Pledge of Allegiance the phrase "under God," which wasn't a part of the pledge until Congress added it in 1954. The writer says the deletion would ensure the government's "neutrality to all beliefs" in "the public realm."

Those comments caused me to review some of the writings of the Founding Fathers. Their intent seemed to be "a Christian nation," not a religiously neutral nation. ...

For example, John Quincy Adams said, "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this, it connected in one dissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity ... they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of The Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledge as the rules of their conduct."

Earlier, Patrick Henry said, "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity and freedom of worship here."

And Daniel Webster very clearly linked the founding of the United States with Christianity and even emphatically warned against doing otherwise when he said, "If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instruction and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity."

Daniel Webster concludes: "Let us not forget the religious character or our origin. Our fathers were brought hither by their high veneration for the Christian religion."

I think keeping "under God" in our pledge accurately reflects the Christian foundation of our national history.

Mary S. Snyder, Martinez, Ga.
I'm planning on just suggesting she read the Ken Harding Library's article on this.

Since these letters were about seperation issues, I though I would add something I just thought of. Since xians interpret the 1st Amendment their own way, they can allow for something scary. They say that the establishment clause says that the gov't cannot establish a state church--that's all. This allows for any of a number of laws placing "xian values" into American society. Laws that could oppress nonbelievers, gays, humanists, feminists, or any other group on the "Pat Robertson list," as I like to call it. They could, in effect, make this country a theocracy without actually establishing an official state religion. To them, that's perfectly acceptable, i.e. compatible with the 1st Amendment. This is why absolute seperation of church and state is necessary.

Of course, a literal interpretation of the 1st Amendment prohibits not only an establishment of a state church, but of any religion in any aspect of public life. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." is what is says exactly. It does not say "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a state religion." (italics added for emphasis) Therefore, a literal interpretation of the establishment clause says that not only the gov't can't establish a state religion, it cannot establish any kind of religion anywhere. (note: I may add this to my next LttE)

Now that I'm through with that, I'd like to invite y'all to the next juicy morsel of xian insanity. It's a little bonus to this post. It's a LttE that was also in today's paper, and the author is the son of Rev. Tim Fellows, another local.

Our backward medical industry has just discovered what Christians knew in the Dark Ages: having more children and breast-feeding are healthier for women.

Modern medical and scientific industries often spend millions discovering what kids could have told them long ago. The problem is not with genuine science or medicine, but a false religion of man based on humanism and evolution, and against the Bible.

The professionals have rejected God's advice and set themselves up as gods. They still don't know that the solution to living long is not wrapped up in an exercise program or food-guide pyramid, rather it is in obedience to God's laws and honoring father and mother.

People who obey the word of God not only live longer, but they have much less sickness, sorrow and disease. But people who would rather continue their sinful lifestyles turn to witch doctors to give them a drug, a patch, which merely alleviates symptoms but never provides a cure for their rebellion against God.

The pharmaceutical industry has historically been in the hands of the reigning religion. When Christianity prospered, science and medicine flourished, but we are seeing now a return to ignorance, barbarity and absurdities in our modern professional world.

Turn off the electricity at the science center (which is all about evolution and lies), and you have a stale, eerie building that doesn't work. Turn off the computers at the hospitals, and you have dumb nurses whose MTV expertise won't heal anybody.

Americans deserve the gods they've made and worship and sacrifice unto dearly. But as for me, I'll take the God of the Bible, who created the heavens and the earth and will very shortly cure this world of all enemies of truth, life and righteousness.

Timothy Fellows Jr., Augusta
Insane, isn't it? I guess he forgot that current medical technology of the Dark Ages couldn't keep 90% of Europe from dying of the plague, or how science consisted of Ptolemy's geocentric model, which people were burned at the stake or otherwise persecuted for criticizing.
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Old 07-29-2002, 09:20 AM   #2
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I liked your letter, Shadow Wraith. As for the responses...

&lt;makes note to cancel South Carolina vacation plans&gt;
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Old 07-29-2002, 09:35 AM   #3
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MTV expertise?
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Old 07-29-2002, 11:34 AM   #4
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Thumbs down

Snyder appears to be nothing but another fundy quote miner, and not a very good one at that. First of all, John Quincy Adams a "founding father"?! rofl He was all of nine years old when the American Revolution started! More important, the statement Snyder attributes to him is actually some author's interpretation of Adams believed; it's not a quote from Adams himself.

The Henry quote is bogus too. Even David Barton, a renowned liar for Jesus, was compelled to admit that the quote is of questionable veracity. Either Snyder's seriously misinformed or she's lying her Bible-thumping ass off.
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Old 07-29-2002, 06:17 PM   #5
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Ah, quote mining. The fundies might win the argument when they can produce a verified quote from a Founding Father (or three) which says something like:

"I believe this nation is founded on Christian principles and that the Christian religion should be favoured over all others in all government insitutions and practices. I dissociate myself from the Constitution, the Establishment Clause and the Treaty of Tripoli as these do not conform with my beliefs on the status of religion in this nation."

Until then, each and every FF quote produced by the fundies says nothing more than

"I happen to be a Christian (/Deist/Agnostic) but that's personal stuff and has no place in government."

Yeah, I know.... <img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" /> <img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" />
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Old 07-29-2002, 06:33 PM   #6
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Originally posted by Stephen Maturin:
<strong> ...
The Henry quote is bogus too. Even David Barton, a renowned liar for Jesus, was compelled to admit that the quote is of questionable veracity. Either Snyder's seriously misinformed or she's lying her Bible-thumping ass off.</strong>
The wording is a tipoff -- consider its distinction between "religionists" and "Christians" -- it reminds me of the contention of certain Fundies that their beliefs are not really a "religion".
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Old 07-31-2002, 01:49 PM   #7
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When Christianity prospered, science and medicine flourished, but we are seeing now a return to ignorance, barbarity and absurdities in our modern professional world.
Wow. Can we really get any less sane? Sounds like she's ready to come over to your house and perform an exorcism.
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Old 07-31-2002, 02:33 PM   #8
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JQA's administration was part of the first attempts to establish neo-Zionist "manifest destiny" ideology.

People who obey the word of God not only live longer, but they have much less sickness, sorrow and disease.
The Japanese live an average of 93 years. Guess what religions they generally practice?

Ben Franklin recorded Senecas living 60-100 years.

When Christianity prospered, science and medicine flourished, but we are seeing now a return to ignorance, barbarity and absurdities in our modern professional world.
And yet the black plague. And malaria in South America, which is 98% Xian. Not to mention AIDS in Rwanda. (Yes, most Rwandans are Xian, especially the elite.)

But as for me, I'll take the God of the Bible, who created the heavens and the earth and will very shortly cure this world of all enemies of truth, life and righteousness.
He sounds like Hitler when he says that.
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