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Old 10-24-2002, 08:36 AM   #21
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woodchuck (emphasis mine):

If I understand correctly, athesim is not just disbelief, it's complete rejection of belief.
You do not.
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Old 10-24-2002, 08:42 AM   #22
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Originally posted by Shadowy Man:
<strong>You do not.</strong>
There may be some theists out there who do understand atheism, but I haven't met any. On the other hand, Christians of the type I used to be, though they usually assume I don't understand Christianity, end up having to admit that I do after I explain my understanding to them, so they conclude that I must just be stubborn, obtuse, or perhaps downright evil to reject it. Other types of Christians say that since I wasn't their type of Christian I was never a real Christian, though when I was a Christian I was convinced that their types were the ones who weren't real Christians (ditto for theists of other religions).
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Old 10-25-2002, 03:59 AM   #23
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Hi, Hobbs! I'm Kass.

Now you've met a theist who knows what atheism is.
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Old 10-25-2002, 04:57 AM   #24
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I have considered the Christian option. Also the Islamic option. You know why I rejected them? Because they are founded upon bribe and blackmail: heaven if you do, hell if you don't. It is the lowliest foundation that can ever be used, a foundation common to the most astute politician.

Heaven if you do, hell if you don't. That's a very human system. But there's nothing divine in it. If you want divinity, look at Nature.
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Old 10-25-2002, 03:31 PM   #25
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Originally posted by Kassiana:
<strong>Hi, Hobbs! I'm Kass.

Now you've met a theist who knows what atheism is. </strong>
When I posted that comment, I was thinking of people I have met and discussed such issues with in real life, but after posting it I thought of HelenM here, and I'd say she is one I've met online who fits the bill. I know I've seen you around these boards before, but since I can't spend a lot of time here I can't recall specifics about your previous comments.

And after thinking about it more, I suppose that I should modify my statement to cover the evangelical types who claim their version of their religion is the only Truth. I do know some theists who are quite theologically liberal and who fit the bill.

So I guess I should just back off that comment and say that there are plenty of theists, woodchuck among them, whose account of atheism doesn't come close to accurately describing me and atheist friends of mine.

Well, as Lucy van Pelt once noted, if you go around watching everything you say, you'll never get much said.
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Old 10-25-2002, 03:52 PM   #26
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[I'm going to forewarn you before I begin ranting, that this post is going to be me ventilating, much like you did- this isn't aimed directly at you goliath because I don't know you, I'm just commenting on what I've seen during my time on this site]
Very well. In turn, do not take my scathing dismantling of your argument personally.


Athesists have a worldview-not because they're athesists, but because they are people, and people have worldviews.
First, of all, it's atheists, not athesists. I have no idea what an athesist is.

Secondly, you're correct in that every individual atheist has some kind of worldview. However, given any two atheists, their worldviews will probably differ at least slightly. Therefore atheism is not in and of itself a worldview. Got it?


If I understand correctly, athesim is not just disbelief, it's complete rejection of belief.
You do not understand correctly. Atheism is the lack of belief that any gods exist.


You've decided that no matter what, you will never believe in God because you are fully convinced that he does not exist.
Absolutely incorrect. Here is a complete and total list of every belief that I hold regarding anything supernatural (including your god):



You atheists seem to hate letting peolple call atheism your worldview,
I dislike it when theists rant and rave against things that they don't know about.


but I don't think it's because atheism is not a worldview, it's because it makes it sound too close to another belief system.
See above. Atheism is a lack of belief, not a belief system.


You've convinced yourself that your view is not a view, it is the rational educated truth- and while the rest of us lower life forms are floating around like idiots believing in foolish things like a Creator, your highly enlightened and superevolved minds have surpassed our schitzophrenic brains.
Unsubstantiated claptrap, used to stuff an ugly strawman.


Your disbelief is a belief, not just a disbelief.
You are incorrect. I hold no beliefs regarding your god. Therefore I am a counterexample to your claim.


You believe that there is no God,
No, sir. I do not.


The center of the atheist religion is nothing instead of God- all scientific evidence originated at nothing, everything evolved from nothing, therefore you base all of your morality and your opinions and your views on the nothingness of life.
Stuff that straw man, theist!


You are NOT unbiased,
Please point out where I claimed that I was.


You have a system of beliefs that have closed your mind to all possibilities outside of the BELIEFS you cling to.
Absolutely false. I hold no beliefs regarding anything supernatural, therefore I am a living counterexample to your ridiculous claims.


I met Christ
Unproven assertion.


you on the other hand have not met nothing face to face, you have chosen to embrace nothing and reject all else.
I embrace mathematics, computers, reading, watching movies, listening to music, and enjoying the company of my friends and family. You are therefore demonstrably wrong.


We have both chosen to live life with a central belief- mine Christ, yours nothing.
I hold no such belief. You are therefore demonstrably wrong, xian.


I know it's cliche, but I'll go ahead and say it. Atheism does take faith.
I have no faith, and I am an atheist. You are therefore demonstrably wrong.


Atheism is utterly arrogant
Could you please back this up? I find theism--especially xianity--to be supremely arrogant.


Atheism is a...SET OF BELIEFS
Incorrect, sir. Atheism is a lack of belief, not a set of beliefs.


from my point of view you are wrong.
And I have already told you why you are wrong.


Tell me your worldview if it is not atheism.
Well, where could one possibly begin? Any specific facet that you'd like to look at?


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Old 10-26-2002, 05:40 AM   #27
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Aw Goliath, how bout a big ol' hug? I was pretty harsh in my post, though I do stand by most of it- I admit I'm closed minded, I'm bound to my beliefs... and if you think I'm arrogant, what can I say...I'm sorry. Like i said, I did not mean to judge you or say that what my post stated was who you are- I was simply saying what I've been seeing around here, and i just thought, why not flick'em some crap? I know I'm just a dumb theist anyway- but hey, we're all just dumb people trying to act smarter than eachother right?
Ok well... I'm really not going to counter much of what you said because hey, we made our points i suppose. Are you really a giant? I can imagine you being one the way you talk in your post I imagine this deep thundering giant vice bein' all like "theist!!!!!!!" I don't know if I sound like a wood chuck in my posts or not... ok well. Maybe we can rant the crap out of eachother again sometime.
-eef the worshipper of X.
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Old 10-26-2002, 10:40 AM   #28
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Christianity is Satan's big black lie. Flee it!
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Old 10-27-2002, 04:45 AM   #29
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Red face

It is...?

Oh crap, thanks.
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Old 11-05-2002, 10:08 AM   #30
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Aw Goliath, how bout a big ol' hug?
Hug a bigot like you? No thanks, I save hugs for people that I care about (or at least people whom I don't dislike).


I was pretty harsh in my post, though I do stand by most of it- I admit I'm closed minded, I'm bound to my beliefs...
And I have shown that your beliefs about atheists are completely false.


Like i said, I did not mean to judge you
I don't believe you for a nanosecond. Lemme share a secret with ya, little clubber: everyone judges practically everything.


or say that what my post stated was who you are-
BULLSHIT! You did exactly that!


Ok well... I'm really not going to counter much of what you said because hey, we made our points i suppose.
*nod* Sure, you made your bigoted, closed-minded statements, and I shattered them to pieces.


Are you really a giant?


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