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Old 02-21-2003, 07:52 AM   #21
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Sounds awfull but do you think Catholics are responsible for this?
Well yes, Amos, I do think they are responsible for writing and preserving the Bible. (Although note I said "Christians" not "Catholics")

Another thing they are responsible for is sweeping this under the rug - not facing the responsibility of the message of their doctrine.

Most Catholics never read the bible and don't even have a bible in their own house!
And what does THAT make them?

(And how did they get past baptism and confirmation without receiving a bible as a gift? )
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Old 02-21-2003, 09:32 AM   #22
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Originally posted by Rhea
Well yes, Amos, I do think they are responsible for writing and preserving the Bible. (Although note I said "Christians" not "Catholics")

Another thing they are responsible for is sweeping this under the rug - not facing the responsibility of the message of their doctrine.

And what does THAT make them?

(And how did they get past baptism and confirmation without receiving a bible as a gift? )
Yes they did write it and put a censorship on it to protect the flock from arriving at the wrong interpretations that would send them to hell. To prevent this perversion they fought many revolts but, regretfully, they lost the last one and that is the cause of your agony today.

You look at it from an American perspective where the whole nation is glowing from the fires of hell. Catholicism is a tradition and not a rational religion that seeks salvation in a book. However, I can see why many Catholics would look at the bible for themselves to prepare a defense against the attacks of marauding religions.

At Baptism we, in my tradition, get a candle and never ever get a bible. Do you ever see Catholics packing a bible around? I was a Catholic for 36 years when I first looked at it and never really knew that there was an OT and NT, or what the difference was between them.
Old 02-21-2003, 09:39 AM   #23
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I got a Bible at my confirmation at age 13 (I think it was). As did all of my siblings.

I look at it from the perspective of what the bible says.

I don't have any agony today.
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Old 02-21-2003, 09:46 AM   #24
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Originally posted by Rhea
I got a Bible at my confirmation at age 13 (I think it was). As did all of my siblings.

I look at it from the perspective of what the bible says.

I don't have any agony today.
Could be. All I remember is slap in the face when I was confirmed. I was about 11 or 12 then. There was probaly 200 kids to get done that afternoon by one bishop.

I understand.
Old 02-21-2003, 09:56 AM   #25
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Originally posted by spurly
There are some things missing in Christianity. Most important of all of them are the people who haven't decided to join themselves to Christ and become part of his kingdom on earth.

That's the main thing I see missing.
The thing I see missing from your vision is this: a point. What was God lacking that prompted him to Create anything in the first place? And I haven't even gotten to the absurdity of a God that sacrifices himself to himself, in order to pay a debt that is owed to himself, on account of rules that were broken by creatures created by him expressly for the purpose of breaking the rules and incurring the debt! It makes no sense whatsoever.

Invoking God explains nothing. It only removes the question of existence to a realm of discourse in which nothing can be elucidated. The idea of God brings obfuscation, not clarity.
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Old 02-21-2003, 10:33 AM   #26
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I think that as disturbing as apes were to Christians, when we thought that they just looked like us, they are even more so now. In the past 30years a tremendous amount has been learned about the relationship between humans and apes. Not only is our genetic make up almost identical but their intelligence isn't far from our own. Take, for instance, the work that Dr Penny Patterson has done with Koko. Koko has a vocabulary of almost 2000 words, which she can sign. She can also read and write. On IQ tests she consistently scores in the high 80's while the average human scores in the high 90's.
That pretty much puts the old cabosh on our created in the image of God status, unless God is a Western Lowland Gorilla.
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Old 02-21-2003, 10:50 AM   #27
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I don't remember a picture of David collecting all those foreskins in my children's bible...
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Old 02-21-2003, 11:28 AM   #28
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Originally posted by Rhea
Although, I wouldn't call Noah's display of being "not good" the grotesque part of the Bible. I would call all the drowned babies the grosteque part, personally. Do your classes discuss the drowning of the infants? How they thrashed their chubby little arms and legs in panic as the water closed over their faces? Maybe a discussion of the mother of four, trying valiantly to tread water as she holds desperately to her four young children with the water rising, all of them panicking, screaming, the toddler slipping from her grasp with a look of sheer terror before she slips beneath the waves, looking up at her Mama still treading water as she sinks, holding her breath as long as she can, reaching up with her little 2yo arm for help, then finally sucks in the "breath" that kills her?

Although, since that infant and that toddler were "sinful" (unlike Noah, of course), it's not really that grotesque, I suppose. Not like getting drunk and naked is.
Several years ago, this image probably wouldn't have phased me, but now, having a small child of my own, the thought of that scene absolutely sickens me. Did any of these mothers attempt to comfort their children by saying that god would take care of them?
*deep breaths* "Calm down, Shake. It's only a story." There, much better.

Amos spewed out this:
Sounds awfull but do you think Catholics are responsible for this?

Most Catholics never read the bible and don't even have a bible in their own house!
I'm not sure if you really know any Catholics at all! Nearly every Catholic I know has a (at least one) bible in their house, and most of those can quote from it! I get emails from Catholic friends which quote bible verses all the time!

Oh, do I think Catholics are responsible for it? I'd be surprised if they weren't completely without blame.
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Old 02-21-2003, 11:31 AM   #29
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Default Re: Something's Missing From Christianity

Originally posted by Rhea
Well a couple of things.

There is the obvious and ever-present lack of femininity in Christianity, especially in Christian e-mail spam and the whole God-Concept. But there are a few others that recent threads have brought to mind about Christian imagery, publications and art...

- Noah's Ark themes. All those cute Animals and not one floating Corpse.
- Apes. They aren't very fond of drawing Apes in their stories or art. Why is that?
- Bonfires. Why don't christians like bonfires? What with all the animal sacrifice and book burnings and all.

What other images to Christians tend to overlook/shun.
Any why do you suppose?
Yeah, the bloated corpses are conspicuously absent from my illustrated living bible. It has doves and giraffes and white people in nice white robes.

I think all the dead first born in houses that forgot the goats blood on the door need to be illustrated.
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Old 02-21-2003, 11:42 AM   #30
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Originally posted by Shake

I'm not sure if you really know any Catholics at all! Nearly every Catholic I know has a (at least one) bible in their house, and most of those can quote from it! I get emails from Catholic friends which quote bible verses all the time!

But I go to Church often enough to know that Catholics don't read the bible except for one or two small study groups that do this so they can post in the local paper that "yes" Catholics do have bible studies.

If you think Catholics are so well versed why are they prime targets of fundy evangelist? It is in defense of their faith that they will pick up a bible and otherwise they would never.

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