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Old 05-10-2002, 02:04 PM   #21
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Originally posted by QueenofSwords:

So all these people will be bare-assed in heaven?

Hey, does Jesus wear clothes or is he freeballing too?</strong>
[Tom Petty] And I'm free, I'm free-ballin' [/Tom Petty]
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Old 05-10-2002, 03:04 PM   #22
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One of the more brilliant schemes of xianity was joining it to human arrogance through these End of the World fantasies.

We really think gawd went to all this trouble, created all these vast universes, drowned everybody and started over again. . just to provide this generation (obviously we're the crown of His creation) with the greatest New Years's Day fireworks show an infinite being can create.

We are clearly very special. I think that is why he chose us. I am convinced gawd really wants me there for the big party because we love each other so much.

Get a grip.
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Old 05-10-2002, 07:50 PM   #23
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Interesting. The Lord hisself will jump out of the clouds with a shout. Granted, none of us know what he looks like or sounds like, but it does sound like something that will command our attention, indeed. Well...those of us who are on the bit of the earth he selects for a landing pad, that is. &gt;&gt;

I've always had this great idea for a shen. Though I don't know how plausable it is.

At a church hide behind some bushes with a loud stero system. Right as people are leaving the church. Have the stereo playing a trumpet really loud. With a booming voice shouting. "BEHOLD FOR I HAVE COME TO GATHER MY FLOCK". If you could afford to have a bunch of inflatable dolls filled with helium already heading up in the sky that be even better. Or else just some clothes lying around the ground. The fun would be watching them freak out when they aren't being raptured.
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Old 05-10-2002, 10:24 PM   #24
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Originally posted by QueenofSwords:

So all these people will be bare-assed in heaven?

Hey, does Jesus wear clothes or is he freeballing too?</strong>
All the better to molest you my dear.
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Old 05-10-2002, 11:26 PM   #25
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Hey, does Jesus wear clothes or is he freeballing too?

Full Point!
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Old 05-11-2002, 12:45 AM   #26
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Thumbs down

Originally posted by Fastfalcon:

And if you are going to bash me, then don't curse me. Read and comment.


2. After this, an evil guy known as the AntChrist will come on to the world stage and control the world thru the EU. He will have a slick personality, promise peace to Israel, and force people to wear a mark of some kind. You will not be able to buy or sell without this mark and if you refuse to wear it, then he will kill you. Thus said, he will be more evil than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Hey, Fastfalcon, so you're just another ignoramus of an American who is convinced God chose the Americans as the Divine Race, and you've got a downer on Europe because the lowest IQ there still has two more neurons than you do, and doesn't go in for end-times twaddle.

Don't you ever get ashamed of yourself ?

And BTW, you anti-European, I must reveal to you we already know who the Anti-Christ is, (and please note spelling, you typical American end-times hysterical person, you):

Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Note 6 letters in each name, i.e. 666.

Think about it.
Obviously Reagan will come back, probably hand-in-hand with The Whore of Babylon (Kissinger), and the Beast (Dan Quayle, or maybe his dog), to implement the Day of Destruction.

Think about it.
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Old 05-11-2002, 05:28 AM   #27
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Gurdur originally posted:

Hey, Fastfalcon, so you're just another ignoramus of an American who is convinced God chose the Americans as the Divine Race, and you've got a downer on Europe because the lowest IQ there still has two more neurons than you do, and doesn't go in for end-times twaddle.
As much as I feel a desire to come to the aid of my countryman here, I'm afraid we'll have to concede on this.
Most American fundies do believe we are certainly no less than gawd's second choice.
They rarely take time to develop the thought (because it is too idiotic to verbalize) but in the back of their minds there is this little germ of an idea that the US will be a major player in the Battle of Armegeddon.

You fundies just need to get over yourselves!

This is really not funny, in fact it is seriously dangerous that millions of Americans are in favor of, openly or complicitly, a foreign policy based on Daniel and Revelations.
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Old 05-11-2002, 11:12 AM   #28
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FastFalcon, I do have a question for you. Why do you speak to us as if we are five year olds that have never seen a Bible or heard any of this?

I find your tone condescending unless you are quite young yourself so using the language and tone you would with your peers.

This in particular demonstrates my complaint
2. After this, an evil guy known as the AntChrist will come on to the world stage and control the world thru the EU. He will have a slick personality, promise peace to Israel, and force people to wear a mark of some kind. You will not be able to buy or sell without this mark and if you refuse to wear it, then he will kill you. Thus said, he will be more evil than Hitler and Stalin combined.
As for your interpretation of Revelation, it is not must be watching the Van Impes.
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Old 05-12-2002, 01:53 PM   #29
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Originally posted by Fastfalcon:
'Behold, I come like a thief! Rev 16:15
There is no doubt that we would know when the Rapture would happen. Planes would fall out of the sky, cars would crash, many children will be missing and many piles of clothes would be left.</strong>
Fastfalcon you posted a lot of other stuff but I just wanted to speak about this point. Where in any bible does it mention airplanes and more importantly those airplanes falling out of the sky and you menitoned? Also the same about the cars? Please provide book, chapteer and verse.

Stan the skeptical baechbum
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Old 05-12-2002, 02:33 PM   #30
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Originally posted by beachbum:

Fastfalcon you posted a lot of other stuff but I just wanted to speak about this point. Where in any bible does it mention airplanes and more importantly those airplanes falling out of the sky and you menitoned? Also the same about the cars? Please provide book, chapteer and verse.

Stan the skeptical baechbum</strong>
It's in the Left Behind Series (fiction books) by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.

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