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Old 04-24-2003, 01:04 PM   #31
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*real* satanists are mostly agnostic and dont actually worship satan, but seek to find the satan in themselves. its really more of a new-age spirituality thing. for instance one of their beleifs is that love is good, but you shouldnt try to love everyone, because that is impossible...etc.

angst ridden teenagers who skin cats arent real satanists.

edit: melkor seems to have beat me to the punch
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Old 04-24-2003, 01:09 PM   #32
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Default Actually...

Most comments in this thread are written by people who do know what "real satanists" are, and still think they are a bit silly with their obsession with christian mythos.
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Old 04-24-2003, 01:35 PM   #33
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Default Re: Satanists: worse than Christians?

Originally posted by Totalitarianist
What is your opinion of what is in my view almost as detestable as Christianity -- Satanism?

I think that they are rebellious idiots, who will do anything to be the opposite of the norm, of the Christians. If Christians will be "good", they will be "evil". If Christians posit God's existence, the Satanist will negate His existence. If Christians consider Satan bad, the Satanists will think him good. Such idiots do not "reason"; they are just trying to think in a manner contradictory to Christianity, the rebels.

If anyone here is interested in my opinion, this is it:
The Satanists are among the worst of all scum and vermin, equal to Christians and Nazis. The Satanists here (if there be any) will disagree, but if you want me to be honest, that is my honest opinion.

What is your opinion -- your honest opinion -- on that backwards religion called Satanism?
I used to call myself a satanist. Now I am just a humanist. There are many different branches of Satanism. The most popular form today is The Church of Satan founded by Anton LaVey. If you are interested in the differences between LaVey-ian Satanism and previous types, I highly recommend The Satanic Bible written by LaVey (I don't have my copy with me right now, as I'd like to make some quotes). Basically, it addresses stereotypes and myths about Satanism and actually redefines them. His critisicms of Satanism in the past are harsh and judgemental. He actually says that it is not defined by anything "rebellious". That is old-fashioned. The infamous "Black Mass" is not recommended as it has little to do with emotional, physical, or mental gratification. It's purpose was to shock (but why try and shock other people if they don't even care about it or are not there to see it?) and it was probably invented by ex-Christians who were wannabe Satanists. Ironically, the worship of Satan predates the worship of the Judeo-Christian god anyway.
The LaVey-ian ceremony is very simply called a "satanic ritual" whose purpose is to serve as a "psychodrama" for the person(s) participating and to fulfill the emotional, physical, and mental needs of the individual. It has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. There is no upside-down cross(es) involved. Instead, the upside-down pentagram is used behind the altar (which is a nude woman laying on the floor, feet facing south--this is because Satanism is the religion of the flesh, not of the spirit as once thought). Black robes are indeed worn, a bell is rung to clean the air, an elixer of life is drunken (from silver or some other metal (except gold))--and that is NOT mocking the Christian practice of the eucharist (the eucharist was based on pagan ritual, not the other way around), candles are lit (at the most 1 white, the rest black--again this is a pagan, not Christian, tradition), infernal names are spoken, etc. The ritual can have 1 of 3 main goals: to provide compassion and protection for a loved one, to fulfill lust, or to destroy an enemy (hex). None of these "mock" Christianity in any way. Like Christianity (although Christians won't admit it), imagery is greatly stressed to direct ones attention to ones desires. Also, expression of the emotions is highly encouraged (as seen in Christianity). A cowl can be worn so that one does not have to worry about facial expressions, however. Crying is encouraged if deeply moved to do so. The psychodrama is played out by drawings, plays, dolls, pictures, re-enactments, etc. You act out or write down your wishes (protection, lust, hatred) and the images are burned.
Satanists are not "evil" because Christians are "good". They are "evil" because that is how Christians define man's natural desires (which the Satanist refuses to hold back). For instance, lust is "good" in Satanism because that is the second most natural desire in man (second to self-preservation) and it is necessary for the survival of the species.
The purpose of LaVey-ian Satanism is as follows: to indulge in earthly desires. It is the worship of the self, not of any "god". This is why the most Satanic holiday of the year is not a solstice, or an equinox, nor is it Halloween or May Eve (therefore "mocking" any Christian holiday). Rather, it is ones own birthday.
LeVay does not encourage any behavior designed to "rebel" against Christianity. He encourages any behavior that coincides with the "survival of the fittest" mentality. That is the purpose of how one behaves, not an anti-Christian mentality.
As you probably realize, this is the same thing as humanism. But LaVey describes the one single difference thus: Satanism will fullfill the human desire to partake in ritual and dogma, humanism does not. I therefore, am not a Satanist because I do not care to partake in any ritual anymore. Yet, I am a humanist. The Satanist does indulge in each and every one of the seven "deadly" sins, not because Christianity opposes it, but because it leads to gratification of the flesh. But the Satanic Bible forbids rape, sacrifice of any kind (including babies), and hurting anyone who is undeserving of your wrath. Doing good to others is encouraged as it leads to self-gratification. But it does not delight in being weak, humble, lowly, etc. It delights in being strong and bold. And an eye for an eye is not only encouraged but it recommends taking revenge on your enemies a hundred fold.
The Satanist holds wisdom in high regard.
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Old 04-25-2003, 10:12 AM   #34
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Originally posted by pariahSS

*real* satanists are mostly agnostic and dont actually worship satan, but seek to find the satan in themselves. its really more of a new-age spirituality thing. for instance one of their beleifs is that love is good, but you shouldnt try to love everyone, because that is impossible...etc.

angst ridden teenagers who skin cats arent real satanists.

edit: melkor seems to have beat me to the punch
I know all of this.
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