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Old 02-05-2003, 02:58 PM   #31
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Originally posted by ybnormal
Maybe, just maybe you misinterpret what "some Atheists" are actually doing.

Maybe, instead of attempting to de-convert xians, some Atheists are using the xian's words to alert other Atheists who continue to use oxymorons like, "harmless Xtians".
Oh really now? And I suppose that you think that Helen, one of the most popular theists here, is very dangerous do you?

You're almost as bad as the Christians, lumping all of them together.
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Old 02-05-2003, 03:03 PM   #32
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Originally posted by Radorth

We have the picture of Jesus crying over Jerusalem, saying how often God would have "gathered you together as a hen gathers her chicks." That is just how God feels, I think.
So, if that's what God wants, then why doesn't he do it?
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Old 02-05-2003, 05:46 PM   #33
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So, if that's what God wants, then why doesn't he do it?
He doesn't force anyone to do anything in this dispensation. He wants willing servants, not robots. We did a whole thread on this which the skeptics lost after they started insisting God should force certain people other than the poster, to behave, and make bullets turn around and fly backwards.

You're almost as bad as the Christians, lumping all of them together.
Which you just did, apparently.

So "the Christians" are worse than Yb. Right?

Such is rather typical around here I'm afraid, but thanks for trying anyway.

I have to go look up some big words and find a study of praying grandmother's influences so I can respond to Bill.

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Old 02-05-2003, 06:06 PM   #34
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He doesn't force anyone to do anything in this dispensation. He wants willing servants, not robots. We did a whole thread on this which the skeptics lost after they started insisting God should force certain people other than the poster, to behave, and make bullets turn around and fly backwards.
[peeking in]

You know, there are brief moments when I think I can accept that Radorth isn't a troll. Then I see a post like this.

[/peeking in]
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Old 02-05-2003, 07:43 PM   #35
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I don't think anyone knows my primary reasons for being here, even though I have listed them. If noting totally contradictory "rational" statements and theories makes me a troll, I suppose I am. When it comes to your posts RS, I'm definitely a troll. I admit it.

Re Bill,
I count myself among the moderates and find it a far more reasonable position to take. I think a lot (I would hope a majority, but I really can't say) of other atheists/agnostics feel the same way. It's why I don't spend much time (if any) arguing for atheism or even against theism simpliciter.
I've noticed that but I think you are unusual in your thought and demeanor, at least on II. It's possible the majority have thought through things as you, but I honestly don't see it in the majority here.

If he is purported to have done things for which we could legitimately call him "guilty", then are we not within reasonable bounds to do so?
Yes if you are fully aware of all reasons why he might NOT do what you think he ought to do. Of course I could always be wrong, but I've found few atheists willing to even consider that God might have dilemmas unseen by the average atheist genius. I claim being God isn't all it's cracked up to be. He would have enormous dilemmas if he allowed true free will.

A review of the historical record should demonstrate quite amply that Christianity is no guarantee of peace or prosperity; quite the contrary, I'm afraid. There is no ideology of which I'm aware, religious or otherwise, that has any definitive correlation with "better country." And that was my point...
Arguable I think. It is quite clear that the founders lived by and advocated Protestant Christian principles, and some specifically pointed to the unpolluted, nascent teachings of Jesus. I have quoted several of them as saying so themselves, but other issues were immediately raised. (ahem) The accomplishments and examples set by Christians go pretty well unreported here I think. I'm one of the few who highlights them for those born and raised skeptics who seem to have seen only bad things in the church.

Well darn it. Nobody has done a study on the economic and social benefits of praying grandmothers. I'm afraid all my evidence there is anecdotal. So we won't know for sure until Rimstalker converts them all and they stop praying.

In other words, never.

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Old 02-05-2003, 07:55 PM   #36
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Originally posted by Radorth
And for so many here, less than zero that he doesn't, apparently.
This is hokey Rad, and you know it. Show me where someone has said there is "less than zero evidence".

You don't happen to be a JM'er? They like to pretend there's no evidence Jesus existed even in the flesh.
No one knows if a physical JC existed. There simply isn't any evidence. Only old stories. Unless you find an empty tomb compelling.

One can only speculate why they seek the comfort of such irrational and cynical conjecture. I trust you rely on better evidence.
What is irrational is your belief in a god that can't exist as described in your bible. You even make irrational statements like, "less than zero evidence" . You trust I rely on better evidence than what? You make irrational assertions and call it evidence.

You cannot prove God does not exist, therefore the atheist who says "There is no God" is speaking by faith.

I don't have to "prove" there is no god. All I have to do is show that the preponderance of the evidence, and in fact all the evidence shows this to be a natural universe THAT DOESN'T REQUIRE A GOD. This has been done since the advent of the scientific method. Every scientific experiment that is concluded with the expected results is another "fact" showing this to be a natural universe. Those experiments that don't show the expected results are simply inconclusive. Not one has ever shown the supernatural to exist anywhere in this world. And if were a supernatural force interfering with experiments, science as such couldn't even work. We would have no science if your big daddy could change the physical laws at a whim.

Meanwhile some less omniscient and humbler Christians know full well where the world would be without the God Jesus called "our Father."
How can people with god in the head pretend to be humble? There is nothing humble about this whole "godjesusourfather" business. Your arrogance is showing just by your claiming to know a big daddy up in the sky. This isn't a knowable thing, it is pretense, pure and simple.

We have gobs of evidence it would all be like Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, or Iraq. And then there's those converted gang members who would have stolen all my cars by now if it weren't for the miraculous change Jesus' word wrought in their hearts. Thanks, but there is no benefit to your faith.

In fact there is far more evidence that quality of life is proportional to the number of praying Christian grandmothers, than there is that God doesn't exist. You can't begin to prove your theory.

You haven't any evidence of anything Rad. You are just blowing smoke like all xians with god in the head.
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Old 02-05-2003, 08:03 PM   #37
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Originally posted by schu
Know one knows if a physical JC existed. There simply isn't any evidence. Only old stories. Unless you find an empty tomb compelling.
I think you mean a STORY about an empty tomb.

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Old 02-05-2003, 08:10 PM   #38
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Default Re: Arguing Against Atheism

Originally posted by Boro Nut
Why do you bother? You always lose.

Boro Nut
Argumentation is for the discovery of truth and only close minded people can win or lose in an argument.
Old 02-05-2003, 08:46 PM   #39
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Not one has ever shown the supernatural to exist anywhere in this world. And if were a supernatural force interfering with experiments, science as such couldn't even work. We would have no science if your big daddy could change the physical laws at a whim.
He has no reason to, unless you insist he make bullets reverse course.

Oh I think there's as much evidence for God as say, evolution. Not that anybody can get any evolutionary theory to repeat itself consistently. You would call evolution a "fact" of course and say some simple chemicals in the ocean floor made themselves into life. Atheists deny they believe this because they know they can't prove it, but they believe it. I'm always touched by their faith.

Funny scientists can't even make pond scum, but they know how life originated anyway. Perhaps you'd like to tackle "50 Reasons to Leave Your Faith in Evolution" to prove your are right.

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Old 02-06-2003, 04:37 AM   #40
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Originally posted by Rimstalker
Radorth: He doesn't force anyone to do anything in this dispensation. He wants willing servants, not robots. We did a whole thread on this which the skeptics lost after they started insisting God should force certain people other than the poster, to behave, and make bullets turn around and fly backwards.

[peeking in]

You know, there are brief moments when I think I can accept that Radorth isn't a troll. Then I see a post like this.

[/peeking in]
At least his post had some substance.

I don't understand how your post is consistent with this part of the rules of IIDB:

The Secular Web discussion forum strives to be an intellectually stimulating environment in which discussants exchange ideas in the spirit of discovery. Poisoning that environment with acrimony is highly discouraged. Please exercise tact and refrain from insulting others or disrupting ongoing discussions with inflammatory speech.

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