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Old 11-11-2002, 11:28 PM   #31
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Originally posted by lpetrich:
And what evidence do they offer that mind is due to some special mind-stuff? If you understand their arguments so well, O picklepuss, you should have no trouble summarizing them.
So now you want me to summarize Plato, Descartes, and every other philosopher of mind in succession, while doing the same for David Chambers, Penrose no doubt, and every other researcher in the field.
Don't be ridiculous. If you are truly ignorant of these people, which I doubt, don't expect me to play the tutor. I wouldn't even if I could, which, of course, I cannot. But at least I'm as familiar with the fundamentals of mind/body dualism as you should be, and if you are not, you should keep it a secret, and not blab your ignorance to the world. "Special mind-stuff" indeed!

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Old 11-12-2002, 12:43 AM   #32
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Originally posted by picklepuss:

So now you want me to summarize Plato, Descartes, and every other philosopher of mind in succession, while doing the same for David Chambers, Penrose no doubt, and every other researcher in the field.
Don't be ridiculous. If you are truly ignorant of these people, which I doubt, don't expect me to play the tutor. I wouldn't even if I could, which, of course, I cannot. But at least I'm as familiar with the fundamentals of mind/body dualism as you should be, and if you are not, you should keep it a secret, and not blab your ignorance to the world. "Special mind-stuff" indeed!

picklepuss, You speak of a "mind/body dualism". Do you believe the mind can retain some kind memory in the absense of the body?
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Old 11-12-2002, 08:45 AM   #33
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I am still stuck with the feeling that there is something to reincarnation. We have all had at least one successful incarnation, why this couldn't happen again or happened in the past. The experience of finding yourself alive as a human being on Earth. So far we are all batting 1.000
how does reincarnation accomodate increase in population?


Also, I agree that mind and brain are distinct concepts, just as program and computer are distinct concepts. But I strongly suspect that you need a brain to run a mind, in the same way that you need a computer to run a program.
awesome analogy. but along it there lies a questoin of existence of a computer program.

is there truly such a thing as a computer program? i would say yes, that it is merely a combination of smaller physical parts (flipped switches from 0 to 1 and back), and that we ourselves are merely a combinatin of smaller physical parts working together.

if we can exist as a specific configuration of matter, can't a program can exist as a specific configuration of ones and zeros? closing the thought, can't the mind and its pieces (thoughts, emotions, personality, etc) exist?
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Old 11-12-2002, 10:44 AM   #34
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Originally posted by crocodile deathroll:
My theory is that it comprises a new bottom up processing of episodic memories, your new life will only be so immersed in those episodic memories you acquired since you were a toddler that that person becomes "you", until they are completely erase again either with either by Alzheimer's disease or death. Then there is a Gestalt Switch to another world line of episodic memories somewhere, somewhen else, as another brain (which may well be the life of some other stranger you see walking around the street this minute) then in a Gestalt Switch you become him/her and his/here brian boots your "sense of self" or "soul" into existence from the earliest stage of his/her existence and that is the only life you know.
So if this theory is right, you may never truly die, only your memories from one particular life .</strong>

I see, so your theory basically boils down to wishful thinking. Ah well.
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Old 11-12-2002, 01:02 PM   #35
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Originally posted by ps418:
You lost me there crocodile. What makes the reincarnated entity you? Please explain it to me as concisely as possible, and using language that I would understand, if possible.
Crocodile: Just your history of memories, period.
I can't find much to disagree with there, since you are not arguing for survival of the personality or memory. You are arguing for some form of impersonal survival. But I am still not clear on what it is that survives, if not the personality or the memory.

What is the vehicle of survival? For instance, with resurrection the vehicle is the physical body itself. More popular are conceptually problematic, pseudo-physical astral bodies composed of vibrating something-or-another, which literally has a position in space and literally leaves the physical body at death. Do you have any thoughts on this, what the vehicle could be? What is it that has the history of memories?

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Old 11-12-2002, 02:03 PM   #36
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Originally posted by Sidian:
how does reincarnation accomodate increase in population?
You want to participate in the thread <a href="" target="_blank">Does Time Exist </a>
Time is not something that flow inexorability along after one dies, it is just a fixed dimension and the universe has more that just one now but an infinity of "nows" and all events in the universe from the big bang to a black hole dominated era 10^100 years into "our" future not "the" future.
So with all your memories of this life obliterated you will have no idea which "now" you belong to, and you could just end up in China building the great wall and be totally oblivious to the fact that you lived centuries into their future.
But you more likely to be born in a era when the Earth's population has reached a peak then in the more thinly populated era in the middle or dark ages. like in with <a href="" target="_blank"> Observation selection effects </a>
So you may even be shaking hands with one of your former selves

Originally posted by Sidian:

awesome analogy. but along it there lies a questoin of existence of a computer program.

is there truly such a thing as a computer program? i would say yes, that it is merely a combination of smaller physical parts (flipped switches from 0 to 1 and back), and that we ourselves are merely a combinatin of smaller physical parts working together.

if we can exist as a specific configuration of matter, can't a program can exist as a specific configuration of ones and zeros? closing the thought, can't the mind and its pieces (thoughts, emotions, personality, etc) exist?</strong>
Exact we are the "configuration of matter" and not the matter itself. Like does a jig saw puzzle get any heavier if you put all the pieces together and does your hardrive get any lighter if you delete files from it?
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Old 11-12-2002, 02:08 PM   #37
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Originally posted by Valmorian:

I see, so your theory basically boils down to wishful thinking. Ah well.</strong>
If it was wishful thinking, I would like the keep my memories when I die.
That's not possible, shucks
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Old 11-12-2002, 02:25 PM   #38
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Originally posted by crocodile deathroll:

picklepuss, You speak of a "mind/body dualism". Do you believe the mind can retain some kind memory in the absense of the body?
Hi croc;

At the moment I don't believe much of anything in particular. I have no idea what happens once you're brain dead. As I've said before, I'd be content if it was just, "lights out, game over". But I don't know, and there are some strange phenomena that do not seem explicable in standard bio-mechanical terms. I know that it's easy to dismiss paranormal, mind-over-matter, atemporal, non-local experiences, but who knows?!? Heck, who knows how the quantum world operates, let alone the mental one? Or are they the same, do you suppose?

I would say this much with regard to your particular question. I seems to me that "retained memories" would be redundant to a 'life' after death, since without matter, space, and time, all experience would be 'simultaneous'. Don't ask me to explain how that would happen, because I can't.

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Old 11-12-2002, 02:28 PM   #39
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Originally posted by marduck:
. . . and all the endless "If your brain is broken it doesn't work right" or "if we zap this part of the brain then this happens" type stuff doesn't do much for me. </strong>
If you are anything like I was a few years back, it 'doesnt do much for you' because you simply do not fully appreciate the evidence for the dependence of minds on brains. Consider the following facts:

1. Mental abilities in humans (e.g. memory, intuitive psychology) only emerge with the development of the brain. Failures in brain development result in failures to develop these mental abilities.

2. Losses of or damage to brain tissue result in losses in mental functioning. A good smack on the head can temporarily extinguish consciousness altogether. Changes of personality also occur with brain damage.

3. Mental states (pain, euphoria, anxiety, hallucinations, etc.) or states of consciousness can be reliably and predictably invoked by introducing certain substances to the brain. For instance, you can reliably induce euphoria in most non-addicts with a demoral injection, and reliably terminate that euphoria with narcan.

4. If the left and right cerebral hemispheres are disconnected by sectioning the corpus callosum which connects them, the consistent result is not only a split brain, but a split-mind. Decades of ingenius experiments with callosotomy patients have shown that in these patients the right hemisphere can know something and act on it without the left hemisphere knowing that same something or knowing why the right hemisphere is doing what it is doing. And vice versa.

If you can think of a way to reconcile all these observations (and others I left out) with personal survival after death, I'd love to discuss it. But as I currently see it, the causal dependence of the mind on the brain is as well established as the causal dependence of digestion on the digestive organs.


[ November 12, 2002: Message edited by: ps418 ]</p>
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Old 11-12-2002, 02:39 PM   #40
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"how does reincarnation accomodate increase in population?"

I'm not sure it does, (Croc went into some detail on one possibility already)
When you die all memory and time would stop anyway, 100 or 1000 trillion years may pass, there would be no way to tell, you may "awaken" in a universe yet to be formed.
Another possibility is that there is only one universal soul that splits every time a new life is created.
I’m just speculating, have no idea really.

"If you can think of a way to reconcile all these observations (and others I left out) with personal survival after death,)"

I'm not and never really was talking about "personal" suvival. Just the phenomena of finding yourself alive on Earth.

[ November 12, 2002: Message edited by: marduck ]</p>
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