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Old 05-12-2002, 03:02 PM   #31
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Originally posted by HelenSL:
<strong>fiction books</strong>

I think that says it all.
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Old 05-12-2002, 05:17 PM   #32
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There is no doubt that we would know when the Rapture would happen. Planes would fall out of the sky, cars would crash, many children will be missing and many piles of clothes would be left.
This just goes to show you the power the media can have on the gullible. I saw the movie "Left Behind" which was very popular among christians, not to mention the book series. In the movie, cars crashed, planes fell from the sky, many children were missing and there were piles of cloths everywhere as people were raptured all around the world.

I don't have any stats but I've seen many christians take this to heart and see it as what will actually happen during their "rapture". Unfortunately, teens seemed to be the most taken with and convinced that the movie depicted the actual events that will take place.
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Old 05-12-2002, 06:25 PM   #33
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Originally posted by Kosh:

Care to make a little wager on this?

Set a date. If they aren't true by then, you owe
me 1 million dollars (pinky to mouth). If they
are true by then, I owe you 1 million dollars.

BTW: All the predictions you just made must be true.

Falcon, are you going to answer me on the wager,
or have you taken flight?
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Old 05-12-2002, 06:29 PM   #34
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Originally posted by Fastfalcon:

and by bash and curse I mean like s--- and f---, these kind of words.
The words shit and fuck did not exist in Biblical times. How, then, could the Bible authors reference words which were not in existance at the time of writing?

What is perfectly fine and well in one culture may not be in another - so which culture was the Bible referring to?

Also - in your OP you did not actually state the verses you were addressing. You simply paraphrased them in a way that would suit your arguments. It would be mucho helpful if you could post the actual text from the Bible - a bit less slanted, and only slightly more credible.
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Old 05-13-2002, 04:11 AM   #35
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I don't think any of those ideas will work as theses. Sorry.

Hey, you said, "What do you guys think of theses ideas?"

Oh, and I think theses ideas are just like regular ideas. Some are good, some are boring but adequate, and some are inadequate and stupid.
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Old 05-13-2002, 04:38 AM   #36
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Well, Kosh, I just went out to eat some mice and rabbits.
Seriously, I take you up on the offer. The Bible says that everything that I said would come to pass (though I forgot the verses) so the offer stands.
I won't set a date 'cause the Bible is clear that no one will know when these things happen, But I tell you, it will be soon. On Left Behind, it is fiction, yes. But is is based totally on the Bible (specifically the verses on Jesus's snatching away and the Revelation from Ch 6 onwards.) and I think the results of the Rapture would be exactly as stated though with different people and different scenarios.
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Old 05-13-2002, 04:43 AM   #37
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I almost forgot. I apologize about:
And if you are going to bash me, then don't curse me. Read and comment.

I just get tired of people cursing and swearing as if they've got nothing else to say. Of course you can curse and bash me. I simply wanted people to comment on these ideas and with a skeptical mind too.
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Old 05-13-2002, 04:58 AM   #38
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I forget yet again!!
When people get raptured, they will immediately get robes, white and clean, washed in Jesus' blood (which is the only industrial-strength cleaner that can clean sins).
I totally and absolutely do not believe that the United States is the chosen people. That is a theory called Replacement Theology and it has absolutely no basis in the Bible. Basically, some Christians believe that God has cast away Israel and replaced it with Great Britain and the US. While patriotic, it is not true. God does not break his promises. Israel, however, is the nation I root for. When she gets in big trouble (like the Arab nations attacking her en masse yet again) God will deliver her out of trouble.
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Old 05-13-2002, 05:14 AM   #39
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FastFalcon Originally posted:

God does not break his promises. Israel, however, is the nation I root for. When she gets in big trouble (like the Arab nations attacking her en masse yet again) God will deliver her out of trouble.
So I guess all the money the US has been sending Israel for all these years was really unnecessary? Surely God can handle this one on his own.

Will we be able to see jebus coming down in a cloud, too, like they will in Jerusalem? Maybe gawd will make the world flat again just for that day so we can all get a real good look.

Actually, I love prophecy. In fact I'm a bit of a prophet myself. I prophesy you will soon get another, more serious, visit from QueenofSwords.

Pray for mercy.

[ May 13, 2002: Message edited by: BibleBelted ]

[ May 13, 2002: Message edited by: BibleBelted ]</p>
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Old 05-13-2002, 05:48 AM   #40
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Yes, Israel does have the #2 armed forces in the world (the US is #1 only because it is larger). But, what did happen is that even though Israel was outnumbered many times, it still managed to defeat her enemies. You could say that superior tactics and firepower defeated the enemies, but if it wasn't for God, Israel would have been run over a long time ago. Praise God!
P.S. we won't be able to see him, but we will know if he came.

[ May 13, 2002: Message edited by: Fastfalcon ]</p>
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