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Old 02-13-2002, 09:40 AM   #1
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Post A question for fellow dilletantes of NT Greek.

The 4th revision of Kurt Aland's "The Greek New Testament" came out last year and I am considering purchasing it. It is based on the "critical text" and is supposed to have a very good textual apparatus. Is anyone familiar with it? I've been wanting to by my own copy of NA27, but it's too much money for me to justify it.
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Old 02-13-2002, 09:51 AM   #2
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Originally posted by CowboyX:
<strong>The 4th revision of Kurt Aland's "The Greek New Testament" came out last year and I am considering purchasing it. It is based on the "critical text" and is supposed to have a very good textual apparatus. Is anyone familiar with it? I've been wanting to by my own copy of NA27, but it's too much money for me to justify it.</strong>
Woohoo. Just found a hardcover edition of NA27 for 30 bucks! And here I was complaining about the price.
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Old 02-13-2002, 10:04 AM   #3
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Originally posted by CowboyX:
<strong> I've been wanting to by my own copy of NA27, but it's too much money for me to justify it.</strong>
So much fiction, so little time!

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Old 02-13-2002, 10:25 AM   #4
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Originally posted by Kosh:

So much fiction, so little time!

Hmmmmm. I'm not sure I'd call it fiction exactly. Certainly there is much legendary development and myth in the Xian New Testament, but I consider the NA27 more of a reference for text critical analysis than a simple work of fiction.
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Old 02-13-2002, 10:33 AM   #5
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Life just got a whole lote easier. Some NT Greek student has taken the time to put the entire Greek NT on the web in a browsable image format selectable by verse. Not only that you can click individual words to see: the root, tense, gender, number and word type (noun, verb, adverb etc.) This is very handy. I wonder what text it is based on. I'll ahve to dig around. Anyway go <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to check it out. also get person, voice and mood.

[ February 13, 2002: Message edited by: CowboyX ]</p>
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Old 02-13-2002, 10:43 AM   #6
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Originally posted by CowboyX:
<strong>Life just got a whole lote easier. Some NT Greek student has taken the time to put the entire Greek NT on the web in a browsable image format selectable by verse. Not only that you can click individual words to see: the root, tense, gender, number and word type (noun, verb, adverb etc.) This is very handy. I wonder what text it is based on. I'll ahve to dig around. Anyway go <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> to check it out. also get person, voice and mood.

[ February 13, 2002: Message edited by: CowboyX ]</strong>
Just checked. It's based on NA26. Am I talking to myself? I hope this doesn't count as post-slutting.
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Old 02-13-2002, 11:09 AM   #7
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Originally posted by CowboyX:

Just checked. It's based on NA26. Am I talking to myself? I hope this doesn't count as post-slutting.</strong>
It's of interest, so keep talking. Post-slutting? Certainly not. Neither is this.
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Old 02-13-2002, 11:12 AM   #8
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Originally posted by CowboyX:
<strong>The 4th revision of Kurt Aland's "The Greek New Testament" came out last year and I am considering purchasing it. It is based on the "critical text" and is supposed to have a very good textual apparatus. Is anyone familiar with it? I've been wanting to by my own copy of NA27, but it's too much money for me to justify it.</strong>
Hey, CoyboyX. I'm a little confused. I am aware of the United Bible Societies' (UBS) 4th edition and the Nestle-Aland (NA) 27th edition. Is there a "4th revision" of the NA27 that I am unaware of?

The Greek text of the UBS4 and the NA27 are mostly the same. However, the critical apparatus is different. The apparatus of the UBS4 does not list all of the variants that the NA27 apparatus lists. However, the UBS4's apparatus is easier to understand (at least in my opinion).

If you're interested, on the 1st page of our discussion on the thread "A Christian Co-Worker's Stance...", I posted a link to where you could purchase either the UBS4 or the NA27. I looked for them on (if you don't like the idea of buying from a christian business), but I had a hard time determining from their bad information which editions I was looking at.

Anyway, I also posted this link on <a href="" target="_blank">Critical editions of the GNT</a> the other thread, but you may find it interesting. Look down the page for information on the Nestle-Aland text and the United Bible Societies text.

Also, I have several links to Biblical Criticism webistes on <a href="" target="_blank">my (unorganized ) website</a>, if you're interested. Check out the Greek texts under the heading "Greek Bibles" (especially Biblon 2000! which unfortunately is incomplete but still awesome for what's there). Look down a little farther and you'll find many interesting sites under "Biblical Textual Criticism" and "Biblical Papyri and other Manuscripts".

There's a place at the bottom to email me if you have comments or suggestions. Thanks.


[ February 13, 2002: Message edited by: Haran ]</p>
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Old 02-13-2002, 12:02 PM   #9
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Originally posted by CowboyX:
Life just got a whole lote easier. Some NT Greek student has taken the time to put the entire Greek NT on the web in a browsable image format selectable by verse. Not only that you can click individual words to see: the root, tense, gender, number and word type (noun, verb, adverb etc.) This is very handy. I wonder what text it is based on. I'll ahve to dig around.
That's awesome. I've never seen anything like that before. I noticed Haran had the link on his site, too. Being able to just click on a word and have it parsed for you is just incredible. I can't imagine how long that must've taken the poor sap who did it, but I'll raise my glass to whomever it is...

I use the NA27 instead of the UBS4, although they both use the identical text, just with different text-critical apparatuses. The NA27 is $25.89 at Amazon <a href="" target="_blank"> NA27</a> Don’t let the title, “Novum Testamentum Graece”, fool you. This is the “official” version of NA27.

Another tool you may want to consider if you don’t already have it is Bruce Metzger’s, “Textual Commentary on the NT”. It discusses text-critical issues of every disputed verse in the NT and the justification for why the UBS committee selected the readings they did. <a href="" target="_blank">Textual Commentary on the NT</a>
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Old 02-13-2002, 07:58 PM   #10
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Originally posted by Haran:

Hey, CoyboyX. I'm a little confused.</strong>
As am I which is why I asked the question. As best I can tell the book I referred to is not NA27, but a seperate work by Kurt and Barbara Aland based on the CT for a lay audience. Since I just ordered my very own copy of NA27 (no more trips to the library for simple lexical work). I'll probably put the other text back on my wish list. I also got Dr. Bill Mounce's first year Greek grammar text. I'm anxious to see if it has any stuff not included in my previous course work and personal study (as I said before I am only a novice and a dilletante of NT Greek study). I'm a big fan of Dr. Mounce and have corresponded with him on a few occaisions (which is how I got an autographed copy of his reverse interlinear which he was more than gracious in signing for me.)

Incidentally, since you mentioned it, albeit offhandedly, no I do not have a problem with patronizing a Xian business. On a pragmatic level I have no problem with Xianity or people of faith in general. My father and mother are both "born again" protestants and my father is in his last year of seminary (at the ripe old age of 55) to be ordained as a deacon in the Episcopal church. I see no conflict between my own nonbelief and civil discourse and interaction with most believers (bar those that are self-righteous holier-than-thou meshugges which one finds in both the believer and unbeliever camps). I have greatly enjoyed my exchanges with you and Polycarp on this forum. Atheism is not an excuse for a rude and dismissive attitude IMHO despite the fact that I am regularly embarassed by that very same attitude amonsgt my nontheistic brethren.
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