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Old 04-08-2003, 02:03 AM   #621
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Christians take a lot of heat. And apologetics gets heated up, those open forums over there are the ones that need more active moderators, because it isn't always the non believer who loses his cool, many times it is the believer, and since non believers are welcome as long as they follow the rules, they deserve fairness.

Is this reasonable? Or am I incorrect?
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Old 04-08-2003, 02:52 AM   #622
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Originally posted by Badfish
Sorry, I keep forgetting most are not Christian. However there is enough intelligence here to conclude that good logic and reason would still be followed concerning CF rules and decisions.

There are plenty of non-Christians who don't break rules on Christian boards just because they don't like the rules or because they disagree with the board rules or doctrines. And there are plenty of non-Christians who don't deal with their frustration over a Christian board by making fun of mods/members of it publically on some other board.

So, I hope you don't draw the conclusion that anything you've observed on this thread typifies non-Christian behavior.

To everyone else: I hope that other people on this thread can see the difference between discussing whether policies on a Christian board are fair/appropriate and insulting people on that board.

I should have been clearer in the first place that this thread wouldn't have bothered me if it was simply people from another board being happy to find each other here and discussing frustrations over that board without resorting to mocking and insulting individuals on it. By all means discuss whether their policies and decisions are fair, if you want to (I hope you've also attempted to discuss them with moderators/administrators there, as appropriate/applicable) There was a lot of discussion on II when a different Christian board suddenly decided to ban all non-Christians. And it was not in praise of that decision. But, imo, it's possible to have these kinds of discussions without resorting to insulting and ridiculing individuals on the other board.

I hope that even if you came here just to gripe about another board , you'll stay and participate in IIDB in general. I apologize if anything I said implied that anyone from CF is unwelcome here...

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Old 04-08-2003, 03:27 AM   #623
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Default ::shakes head::

Helen rants:
But if your goal is simply to deride people on ChristianForums then - could you do it elsewhere?

No. If you don't like it, don't read it or participate in it. Don't tell me what to do.
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Old 04-08-2003, 03:32 AM   #624
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Originally posted by pz
OK, but please keep in mind that there is a whole lot of iidb outside of this cramped little CF Ghetto, and everyone is welcome to interact more in other threads.
Been there. Done that. Got bored with it. Didn't like the bashing I got for daring to be a theist, the constant harping on Christian fundyism, or the repetitive nature of most forums. But thanks anyhow.
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Old 04-08-2003, 04:23 AM   #625
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Helen rants:
But if your goal is simply to deride people on ChristianForums then - could you do it elsewhere?

No. If you don't like it, don't read it or participate in it. Don't tell me what to do.
Then don't ya think you should extend her the same courtesy? I mean telling her what to do or not to do. You don't really have to respond to her, now do you?
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Old 04-08-2003, 05:13 AM   #626
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Originally posted by Badfish
Have you spoken to Erwin about this? Maybe there needs to be a medium in which those who feel have been treated unfairly can go to, to really have a bad situation looked at and evaluated.

I believe with the population and the nature of CF, they need more mods, that way there would be less hasty decisions and more focus on maintaining justice.

More mods would lighten the load and allow the staff to more thoroughly observe and evaluate a situation. If in fact this is the case, which I am really not in a position to evaluate.

I wonder how many staff members are here at IIDB.

I wonder if the very nature of a Christian board demands more moderation due to the amount of controversial subjects.
I have spoken to Erwin, he basically said he could not control the mods, and asked that it not be dicussed in the forums.
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Old 04-08-2003, 05:20 AM   #627
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Originally posted by Badfish
No, I don't want anyone to leave, I am the oddball here being a fundamentalist Christian, if anything, I would be the one leaving this thread.

I know people are getting their feelings hurt because of this thread. That's all I'm going to say.

The thing is, is that I really think CF is fair considering it's format (Christian Forums was established as a free, non-profit and non-denominational online Christian community to unite Christians of every denomination together as one body), they do allow apologetic and non believer debate to flourish pretty well, and allow the posts to push the boundries of their set rules considering how and why it was founded.

I have seen here that some of our gay friends feel that they are Christian and have been informed not to post in the Christian ONLY sections, well that's because traditional and fundamental (basic) biblical interpretations of doctrine are considered to be truth and are seen as condemning homosexual acts. Almost all Christian denominations believe this.

People openly admitting they are gay and performing gay acts yet confess to be a Christian are not considered Christians in the traditional sense. At least that would be my speculation on why the gay people have been told to stay out of The Christian Only forums.

I have seen some heated debates allow to flourish in the appropriate forums over at CF.

I would just let this place be this place and CF be that place and respect it for what it is as defined by it's mission statement.

If any of you are truly Christian it would be the Christian thing to do by following the CF rules.

I'm sorry, that's the way I see it, and I would expect no less here at II, or at any board that has a set of rules that are always being tested to their limits.

It's true I feel like an outcasted fundie, but hey, so be it. However my first priority is God and family, and I cannot be a fence rider, what started out here as folly has caused a burden to be put on me and I can't in good conscience support the "CF is totally unfair" mindset, because in reality the intended mission for that forum and it's rules have been established and should be respected.

Human's run it, Christian humans, and even if they make mistakes, there is other recourse other than gossiping and complaining behind their backs, especially if it hurting some people's feelings.

Now don't mind me, if you feel like being infidels and want to blast whatever you like, don't let me stand in your way, this is just something I think I needed to say in defense of CF.

And at the same time I would say that this board is professionally run given it's format.

Um yea, that's the line telling me I can't be a Christian because you think I have sinned, well in that case, all the liers, drunks, child molestors etc that are priests, why in the hell are they considered Christians? The KKK can call theirselves Christians, but you have a problem with me being one?
Bite me.
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Old 04-08-2003, 06:17 AM   #628
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Originally posted by Lasher
Um yea, that's the line telling me I can't be a Christian because you think I have sinned, well in that case, all the liers, drunks, child molestors etc that are priests, why in the hell are they considered Christians? The KKK can call theirselves Christians, but you have a problem with me being one?
Bite me.

Actually he (?) probably doesn't think they are true Christians.

This is the conservative Christian position: it's not that you've sinned; it's that you don't agree with their definition of 'sin' in that you disagree that what you are doing is sinning. That to them implies the Holy Spirit isn't convicting you that it is sin. If you were a Christian the Holy Spirit would be convicting you it is sin. Since that's apparently not happening - since you don't agree it's a sin - they conclude you aren't one.

Now, if you thought it was sinful but kept failing to resist temptation, you might outwardly seem to be behaving the same but they probably would consider you a struggling Christian rather than not a Christian.

I'm just saying...if you want to bite me back you can. (I'd rather you didn't, but, if you must... )

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Old 04-08-2003, 06:38 AM   #629
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Helen M:
I started this thread out of frustration and was invited to vent publicly. Strangely, both my thread and myself are constantly being moved around. Such is life. Before you find offense/become upset with what appears to be personal bashing, accept my challenge to join the CF forum and endure for a year. There are some cool people there, but the bashings are far worse from the fundamentalists (trust me). 'Most' participants in this particular thread have endured the 2000 year old Christian tradition of persecuting those who dare to be different.

Badfish: Your attempts to defend the actions of CF falls on deaf ears.

Annabel: What were you attempting to filet? I thought Klingons devoured their meat whole and still wiggling??????

Inspired Thrasher: Careful about telling some of us to bite you..
lol... some of us love to bite!

Gunnaheave: I'm glad you haven't become psychotic from that 'video collection' of yours.

Rae: I bought you one of those: 'Been there, done that'

Prax: Glad to see your mouse is back.. wait'll you get a load of my new 'transitional species' boxer...

Helen M and others: We don't stay restrained just in this thread... It's nice to have a place to discuss Internet sex openly.
(strangely that's where I keep running into Gunnaheave). Check out my 'What is Consciousness' thread and participate. I've gained some valuable info for my research..

~Smilin out
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Old 04-08-2003, 07:14 AM   #630
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Originally posted by Smilin
Helen M:
I started this thread out of frustration and was invited to vent publicly. Strangely, both my thread and myself are constantly being moved around. Such is life. Before you find offense/become upset with what appears to be personal bashing, accept my challenge to join the CF forum and endure for a year.
I did join it actually, last year, I think. I posted a few times but it seemed that no-one was very interested in posting to me or getting to know me. It seemed very - cliquish - to me. So I was put off and haven't posted there for a while.

Helen M and others: We don't stay restrained just in this thread... It's nice to have a place to discuss Internet sex openly.
(strangely that's where I keep running into Gunnaheave). Check out my 'What is Consciousness' thread and participate. I've gained some valuable info for my research..
That sounds like a great topic...I'll take a look later, thanks

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