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Old 03-04-2003, 07:46 PM   #101
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Default Re: Re: God Bless YOU!!!!

Originally posted by Muad'Dib
If "Robinsin" ever returns to us, I want to personally apologize to him for the flippancy of the following post. [/size]
Thanks for your hard work here, it was very funny and I enjoyed the entertainment. You actually had me laughing. Very good and clever. Worth my reply to say the least.

Now where were we.... :boohoo:
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Old 03-04-2003, 07:50 PM   #102
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Originally posted by WWSD
I wonder if it has never occured to such people as he who wrote the OP that we have actually heard, almost verbatum, each and every "point" that was made in support of this or that god...
Maybe we shouldn't be wasting each others time then?
I for one, hate wasting time. My kids are bugging me to get at the computer for their homework projects. I don't have much time left, so I'll try not to waste it. OK.
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:02 PM   #103
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Originally posted by Philosoft
Okay, Robinsin. You now tell us your incredible business success came before your Christian rebirth. Why do you feel this is important to your conversion story? Are you just boastfully running your mouth or do you believe God bestowed financial windfall upon you in order to effect your conversion?
I felt it was important because I was not financially broken, but emotionally. You've all read that money doesn't buy happiness, well neither does poverty. I am sorry I did not intend to "boast", it is part of my story. I have given my personal testimony before, both my wife, children and I together and this is part of our story. My families perspective was greatly different from mine.

God did not bestow financial windfall on me. At all. In fact I have not told you what my life has been like since becoming a Christian; and financial windfall would not be the description. I am still a businessman, but I have different priorities now.

I recently told one of my good friends that I'm a people builder. First we tear em apart and strip them to nothing and then we build them. He laughed and so did I, but in most cases this is what happens during a conversion.

I could write a book on my personal challenges since becoming a Christian - test of my faith perhaps?
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:13 PM   #104
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Originally posted by smugg
Which Jesus are you referring to, Robinsin? Obviously not the one in the New Testament. You know, the one who said, "whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple," and, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God," and, "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me." Surely you don't worship that Jesus.
At the time the Bible was written, camels were used to carry goods and people to and from. Most cities had big gates that were huge and heavy to open/close. Beside these gates were smaller doors that were called "eye of a needle", camels would have a very hard time getting through them, however they did do it. Good parable though, it is difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God - for many reasons.

Second quote taken out of content. Jesus was talking directly to one man whom He asked to follow Him and give up his riches. The man did not.

Are earthly riches more valuable than God and eternal life - No. God will bless you immensley with riches if you do good things with them. In fact, riches or money only magnify a mans character. A good man will do great things with his money, a bad man with do bad things with his. The more you have, the more it will be apparent.

Do you want your children to be successful. God wants His children to be.
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:19 PM   #105
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Originally posted by diana
The words you're looking for are "Existence of God(s)." It's where we debate the evidence and logic behind the belief.
It is not where we witness. We witness here, in the proverbial dungeon. You Xns seem to enjoy the persecution ambiance of it.
It was my pleasure. I haven't seen a testimonial more formulaic and banal than yours in a very long time.
Perhaps you feel compelled to write down your deeply melodramatic life story. You appear to be unable to resist telling us all about yourself. You haven't noticed that we didn't ask, nor have we even accidentally expressed the slightest bit of interest.
What we are interested in are facts and logic.
Unless you start thinking with your brain and not your "heart," the only attention you'll get here will be negative.
In other words, if you insist upon telling us detailed stories about wealthy and emptiness and drug habits and all-time lows, here's a quarter.
This is the moderator? I apologize if I've done something wrong, one of your members refered me to this site for some unkown reason. Simply delete this thread and when I return, if I can't find it I'll be bye bye :notworthy

As far as facts and logic. I've seen none posted here. I use my heart and intellect together, as well as logic. My story is mine, and I can't change that. What is yours, d?
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:26 PM   #106
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Originally posted by Robinsin
Maybe we shouldn't be wasting each others time then?
I for one, hate wasting time. My kids are bugging me to get at the computer for their homework projects. I don't have much time left, so I'll try not to waste it. OK.
Robinsin, you have to understand that after 1300 some posts and almost two years posting at this board, I have had my fair share of witnessing and drive by posting.

The unfortunate thing about that is that it tends to make one a bit jaded about these things. Additionally, you didn't seem to be responding in any way to my serious post, (see page one) and so I felt compelled to dismiss you as yet another drive by preacher.

I apologize for my flippancy, but I hope that you can understand the circumstances. Additionally, while I will not pologixe for anyone else's posts, I would like to point out that thier responses were forged in the same respect as mine. We get some very nice, civilized theists here, and we get some very obnoxious ones. Unfortuntaly, those tend to be the majority as far as I have seen.

We can start over, and you can disregard the flippant posts, but there are a few serious ones in there and I think addressing those will be most productive. In the future, should you provide to be more judicious in your use of witnessing, and should you prove to be worthwhile in discussions, you'll find that the replies you get are quite civilized, as well as very thought provoking.
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:31 PM   #107
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Robinsin claims:

God did not bestow financial windfall on me. At all.

And in response to smugg...
God will bless you immensley with riches if you do good things with them.

So, which one is it?
I recently told one of my good friends that I'm a people builder. First we tear em apart and strip them to nothing and then we build them. He laughed and so did I, but in most cases this is what happens during a conversion.

This is almost frightening.
I could write a book on my personal challenges since becoming a Christian - test of my faith perhaps?
Perhaps. I had always hoped a truly loving being would be above such things as "faith testing," but, alas.
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:34 PM   #108
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Robinsin - If you'd bothered to read my profile you'd have seen I'm not a worshipper of anything. I'm an atheist with a dash of agnostic.

The point of my post was that me saying 'Cthulhu Devour You' is as stupid and as meaningless as you (or any other Xtian) saying 'God Bless You'.

It's also possible that you or any other Xtian might find it offensive when I say Cthulhu Devour You but frankly I don't give a shit. After all, you Xtians never seem to bother considering that non-Xtians might be offended at being blessed in the name of that bloodthirsty asshole Yahweh.
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Old 03-04-2003, 08:53 PM   #109
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Originally posted by HelenM
There's a difference between answering questions by sharing your beliefs honestly and straightforwardly, and 'witnessing'. 'Witnessing' implies a concerted effort to 'convert' the nontheists here rather than having a back-and-forth discussion. 'Witnessing' implies "I'm right; you're wrong there's nothing to discuss so I won't stick around to see what you posted in response to my sharing of the Word of God with you". And Christians regularly do that - they post one post and never come back to respond to the posts back to them. They are the so-called 'hit-and-run' posters. The person who started this thread appears to be one even though he (?) lasted a little longer than just one post.

If you share your beliefs here, in answer to questions, then the non-theists here will strongly disagree with you and probably ask you a lot of questions about why you believe certain things. Maybe more questions than you have time to answer. But that doesn't mean they 'frown upon' your attempt to answer questions. Most nontheists here will respect that and the ones who've been here a while will know it's rare to find a Christian with the perseverance to do that.

take care
Thank-you Helen, it's because of posts like this that I will make the effort and do my best to answer questions or just have some fun posting this/that? WWsD posted some good stuff too, as well as others.

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Old 03-04-2003, 09:00 PM   #110
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Lightbulb Re: re: God Bless You!

Originally posted by Cutter
Cthulhu Devour You!
I don't eat vegetables.

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