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Old 02-27-2002, 02:32 PM   #1
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Lightbulb The address to mankind

consciously not doing the right thing, equals deliberately doing the wrong thing! It's open to doubt, whether I'll manage to make you aware of this, but I don't call this important, but the total, absolute, opposite of trivial! Nobody knows about this, and nobody seems to want to hear it, let alone understand it! When solving a problem, the very first question always is: "What is the problem?", because a clear breakdown of the problem will tell you, which qualities the solution requires! Solution is the reversal of a problem! So what's the problem?
I'd almost say it all starts with a group, but that isn't right. Firstly nobody is born as part of a group; we're taught to be after birth! Secondly, uniting into a group automaticly gives you two groups; inside and outside the circle! And another group will form, and another... Groups aren't only nessecary to allow war, groups are also far more likely to engage in conflict than individuals, because the people defend and motivate, or even force, each other. This considerably lowers the threshold!
Thousands of years of bloody conflict, mankind is still divided into many groups, ethnic, political, military, national, religious, gender, race, you name it! Both the number, and size of groups keeps on increasing, because we reproduce with alarmingly increasing speed as well. Just watch the news; it's the same old song, only it keeps on getting louder, and more off key! Don't panic; it ain't over until the fat lady sings! And she's been impatiently waiting off stage for quite a while now, and with growing anticipation! But right now I'm taking a stand, and try to stop her. The solution to the problem exists! It was hidden in a place were nobody dares to go, the brightest minds of this world included! It's like one of those Chinese fingertraps. The puzzle is God, you accept Him by inserting your fingers, and when you, in your beliefs, try to extract your fingers, the puzzle secures them in place! The power is out of your hands now, because you consciously choose to give it to the puzzle! And it's up to me, to encourage people to do that initially scary thing, pushing the fingers further into the puzzle, so we can remove it, and free ourselves! That won't happen if we turn this into a religious issue! Not just deities, but everything you believe in, becomes the boss of you! The God of you!
First I must show that God can not possibly exist, and I can do that. What I can't do, is honestly say that nothing can exist; because we exist! And just try to deny, without dodging the issue, that this means there's always something! Not every now and then, or from here to there, because something can't come out of nothing, but ALWAYS! There is always something! Infinity exists, thus existence is infinite! There is no creator, what you probably experience as God, are your own thoughts, that's your conscience! And yes, your thoughts can trigger a response elsewhere in the body! If an answer removes a lot of strong doubts, that's called a EUREKA. Seeing the light is a eureka! Answers, but NOT the correct ones! God divides us, so if you sincerely want to pray for peace, learn how to pray to yourself, and that involves the willingness to doubt yourself; it's letting your conscience speak! If you take God out of the picture, that leaves a hole behind! I know exactly what that hole consists of! Seven fundamental, philosophical, questions; the very questions that spawned our belief in God; we needed Him to answer those questions for us! But there's one question God can't possibly answer without making Himself disappear! The missing puzzlepiece of our existence! Not our 'fallen nature', or supernatural influence, but our thoughts govern our behaviour, and our behaviour influences our environment, our world! And there are still essential parts of our conscience missing!
In order to make God completely unnessecary, I have to know HOW we think! (Another thing science will never truelly find out, as long as beliefs get in the way!) Then, I can also provide those other seven with their correct answers! All the required pieces in place, all the dodgy, faulty ones removed! To solve the problem, I have to replace every holy scripture out there; in a way I have to beat God at His game, answering those questions. And God doesn't stand a chance against this 21th century product of the information age! Not that I'm some kind of genius; I'm living prove, that you don't need to be a genius for this at all!
I'm certain it's these eight questions, and nothing else, firstly because they work in logical pairs of choice and knowledge! Live's about choices, and knowledge to base those choices on. Secondly those pairs of questions, are linked to our level of awareness; they chronologicly follow the devolpment of our common sense. And the four sets of answers form the buildingblocks of our conscience! Value of life, sense of reality, relationship, and selfknowledge!
I've put the greatest of care into these answers. The method to do this, is avoiding elements of doubt, while at the same time leaving nothing to chance. That way you create a 100% stable, clear conscience, you can truelly trust in, as opposed to God, who requires belief! And it they don't divide us, that makes a world of difference! By doing this, I'm not just coming up with the umptieth so-called answer, but the solution! The only solution!!, that absolutely has to be presented to the world, for the sake of our tomorrow, even if it's a bitter pill at first, and initially a controversial step. We can't keep on going like this, placing our faith, trust, lives and children's future, in doubt.
I'm going to need all the help on this I can get. I'm an anonymous 'zero', who could never, ever, pull this off solo! If you're unwilling to learn from the bad, you're not honestly honouring the good! Please honour the good of the God inside you, because that is you, that's your conscience speaking! Honour that, by learning from God's capital error. He makes it so, that you don't wish, or dare to doubt Him! Fear paralyses and love can make you blind. Being unwilling to doubt God, is being unwilling to doubt ourselves and each other! It makes us blind to the negative consequences of belief, whether it's in dictatorial regimes, or holy fairytales, because the bad stuff isn't happening nearby, or because we're part of it. God isn't real, the solution I present is, and so are the consequences if it remains unheard! (more)

But nothing is written in stone. Contrary to the words of God, that abstract, oversized, questionable, millennia old, piece of conscience- software! This is quite open to patches and updates. As long as doubtful elements are avoided, and nothing essential removed, there's no problem with that whatsoever! FREEDOM! And the individuality the answers encourage, not on account of ideology, but based on fact, results in un-grouping. The only possible path to worldpeace!! Because any other option maintains and allows grouping! Bad form, BIG mistake!
You don't have to believe a single word of these answers! I'm only providing the tool; I call it the solution. Acknowledging and accepting the solution is up to you. Besides that the only thing that really changes is... well everything actually. You read and decide for yourself, whether they imply a chance for the better, or worse! See for yourself there's no evil twisted agenda, or powergames involved; that's not my style. I'm offering a readymade, decent, reliable, conscience! But it's ultimately your choice! Everybody waiting for the other to begin, results in no start whatsoever! Here goes...

Awareness: fear and desire (animals, primates)/ conscience: VALUE OF LIFE.
#1 WHAT HAPPENS TO US WHEN WE DIE? (limitation !)
When you die your life ends! Everything that begins, also comes to an end, but within that limitation you have boundless potential.
Yes; your legacy will be here long after you're gone! It's the piece of history you write, and share with others, so make it into something beautiful and valuable.
--So; the value we ascribe to human life. No room for suicide, human sacrifice or mental corruption--
Sounds barbaric so far?

Awareness: Wish and wonder (early man, small children)/ conscience SENSE OF REALITY!
Infinity exists. It never begins anywhere and it wasn't created. It never stops existing, because there's no nonexistence in existence, everything that exists is part of existence, and nothing doesn't exist, so there's always something; existence is infinite!
Learn now, about then, for later. The future doesn't offer timetravel, a moment only exists for a moment. The future does offer promise and problems, and you can't be certain of either! The here and now is all you can be sure of.
--Eye on the ball, in stead of your heart to it's alleged maker! And, yes, Einstein was also wrong. That just shows you, never send a mathmetician to do a philosophers job.E=infinite! Every timeline is perceptive and fictional, and time space can't be manipulated. Dimensions are mere measurements, that's all. Or better put; dimensions are the only way we can handle it all, limited bits at a time.--

Awareness: Want and choose (grownups, homo sapiens; smarter, more sensible, but not fully selfaware... yet)
#5 WHO ARE WE? (identity !)
All humans, all exceptional, all individuals. Nobody's worth more or less than anybody else. We're ourselves and nobody else. It's about what we are, and the magic word is different; we're all different!
#6 WHY ARE WE HERE? (purpose?)
To be, not be, and become all happens automaticly. Belonging goes wrong automaticly! Us and them, is us against them, war, waiting to happen! You can't create unity, only destroy it! We're here to be together! And that's a FACT!
--You're okay, I'm okay, we're all okay. This world's recources are still divided very unfairly, but if we can get things straight between the ears, that'll improve the way we create or avoid division ourselves--

Awareness: realize and decide ( / conscience: SELFKNOWLEDGE!
#7 HOW DO YOU THINK? (awareness !)
Okay, some extra explanation here! This is the essential piece after all.
1.Everything that lives and moves requires a meganism that drives and restrains, a mental plus and minus. Not Yin and Yang, but GO+ en HO-. This meganism needs to be simple enough to function in the smallest of heads. It's divided over the brainhalfs. On the left is the positive, the motivator, linked to certainty (+!), and on the right is the negative, the defender, linked to doubt (-?); you avoid things you don't trust, or in other words have your doubts about! This also applies to the reluctant attitude you would adept, if you have your doubts about this explanation!

2. Besides the more primitive parts, controlling our primary functions, and regulating the primal plus and minus, we also have a highly devolped cerebral vortex, or cerebrum, better known as the grey matter. We can learn control over the cerebrum, if we know HOW! As long as we're not aware of the way it operates, we're still bound to subconciously overloading the natural defensemeganism in the more primitive parts of the brain! THAT is what makes us subject to negativity! The left side of the cerebrum handles interpretation (+!), and contains our knowledge and memories, the buildingblocks of our thoughts. The right side handles creation (-?) building thoughts out of the information from the left side. Honest thoughts, or fantasy. ('the Rombouts address'more)
3.By fooling ourselves we overstimulate our primal minus, making us delusional, over defensive, self destructive, aggressive, etc. Judge something on it's own merits, and you adapt a positive attitude. But start comparing, and it's no longer about the subject, but the expectation it doesn't answer to; instant negativity! Taking metaphors, and other forms of creative use of language, literal, or unconditionally embrace assumptions, believing, also overloads the defense meganism, thus has negative impact. It's no longer doubting something, even though you can't be sure of it, deliberately turning questionmarks into exclamation points! When you think your beliefs are attacked or undermined, it isn't love God is putting in your heart!
4.Who sows doubt, will reap division. As early as 100. a.Chr. there were already three branches of Christianity! Not everybody cares to believe the same, resulting in division; grouping! How did we let things get this far?
How do you think?

With the use of the brain: Right, certainty, interpretation, positive, motivation. Left, doubt, creation, negative, defense. According to a process of: input (experience), interpretation (problem) , storage (memories/knowledge), creation (solution), and output (expression/movement). Computers copy this process. To observe is to learn. To compare is to apply a lesson. Believing is jumping to conclusions, expectation leads to disappointment. We're capable of fooling ourselves; to be honest you have to take that into account. Always distinguish what you're sure, and unsure of, and never mix the two up! If we're not willing to doubt ourselves and each other, we can't trust ourselves and each other!

#8 HOW SHOULD WE LIVE (responsibility?)
This is the one God crammed his whole moral code into, after making a mess of the other six and failing to answer the eighth one! No, that's nonsense. The Torah (Hebrew for law) was written some three thousand years ago, when the world and our outlook on it was rather different. Little did they know they weren't just documenting history and making laws; they also ended up writing a devious neurolinguistic program. Those people surely believed in what they were doing, because people back then, millennia ago, were lacking... you know what, nevermind. How should we live?
Live's about choices and knowledge to base those choices on. Thoughts and choices based on doubt, and assumption have negative impact on you, and your impact on your environment. Thoughts and choices based on certainties and facts have positive effect. We should live our lives as honestly as humanly possible, or else we jeopardise our existence!
--God is doubt! Worldwide people slavishly follow the words of doubt, and grownups believe in fairytales, oblivious to the consequences! Wouldn't it be funny, in a wry ironic kind of way, if the word of certainty, the solution, when finally available, wasn't acknowledged as such, thus blatantly rejected?--
These answers tell you HOW! (0)
The good in life tells you WHAT FOR! (+!)
The bad in life tells you WHY! (-?)

No scientist, or worldleader knows about this, or wants to hear about it, let alone understand it! I'm awfully easy to overlook and ignore as long as I'm anonymous. IT REQUIRES AT LEAST TWO ELEMENTS, TO GET THAT THIRD ELEMENT, A REACTION! I can't do this all by myself!
Don't believe, join, or follow me please! I don't want to guide a parade and I absolutely do NOT want to form a group!!
To make a responsible choice you need to be aware of the situation first. When you are aware of the situation it's up to you to make a responsible choice! Did I explain the situation well enough! Consciously not doing the right thing, equals deliberately doing the wrong thing!

Hopefully people will understand that, though I'm applying myself to set a process in motion, and I'll be thankful for whichever thanks I might receive for doing it, it's ultimately this process that needs our positive energy, and I'm not destined or chosen to be the embodiment of it, but coincidently(?) became the inevitable(!); it's initiator (0).
Don't believe in lies! Don't believe in hate!
We're all worth something! So we should all be part of something great!
(Marcel Antoin Rombouts, P.Janssoonstr.71, 1785LN Den Helder, Holland, 2/27/2002, tel/fax 0223 632623)
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Old 02-27-2002, 05:05 PM   #2
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Old 02-27-2002, 09:15 PM   #3
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Originally posted by echidna:
<strong> </strong>
Precisely !

- Sivakami.
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Old 02-28-2002, 04:16 AM   #4
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Out of context humor:

"The puzzle is God, you accept Him by inserting your fingers..."

That's a great line taken by itself.

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Old 02-28-2002, 11:00 AM   #5
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Ah,you beat me to it.
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Old 02-28-2002, 12:20 PM   #6
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Old 02-28-2002, 12:58 PM   #7
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Maybe Euromutt can help with a translation ...
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Old 02-28-2002, 02:14 PM   #8
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The cliff notes version:

Religion - Bad.

Thinking for yourself - Good.

But, he's just preaching to the choir. His posting style brings hope to me that there are people who drink way more coffee than I do.
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