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Old 10-04-2002, 07:08 PM   #41
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Originally posted by scigirl:
And if Pat Roberson is there, I'm not going!


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Old 10-04-2002, 07:10 PM   #42
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Originally posted by scigirl:
Could you provide a link to this solid evidence please?



I think his evidence is lost in the vacuum you spoke about earlier.

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Old 10-04-2002, 07:15 PM   #43
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Originally posted by sciteach:
<strong>Its very cute and smug of you scigirl, and I am very impressed by your wit an'all, I just hope the atheists aren't being treated like that on the Christian websites, because boy, we will really here all about it then!!
Here's a bible passage that seems to be prescient in regards to particle physics and Im sure Max Planck would agree:
"The things which are seen are made of things which do not appear" (2 Cor 4:18)
Wow. A rant instead of evidence. I think I'll become a young earth creationist now.

(Shakes head)


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Old 10-04-2002, 07:18 PM   #44
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Originally posted by sciteach:

You dont have to say it was, its plainly obvious to any numbskull that the increasing complexity of this randomly mutating universe is perfecting an environment for intelligent beings to thrive. So we should be getting more intelligent and diseases should be gradually waning, no??</strong>

The fact that diseases aren't waning is evidence for evolution.

It's a perfect environment for us to survive because we evolved here. Were we to ahve evolved somewhere else we'd have evolved differently.

Nice responses, Scigirl

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Old 10-04-2002, 09:43 PM   #45
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All an evolutionist needs to do to believe in God/ID is to step outside and take a look around!!
So ID and the Christian God are the same, are they? Funny how so many ID proponents are reluctant to say so, on account of how that would disqualify ID from being taught in public schools. Just carry on the way you're going - you're doing the ID professionals a great disservice.

BTW, what makes you think that people who accept evolution necessarily disbelieve in God? A lot of scientists doing research in evolutionary biology are devout Christians.
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Old 10-04-2002, 10:43 PM   #46
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sciteach you said
Yes, we dont mind debating,except that there is really not much room for interaction. The way I see it is that evolutionists start from an anti-supernatural presupposition and then skew allthe data to fit that model, whereas I think most deists would look at the data first--the natural world, my children, the cosmos etc.. and then posit the existence of some super-intelligent designer. Why else are you so threatened by ID when it is supported by some exceedingly solid science?
Anti-supernatural presupposition? Do you mean not assuming the supernatural or assuming there is no supernatural? Isn't that the job of science, to look at the natural world? How would we observe the supernatural, since by its very definition it has no interaction with the natural? Isn't assuming the supernatural, supernatural presupposition?

Why do you say most deists would posit the existance of a designer? Deism, at least the form I'm familiar with seems to say that god spun the dice at creation and sits back to see what the results are. And what is this "evidence" and "solid science" that you talk about, but never seems to materialize? Is it supernatural too?

Are you a science teacher? Do you teach in a private school or public school? I, myself am not a scientist or a teacher, just a lowly mathematician. But I enjoy logic and philosophy. As you can see by my questioning, I enjoy debating using the Socratic method. Perhaps my questions will prompt you to think a little deeper than your rather shallow assertions.

Personally, I think students should be taught the old fashioned 3Rs, Reading, Reason, and Rhetoric. If you can read, reason, and speak or write your opinions, you can learn just about anything. Schools should teach Critical Thinking and should teach the scientific method instead of memorization of unrelated facts. I also think schools should teach philosophy and comparative religions too. But I'm sure the fundamentalists would scream holy terror at the thought.

sciteach would you be able to teach a class in critical thinking? Be honest.

[edited cause my grammer sux]

[ October 04, 2002: Message edited by: Cipher Girl ]

[ October 04, 2002: Message edited by: Cipher Girl ]</p>
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Old 10-05-2002, 07:23 PM   #47
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Sciteach has left the building. The evil athiest antisupernatual twins evidence and rational thought seem to have another kill on the record.

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