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Old 07-26-2002, 12:30 PM   #41
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You thought L. Ron Hubbard was a menace? Wait till you hear from his brother (N. Ron Hubbard).
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Old 07-26-2002, 12:42 PM   #42
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Originally posted by RogerLeeCooke:
<strong>You thought L. Ron Hubbard was a menace? Wait till you hear from his brother (N. Ron Hubbard).</strong>
Excellent. My hat is off to you, sir.

And I believe a third family member, Elrond Hubbard, crops up in the Lord Of The Rings. But I might be mistaken.

[ July 26, 2002: Message edited by: TooBad ]</p>
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Old 07-26-2002, 08:09 PM   #43
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Teegeeack? Xenu? L Ron Hubbard ghostwrote all the B-movies! LOL I knew Scientology was stupid, but LOL! The only reason I'm not sending this to all my friends is b/c I live in Scientology, California, b/k/a Los Angeles.
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Old 08-15-2002, 07:22 PM   #44
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Originally posted by braces_for_impact:
<strong> "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous, if a man really wants to make money, he should start his own religion." - L. Ron Hubbard

Need I say more?
Thanks for the L-Ron quote braces, It’ll come in handy.
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Old 10-06-2002, 07:44 PM   #45
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Just remembering L Ron and the mess he made for so many people.
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Old 10-08-2002, 03:01 PM   #46
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Here is a <a href="" target="_blank">List of Celebrities Involved in Scientology</a>. You have to scroll down the page a bit to get to the list, but it's very comprehensive.

Some of the names there sure surprised me- actually the amount of names is what really blew my mind. It's like it's a highly-contagious celebrity disease or something...
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Old 10-08-2002, 06:25 PM   #47
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Originally posted by Sunfair:
<strong>Here is a <a href="" target="_blank">List of Celebrities Involved in Scientology</a>. You have to scroll down the page a bit to get to the list, but it's very comprehensive.

Some of the names there sure surprised me- actually the amount of names is what really blew my mind. It's like it's a highly-contagious celebrity disease or something...</strong>
I was mor ethan a bit surprised and saddened to see Niel gaiman on the list...
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Old 10-08-2002, 08:16 PM   #48
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The "Church" of Scientology (CoS) is definitely no joke. Among other things, their leaders were convicted of infiltrating the FBI, IRS (!) and other government agencies in order to steal and alter records, part of their long (and finally successful) attempt to win a religious tax exemption (see more below).

They operate a variety of front organizations that hide their connection to Scientology.

A couple of years ago I found out that our school nurse innocently invited a group called "Narconon" to give an anti-drug lecture at the school. Something about my then ten-year-old daughter's description of the lecture didn't sound right, so I did my homework. Narconon is another CoS front, and quite a frightening one.

CoS has an organized campaign to infiltrate public schools under the guise of educational groups in order to recruit young kids. A Boston Herald reporter documented their efforts extensively ain the 90's, but he is no longer writing about them. I wonder how they got to him. When he was writing the articles, they launched investigations, spread slander about him, attempted to trump up criminal charges against him, you name it. I am sure they finally wore him down--or found some way to blackmail him to win his silence.

CoS took over a respected support organization for ex-members of dangerous cults after driving it into bankruptcy, the Cult Awareness Network, and now the "Church" operates it, including the hotline, which is still operational, and its Web site, preying on the poor people who call for help with brainwashed sons and daughters.

The current leader of CoS, Heber Jenztsch, is on the lam, hiding from trial for tax fraud in Spain.

They have been implicated in, among other things, "perjury, subornation of perjury, murder, harboring a fugitive, harrassment, treason, practicing medicine without a license, hate crimes, battery, assault, negligence, violations of international law and other crimes." (from Operation Clambake)

They are involved, since 1975 in the literal takeover of the town of Clearwater, Florida.

Their history reads like pulp fiction, except it is real. In the 60's and 70's, they moved their operations into international waters after their (then educational) tax exemption was revoked.

In 1972 they attempted a takeover of Morocco. When Interpol alerted the Moroccan authorities, the CoS's Moroccan military co-conspirators launched a failed coup attempt in a desperate effort to avoid punishment. L. Ron and his cronies fled for their lives.

They have been implicated in espionage operations on the French and Greek governments (they were thrown out of Greece). They are banned in Germany, and face severe scrutiny in the U.K.

In the mid 70's, CoS were deep in a conspiracy to infiltrate the FBI, IRS, and other government agencies. In 1977, over 100 agents of the FBI raided Scientology headquarters on both coasts. A dozen CoS leaders, including L. Ron's wife, were convicted of conspiracy in 1979 and sentenced to long jail terms. L.Ron whent into hiding until his apparent death in 1986.

You know how, in their day, the Jehovah's Witnesses, through various court challenges, were instrumental in the enshrinement of certain 1st Amendment rights? Well, CoS is the leading enemy of free speech in the country and the most aggressive user of intimidation, expensive litigation and political lobbying to suppress fair use and public domain content.

By the way, the long list of celebrity Scientologists is no coincidence, it is part of a deliberate, well-documented campaign by CoS to recruit celebrities as a way of both funding the "Church" and attracting young followers. Celebrities are wined and dined (and offered other, um, "enticements") on the house, in return for their endorsement. It is all run as a slick, fascistic marketing campaign.

Where it turns really ugly is how they hound "defectors", even being implicated in numerous acts of violence. Truly a sick, militaristic fascist cult.

They fought long and hard to get a religious tax exemption and were rebuffed time after time. Know how they finally won it? It was a quid pro quo for Travolta portraying a favorable Clinton-esque character in "Primary Colors". Clinton pushed through an exemption at the end of his term. The self-acknowledged scam of the century is now legally a tax exempt religion.

Don't even get me started on these people. They came right into my town and went after my daughter. I have a file several inches thick on them. They will never be invited back to any school in the area.

Nothing compared to what Op. Clambake has, of course. Their site, at, is the ultimate authority on all things Scientoscumological.
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Old 10-08-2002, 11:03 PM   #49
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WOW!! This thread is quite an eye-opener. I always thought they were crackpots, but didn't know even half of all this! I've followed all the links provided, and they really are very dirty with it all. I've always wondered what attracted celebrities (and I'm now astounded at the list I've just read), but I guess they know their stuff when it comes to wooing celebrity egos.

"Celebrities are very Special people and have a very distinct
line of dissemination. They have comm[unication] lines that others do
not have and many medias to get their dissemination through"

L. Ron Hubbard, from Flag Order 3323, 9 May 1973
Note the Special, with a capital "S".

You can just see them, can't you: "You are from an uber-line of Clears and divine beings - you have the power of true communication and are godly creatures on this earth. Here, let me get you some more lobster with your Dom Perignon and cocaine. I'm gonna make you a star!" *Deep love and appreciation bats it's way through the flattery-hungry celeb's eyelashes at the seemingly divine sychophant with all the lovely money.* Fucking idiots. You just can't respect them when you know they are tied up in stuff like this: I don't care how tight their Hollywood buns are!

If I ever see them, or their headquarters, I'll be in to give them shit. In the nicest possible way, of course.

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: lunachick ]</p>
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Old 02-06-2003, 01:25 AM   #50
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Hi L Ron. This Bumps for you

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