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Old 01-12-2003, 12:52 AM   #181
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Is it too much to hope that your use of italics will also pass?
As soon as you overcome your supercilious drive-by posting tendencies I may, in fact, consider it.

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Old 01-12-2003, 05:35 AM   #182
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Originally posted by Sabine Grant:

I meant to express to Naked Mage that I would welcome a discourse similar to the way Amos expresses his thoughts with great relief coming from my mother.
Uh, whatever. Perhaps you would like to make a list of things that trouble you so I won't inadvertently alight upon them in the future, God forbid.

The rest of your post consisted of blatant observations interspersed with hypersensitive chaff; frankly, I don't know why I bother to address it.

The internal distress she experiences percludes her from any ability to even discuss reality as it is.
This is dissimilar from Amos how, again?

There is a sense of bon vivant in the way Amos expresses himself..... something close to candor.
It's not Amos talking, it's the toad.

I simply and yes react to comments made in a derogatory manner concerning mental illness.
Ha ha! If you say so!

Once we transit from theorical opinions to experience we do become more sensitive to comments made from a theorical point of view.
Short version: "Man stimulate buried bad memories. Kill."

Amos' thoughts cannot be compared to my mother's dereliction.
Oh, but comparing him to a drug addict is okay? Drug addicts don't suffer? Would we even be having this discussion were it not for your own mother's brain disorder? What if she was a terminal acidhead?

Too often comments are used to evaluate one participant or the other as a mentaly ill person.

But mental illness is a cruel reality.
"It's called LIFE, Dib. Now sit down."

Once we have lived it and watched the destructive effects it has on an indvidual who cannot be rescued from that distress, the gratuitous intent to insult someone by using the mental illness route becomes very personal.
Short version: "All this reckless insult-tossing was fun until they got PERSONAL."

I just do not settle for those comments with a smile.
Oddly enough, I've found that this doesn't really bother me.
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Old 01-12-2003, 05:14 PM   #183
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Originally posted by The Naked Mage
Uh, whatever. Perhaps you would like to make a list of things that trouble you so I won't inadvertently alight upon them in the future, God forbid.

The rest of your post consisted of blatant observations interspersed with hypersensitive chaff; frankly, I don't know why I bother to address it.

This is dissimilar from Amos how, again?

It's not Amos talking, it's the toad.

Ha ha! If you say so!

Short version: "Man stimulate buried bad memories. Kill."

Oh, but comparing him to a drug addict is okay? Drug addicts don't suffer? Would we even be having this discussion were it not for your own mother's brain disorder? What if she was a terminal acidhead?


"It's called LIFE, Dib. Now sit down."

Short version: "All this reckless insult-tossing was fun until they got PERSONAL."

Oddly enough, I've found that this doesn't really bother me.
When something does not bother me I simply ignore it. But your lack of accountability in using mental illness as a basis for comparaison about Amos did bother me. I do not know too many folks who go as far as licking toads to access hallucinations. And I do consider a drug addict as needy and deserving of help as a mentaly ill individual.
What was your contribution to this thread? to evaluate that an individual who thinks differently as you do is mentaly ill. What is the next step? even if Amos were mentaly ill as you stated it... what would you do for him other than mocking his psyche? what is your contribution .... really !!!!!

You bet some folks will hold us accountable for radical statements which results in demeaning the character of other individuals. And that is the beauty of the freedom of expression. You can state whichever you want but you will have to also face a possible confrontation and challenge over your statement. And that is exactly what is happening here.
Under what medical basis can you diagnose an individual such as Amos as schizophrenic?
Provide documentation for your diagnosis.
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Old 01-12-2003, 05:37 PM   #184
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Yet, I have not detected any compassionate understanding toward the plight of the native peoples of this continent and Amos' careless and arrogant treatment of my ancestry based upon the bigoted mindset of his christian cult ~ and whatever benefit he hopes I derive from the cultural destruction it designs, Sabine.

This is what *I* hold dear.

In fact, this is what you had to say~ "There is a sense of bon vivant in the way Amos expresses himself..... something close to candor."

Perhaps your religious allegiances are merely more entrenched than I had ever feared.

PS ~ oh also said, "When something does not bother me I simply ignore it. ~~ well, nevermind then.

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Old 01-12-2003, 06:06 PM   #185
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Originally posted by Sabine Grant:

When something does not bother me I simply ignore it. But your lack of accountability in using mental illness as a basis for comparaison about Amos did bother me.

I do not know too many folks who go as far as licking toads to access hallucinations.
Well, you should get out more often. And your use of the phrase "go as far" indicates that you find the act to be overtly harmful or bizarre. Is it really any more hazardous or unreasonable than ingesting a substance that causes your brain to bleed?

Finally, what difference does it make whether or not you "know of too many folks" who do this? Are you suggesting they don't exist, or that if they do, they are so small in number that their plight is negligable?

And I do consider a drug addict as needy and deserving of help as a mentaly ill individual.
Of course you do.

What was your contribution to this thread?
To clear up a misconception, and perhaps also to join in on the vitriol-flurry that's been going on on the last page. Duh.

to evaluate that an individual who thinks differently as you do is mentaly ill.
From what I can tell, Amos's thought processes work in a way alien to average humans. I think that the number of times he has been referred to as "weird" and "crazy" (or synonyms thereof) could be indicative of this being a wideheld opinion on these boards.

Furthermore, your comment about evaluating anybody who thinks differently from you as mentally ill positively drips with irony. Tell me, Sabine, how did you think mental illnesses were diagnosed? The majority decides what is the norm, and Amos is one-of-a-kind in these parts.

All the same, I was only half-serious when I told him I saw him as schizophrenic. I'm sure he's just a weirdo.

What is the next step? even if Amos were mentaly ill as you stated it... what would you do for him other than mocking his psyche?
If Amos really were mentally ill, the reasoning behind his half-crazed posts would be self-evident. Mocking would be unnecessary.

what is your contribution .... really !!!!!
Oh, what is it REALLY? Well, I used my thought-sucking alien technology to find out what subjects are touchy for you and then posted them in this thread, just to get your goat. And then I'm going to take Amos with me back to the mother ship, from which he escaped a couple of years ago.

Seriously, see above.

You bet some folks will hold us accountable for radical statements which results in demeaning the character of other individuals.
So why does Ronin get off easy from this smack-down? Oh, right, because your mother wasn't a toad-licker...

And that is the beauty of the freedom of expression.
<sings "America the Beautiful" or somesuch>

You can state whichever you want but you will have to also face a possible confrontation and challenge over your statement. And that is exactly what is happening here.
Imagine - the hypersensitive as confrontationalist. What's next, bigoted Nazis?

Under what medical basis can you diagnose an individual such as Amos as schizophrenic? Provide documentation for your diagnosis.
Sorry if my dry humor is a little too...err...dry.
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Old 01-12-2003, 07:17 PM   #186
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Originally posted by Amos
Ah, but you fail to recognize that a great God is needed to create a great civilization. This is based on the fact (not just anthro 101) that the mythology is for the survival and prosperity of the tribe, and this is exactly why the Catholic Church was and still is the driving force of our civilization and therefore can overshadow all other (minor) mythologies.
It may be a fact (accepting for the sake of argument) that mythology has grown as a natural part of human evolution, and that shared mythology has in the past held together primitive tribes - but:

1. It does not therefore follow that "a great God is needed to create a great civilisation".

2. It does not therefore follow that "the Catholic Church was and still is the driving force of our civilisation."

3. This is not about whether or not mythology per se is necessary or beneficial; it is about a particular primitive and authoritarian institution which is based on mythology but goes well beyond that in its negative impact on the world. Hitler comparisons are tedious - but so often apposite. The Third Reich was based in part on mythology - Norse mythology, the superiority of the Aryan Race, the mythology of Hitler, etc. That mythology very nearly created a new "civilisation". I stress - my point is not "the Catholic Church is comparable to Hitler" - my point is, that merely citing the alleged benefits of a shared mythology does not provide an argument which supports the Catholic Church.
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Old 01-12-2003, 07:39 PM   #187
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Originally posted by Ronin
Yet, I have not detected any compassionate understanding toward the plight of the native peoples of this continent and Amos' careless and arrogant treatment of my ancestry based upon the bigoted mindset of his christian cult ~ and whatever benefit he hopes I derive from the cultural destruction it designs, Sabine.

This is what *I* hold dear.

In fact, this is what you had to say~ "There is a sense of bon vivant in the way Amos expresses himself..... something close to candor."

Perhaps your religious allegiances are merely more entrenched than I had ever feared.

PS ~ oh also said, "When something does not bother me I simply ignore it. ~~ well, nevermind then.

Ronin... it does bother me that you assume here that I support bigot comments regarding any particular groups. Candor .. yes I do find some candor in the way he expresses himself since I am not so sure he realizes the implications of what he said in regard to native americans and Europeans. As a far as the bon vivant aspect, he seems to find his way out of gratuitous provocations with a touch of humour which I wish I could do myself.

Please do not bang your brilliant mind against a wall of assumptions any further.
Amos and I differ on many views. The difference is that we have chosen to respect our individualities rather than give in to assertions of mental illnesses or other demeaning comments.

Now... why are you picking on my bone when I am in trouble with Naked Mage for letting you off easy? he seems to percieve that I somehow favor you over the other participants who may make demeaning comments.

I guess we are at a point now to ask Amos directly if he has any prejudices against Native Americans and Europeans.

AMOS : do you think that Native Americans needed to be persecuted and partialy exterminated by christians to promote christianity? ( and of course steal their land). Are you familiar with the term First Nation in Canada? have you learned about shamanism?

You are on Amos....
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Old 01-12-2003, 07:43 PM   #188
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Sorry if my dry humor is a little too...err...dry. [/B][/QUOTE]

"Sorry" is the way to go. ((((( Naked Mage)))))
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Old 01-12-2003, 11:06 PM   #189
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Ronin... it does bother me that you assume here that I support bigot comments regarding any particular groups.
Sabine ~ up until this very post I have shown how your responses promoted that perception in support of Amos’ ‘bon vivant’ attitude and implication that “tribal america” was inferior.

Candor .. yes I do find some candor in the way he expresses himself since I am not so sure he realizes the implications of what he said in regard to native americans and Europeans.
Well, now we mutually begin to understand that where one may find candor another an affront.

I chose to challenge Amos’ blather regarding his catholic elitism with irreverent wit to which Mage chimed in.

As a far as the bon vivant aspect, he seems to find his way out of gratuitous provocations with a touch of humour which I wish I could do myself.
He, Sabine, is a vague irrational mystic that can dance around important theistic issues with almost as much skill as yourself. Your support of him is telling.

Please do not bang your brilliant mind against a wall of assumptions any further.
I will stop as soon as you provide evidence to the contrary ~ until then I must make assessments directly with the use of your direct statements.

Amos and I differ on many views. The difference is that we have chosen to respect our individualities rather than give in to assertions of mental illnesses or other demeaning comments.
Absolute bullshit, Sabine ~ neither of you (until now) have done anything to show respect for my ancestry. Furthermore, the kind, innocent, and 'bon vivant' Amos here has continued to promote his catholic nonsense to me ~ unabated by you.

Perhaps you can reread these demeaning posts again and come to a different conclusion.

Now... why are you picking on my bone when I am in trouble with Naked Mage for letting you off easy? he seems to percieve that I somehow favor you over the other participants who may make demeaning comments.
Christians are crunchier, of course.

~ and because I can perceive that The Naked Mage was sarcastic regarding Amos' continued flirtation with utter senselessness.

Amos, on the other hand ~ was elitist, bigoted and demeaning to an entire culture.

I guess we are at a point now to ask Amos directly if he has any prejudices against Native Americans and Europeans.

AMOS : do you think that Native Americans needed to be persecuted and partialy exterminated by christians to promote christianity? ( and of course steal their land). Are you familiar with the term First Nation in Canada? have you learned about shamanism?

You are on Amos....
Better yet, Amos, spin your obvious assertion that ‘civilization’ has prospered beyond those old savage injuns into some “Alpha is the mind, therefore Joseph is Jesus in a naturally supreme catholic mythology because God is the husband and son of Mary to which we should all sing Ave Maria in order to come to the one true understanding” crack induced gibbity gabbity goop.

Why let everyone down?

Besides, apparently, Sabine mysteriously missed it the first go 'round.
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Old 01-13-2003, 03:28 AM   #190
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Lightbulb EUREKA!

Better yet, Amos, spin your obvious assertion that ‘civilization’ has prospered beyond those old savage injuns into some “Alpha is the mind, therefore Joseph is Jesus in a naturally supreme catholic mythology because God is the husband and son of Mary to which we should all sing Ave Maria in order to come to the one true understanding” crack induced gibbity gabbity goop.
THAT is what speaks through the mouthpiece that is Amos! CRACK!!!
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