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Old 08-10-2002, 01:25 PM   #21
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Phil TK...

Well, I will reply to this thread but am aghast that the 'probability' of someone patronising me seems to be shamefully high. I'm a newish member and there is no evidence I'd automatically bomb out because I'm a 'bigot'as you kindly pontificated Theli.
Sorry about that. We get alot of people here who just post one post on a thread, spilling out his 'opinions' about people on this board, and then never replies. Those are not here to host meaningful discussion, but rather make empty claims without backing them up.
You have already made some claims about this board, and I would like to see you defend them.
Moving on...

What on earth gave you reason to believe I wouldn't reply? Now who's a bigot?
So, I'm a bigot because I thought you were a bigot?
But under the same criteria doesn't that make you a bigot too? Thus I was right all along.

Anyway, let me comment on 'probability' -consider this illustration if you will.
A hypothetical example?
Then I will take it as a hypothesis, not truth.

If I was an unequivical, observing space alien who's been around for a trillion years and knew pretty much tons more about the universe than humans do. What do you think my 'probable' answer would be if I was asked this question?.
The answer to the question I thought was most probable, unless I would have some reason for not trusting the alien that is.

Q 'These humans here have at least 3000 years accumulated knowledge of theology and scientific principles - now then, do they understand enough about the universe to figure out if there is a diety or not?
With how much certainty?
If they were to answer the question they would have to base their answer on knowledge they possess, not on knowledge they don't possess, or will possess. If they have no knowledge of such a deity they should answer - no.
On the other hand, if you asked them if it was possible that a deity existed, their answer should be different.

I think his 'probable' reply (after a knowing chuckle) would be a resounding 'Nope'
So, what do you base that on?

Ok, he might say 'yes' but if he did, he could only be 'God'.
This should be interesting...

n other words, if a man believes in a mindset as finite as Theism or Atheism -he must know something that I as an agnostic do not, something a buddhist would call total enlightenement. Reasoning alone is not enough -we don't know enough. (which is why we have the Secular Web)
Now you are talking about 100% certainty. Why should we need 100% certainty? It's not excacly a practical mindset.
I would like you to put your total agnocisism into practice. Walk to the nearest heavy trafficated freeway, and walk straight across it, not caring about the cars that will probably run you over.
Keep in mind, you don't have enough knowlegde to know they will hit you, and you definatly don't have enough knowledge to know that they are actually there. Remember, you are an agnostic. And to not use this line of thinking regarding the cars, but using it regarding god, is what?
--Special Pleading--

But in reality, Thiests and atheists today don't know anything more about the universe than I do...
I agree. But there is definatly a difference between our ways of dealing with that knowledge (or lack thereof).

not by merit of comparison to my own personal knowledge but because all our perceptions are very limited at this time -we are 'newbies' in our universe. On such limited experience our reasoning has simply produced belifs that are bottomless pits.
Wich beliefs is that?

In reply to being agnostic about self-contradictory Gods etc. Well I think most agnostics have the view that religions in this world are 'probably' fatally corrupted by texts that have been penned by man yet masquerade as the 'Word of God'
This is my opinion, atleast. I wouldn't really call it corrupted though. As I don't think there were any foul play, just a wild imagination + lacking knowledge.

Perhaps there is a god after all, but we just have out of date and corrupted manuals down here (Bibles, Koran etc.)
I don't think a new manual will do the job.
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Old 08-10-2002, 01:32 PM   #22
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Originally posted by Theli:
<strong>I don't think a new manual will do the job.</strong>
But ya just never know.
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Old 08-10-2002, 03:11 PM   #23
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Originally posted by lcb:
<strong>not one atheist has been able to prove to me that the restoration prophecies were self fulfilling.</strong>
So what? We don't need your acknowledgement.

so i am doing better than you philo.</strong>
'Snot me you need to worry about, fella.

and its "Pascal's wager "plus"-and its that "plus" that has them we watch those war clouds over the middle east and the nuclear weapons programs of iraq/iran/syria/pakistan/india/etc.....</strong>
There's much more needed for possible world destruction than weapons programs in the Middle East.

and there is a real place called armageddon....(steady as she goes)</strong>
WTF? I have the film around here somewhere.
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Old 08-10-2002, 04:11 PM   #24
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ahhh, theology, bible prophecy and islamic jihad converge in these latter days with those freelancing former Soviet weapons experts and Nebudchenezzer wannabe Saddam Hussein and all the trade center and soon the dirty radiological nasties and that is only the beginning. The secular humanists are in charge and all is well!!!
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Old 08-10-2002, 05:50 PM   #25
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So what if I can never know whether God really exists? So far evidence says, he does not. In everyday life I operate under the assumption that there is no God and do not worry about whether I shall be proved wrong.

If someone claims to be God and performs miracles, how do you know that he is not actually your billion year old alien? You can never know for sure, can you?
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Old 08-10-2002, 06:03 PM   #26
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well hinduwoman, IF that "alien" has the power to allow humans to live forever in a wonderful place, then i guess he becomes something of an alien "god analog" then and, in a sense, he is who he says he is, since he can name himself and define himself.
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Old 08-12-2002, 12:22 PM   #27
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Originally posted by lcb:
<strong>well hinduwoman, IF that "alien" has the power to allow humans to live forever in a wonderful place, then i guess he becomes something of an alien "god analog" then and, in a sense, he is who he says he is, since he can name himself and define himself.</strong> mean like "Q", from Star Trek Next Gen?

We have no proof that anyone or anything can do this yet either, 1cb, only hearsay evidence from stories and testimonies in an ancient book that elevates one of many religious myths in our civilization, to the level of "reality" for those gullible enough to believe it is true. <img src="graemlins/banghead.gif" border="0" alt="[Bang Head]" />

Do you have any solid, irrefutable evidence that what YOU say really happens? Clue: 'faith' and 'because the bible says so' do not constitute irrefutable evidence.

It is easier to believe in the possibility that a very advanced species of alien, which began its evolutionary journey a billion years before us, could one day develop seemingly (to us anyway) supernatural powers enabling them to manipulate their environment, than it is to buy in to the mythical notion that an omniscient eternal being existed BEFORE everything else began. This is just man-made mythology.
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Old 08-12-2002, 05:01 PM   #28
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many times i have seen atheists argue that the theist concept of "God" may in reality be an alien or super race of aliens. do those atheists regard that "God" or god analog as being mythical?
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Old 08-12-2002, 06:44 PM   #29
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Hello Everyone!

My thoughts on this subject: I really do agree that no one can know for sure whether or not God exists without they themselves being God. (This is all assuming that what I believe about God to be at least close to correct)

Um, excuse me, I'm a strong atheist. Some dude dressed in burning bushes could jump down my chimney, conjure a cross with christmas lights a-dangling and I STILL wouldn't believe that he's God.

To me, the whole tooth fairy, santa claus analogies are very flawed when you are referring to atheism, or belief in a God. No one actually believes that santa is real, except for children but many many people believe in a God of some sort.In my opinion, it is very patronizing and insulting to compare somone who holds belief in a God to a small child who simply knows no better.

And thusly, they are totally irrelevant of one another...many people are angered when compared in this way becuase the person doing the comparing comes off as elitist and arrogant. As if to imply that they are "above" the person they are currently belittling.

These are just my opinions as a deist, and I certainly mean to offend no one. You can read a little more about me in the welcome forum!
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Old 08-12-2002, 07:38 PM   #30
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excellent, excellent points XMX! i see alot of "fait accompli" arguments from atheists here.
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